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Update for Starsight
(→‎Knowledge of Old Earth: Update for Starsight)
(Update for Starsight)
Etiqueta: status-change
|parents=[[Spensa's great-grandmother]] & [[Spensa's great-grandfather]]
|children=[[Zeen Nightshade]]
|descendants=[[Spensa Nightshade]]
|universe=[[Skyward Universe]]
|books=[[Skyward (series)|Skyward]]
|We ''must not'' cower in the dark because we are afraid of the spark within us.
|Becca on Cytoniccytonic abilities{{book ref|Skyward|45}}
'''Becca Nightshade''' ('''Gran-Gran''') was a member of the crew of the [[Defiant]] and is now a resident of [[Igneous Cavern]].{{book ref|Skyward|1}} She is aware of, and may have,has [[Cytonicscytonics|Cytoniccytonic]] abilities and does not consider them to be dangerous.{{book ref|Skyward|45}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Becca is mostly blind and has milky white eyes, having lost her vision a few years ago. She has sticklike arms.{{book ref|Skyward|1}} Based on the amount of time since the crash of the Defiant, she is at least eighty years old.{{book ref|Skyward|17}}
She is a fierce defender of Cytonicscytonics and believes the [[DDF]] falsified the account of [[Zeen Nightshade|her son's]] betrayal during the [[Battle of Alta]] because they were afraid of his Cytoniccytonic abilities.{{book ref|Skyward|45}}
She has always wanted to return to the stars, but is not strong enough to use her cytonic abilities to travel through the [[Nowhere]]. She also believes her mother brought the Defiant to Detritus because she felt something that the crew needed on that planet.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}}
== History ==
Not much is known about what she did in the years following the crash of the Defiant, though she claims that those who worked in the engine room, Clan Motorskaps, stuck together.{{book ref|Skyward|1}} Since at least the time of her son's death, she has been living with her granddaughter, [[Spensa Nightshade]], and [[Spensa's mother]]. Since Spensa's mother is forbidden a job, she assists in keeping the family financially stable by helping prepare algae wraps and the rats Spensa kills to be sold. While living with Spensa, she frequently tells her granddaughter the stories of Old Earth heroes that she heard from her father and says that all of Old Earth's great warriors are Spensa's ancestors.{{book ref|Skyward|1}}
After the [[Battle of Alta Second]], she begins to develop a relationship with the new DDF Admiral of the Fleet, [[Matthew Cobb|Cobb]].{{book ref|Starsight|4}} When [[Jorgen Weight]] reveals to Cobb that he has cytonic abilities, he sends Jorgen to train with Becca.{{book ref|Starsight|i|1}} She insists the Jorgen call her "Gran-Gran" and trains him by teaching him to bake bread with his eyes closed and by trying to get him to reach out and sense the world cytonically. She also tells him the story of [[#Knowledge of Old Earth|Stanislav]] and tells him that her mother's decision to bring the Defiant to Detritus taught her that a hero has to know "''when'' to disobey orders."{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}} While she is training Jorgen, Spensa is able to contact her with her cytonic abilities and she encourages Spensa to face her trials, no matter how ill-suited to them she feels.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}}{{book ref|Starsight|25}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
=== Cytonic Abilities ===
Becca has cytonic abilities, though she admits that she is not strong enough to perform more difficult applications, like travel through the Nowhere.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}} Despite her blindness, she has an unerring ability to focus on someone during a conversation, tell when someone has arrived before they speak, and notice even minute details like someone rolling or opening their eyes;{{book ref|Skyward|1}}{{book ref|Skyward|45}}{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}} this suggests she uses her cytonic abilities to Sense the world around her and overcome her blindness, much like [[Jason Write]] did.{{book ref|Defending Elysium}} She is also able to engage in faster-than-light communication with Spensa,{{book ref|Starsight|25}} though she was not strong enough to maintain the connection for long.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}}
As her mother, her son, and her granddaughter all have Cytonic abilities, it is likely that Becca does as well. The fact that her mother had her perform exercises to "listen to the stars" suggests that, at minimum, her mother though it likely that Becca would develop Cytonic abilities{{book ref|Skyward|1}} and the DDF seems to believe that Cytonic abilities are inherited.{{book ref|Skyward|40}} Furthermore, despite her blindness, Becca is able to unerringly focus her eyes on Spensa during a conversation,{{book ref|Skyward|45}} which seems similar to how [[Jason Write]] overcame his blindness by using his Cytonic abilities to Sense the world around him.{{book ref|elysium}} If Becca can use Cytonics in this way, that would explain her ability to tell when Spensa has come to visit her before Spensa even says a word and how she "saw" Spensa roll her eyes.{{book ref|Skyward|1}}{{book ref|Skyward|45}}
If Becca does have Cytonic abilities, it is unclear how extensive her training is. She seems to be able to Sense, and her mother likely trained her in faster-than-light travel, though it is unknown whether she actually mastered that skill. It is also unclear whether she is aware of or trained in other abilities, such as faster-than-light communication or mindblades.
