Diferencia entre revisiones de «Heraldo»

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=== Other ===
Apart from the Surges, Heralds get a number of other advantages, although what precisely they are is uncertain.{{wob ref|3623}}{{wob ref|6898}} It's possible that those include superhuman speed and reflexes.{{book ref|sa2|88}} However, they are also said to have no innate powers, suggesting that whatever they can do is the result of either their connection to Honor or their own experience.{{wob ref|1050}} Moreover, each Herald had their own field of expertise, such as medicine or smithing, and the knowledge of how to teach those skills to others.{{book ref|sa3|47}} Heralds are able to share pain with each other through their bond, but it is unknown if they can do this outside of Braize.{{book ref|sa3|38}} They are also able to sense when another Herald has permanently died, which can cause them enough shock to render them temporally unconscious.{{book ref|sa3|121}}
Some Heralds are more [[Cosmere]]-aware than others.{{wob ref|11756}} A few of them are aware of [[AonDor]], but only on a conceptual level.{{wob ref|12021}}


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