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418 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
Status update, other edits
m (Update)
m (Status update, other edits)
'''Note''': I don't have access to my books right now, so mostmy ofplan mywas editsto willwork beon updating references and things like that. I've since gotten into working on the cosmere page, which is mostly WoBs and I'm filling in book refs off of things that I remember and can then look up on Google Books and our book summaries. I should be back to book content in December.
I started reading Brandon's works in 2015 and have been following the community on and off since then. I finally decided to start contributing here in 2019. I'm new to editing wikis, so I'm mostly going to be using this page for figuring that out and drafting articles.
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*[[Cosmere]]: Was updating some references here and saw (a) there's some content that needs to be updated; (b) some of the sections seem to be a little too detailed (looking at you, all that MB Era 1 info); and (c) the references aren't importing right because there are too many. Seeing what I can do about that on a subpage here before I go around changing the actual page too much.
*[[Tanavast]] and [[Honor]]: Working out the difference between Vessel and Shard pages and adding detail.
*'''Things I've noticed may need some help while working on the cosmere page and may try to work on later''':
**[[Realmatic Theory]]
'''Small Workspace (Currently for Cosmerecosmere revisions)'''<br>
'''Outline''' Code: <span style="background:#FF0000">Not Started</span>, <span style="background:#FFFF00">Started</span>, <span style="background:#FF00FF">Written; Needs Citations</span>, <span style="background:#00FFFF">Written; Revising</span>, <span style="background:#00FF00">Complete</span>
*<span style="background:#FF0000">Intro</span>
*<span style="background:#FF0000FFFF00">Properties and Forces (Properties?)</span>
*<span style="background:#00FFFF">Planets</span>
*<span style="background:#00FF00">History</span>
**<span style="background:#FF0000">Before the Shattering</span>
**<span style="background:#FF0000">The Shattering of Adonalsium</span>
**<span style="background:#FF000000FFFF">Odium's Quest</span>
**<span style="background:#FF00FF">The Ascension of Harmony</span>
**<span style="background:#FF0000">Splintering of Honor and the True Desolation</span>

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