== Relationships ==
=== Spensa ===
Spensa is very close to her grandmother. She enjoys all of Becca's stories about the warriors of Old Earth and frequently looks to them for inspiration and courage.{{book ref|Skyward|1}} After she begins to find out the truth of her father's Cytonic abilities and his actions during the Battle of Alta, Spensa seeks out Becca for answers, though they are not entirely to her liking.{{book ref|Skyward|45}} Ultimately, however, Spensa chooses her grandmother's tales of heroism over the DDF's fears of the "defect" and both flies{{book ref|Skyward|49}} and travels to space{{book ref|Skyward|55}} during the Second Battle of Alta.
|A hero does not choose her trials, Spensa. She steps into the darkness [and] then she faces what comes next
|Becca to Spensa about being a hero{{book ref|Starsight|25}}
Spensa is very close to her grandmother. She enjoys all of Becca's stories about the warriors of Old Earth and frequently looks to them for inspiration and courage.;{{book ref|Skyward|1}} AfterBecca specifically told her those stories because she beginsfelt Spensa needed to hear them.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}} After Spensa began to find out the truth of her father's Cytoniccytonic abilities and his actions during the Battle of Alta, Spensashe seekssought out Becca for answers, though they are not entirely to her liking.{{book ref|Skyward|45}} Ultimately, however, Spensa chooseschoose her grandmother's tales of heroism over the DDF's fears of the "defect" and both flies{{book ref|Skyward|49}} and travels to space{{book ref|Skyward|55}} during the Second Battle of Alta Second. When Spensa is feeling overwhelmed by her mission to [[Starsight (space station)|Starsight]], Becca is able to contact her cytonically and reassure her.{{book ref|Starsight|25}}
=== Spensa's Mother ===
Despite the fact that they live together, Becca's relationship with Spensa's mother is quite strained. Spensa's mother feels that Becca focuses too intensely on heritage, and tells Spensa that Becca makes it "a box instead of an inspiration."{{book ref|Skyward|45}} This disagreement runs deep enough that Spensa's mother forbade Becca from telling Spensa about her family's history of Cytoniccytonic abilities. Despite their differences, however, both women are adamant that Spensa's father was not a coward.
=== Cobb ===
Becca seems to have taken a liking to the DDF's new Admiral of the Fleet after the Battle of Alta Second, Cobb. On at least one occasion, she bakes him pie, which he says is "excellent." In turn, he respects her enough to care for Spensa for her sake and to send Jorgen Weight to her instead of the DDF's Psychological Corps when he admits to having cytonic abilities.{{book ref|Starsight|4}}{{book ref|Starsight|i|1}}
=== Jorgen Weight ===
Becca teaches Jorgen to use his cytonic abilities to sense the world around him in strange ways, such as by teaching him to bake bread with his eyes closed. She expects him to resent this and try to cheat at it, like Spensa did, but Jorgen treats her as his new commanding officer and readily follows her orders; she has to instruct him to call her "Gran-Gran" instead of "sir." As she begins to understand him, she tells him the story of Stanislav to teach him that heroes have to know when to trust their instincts and disobey orders.{{book ref|Starsight|i|2}} He accepts her teachings enough to follow the sounds he cytonically hears coming from below the [[deep caverns]] for several days, without any direct orders, which eventually leads him to a cavern with hundreds of [[taynix]].{{book ref|Starsight|epilogue}}
== Notes ==
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