Diferencia entre revisiones de «Zapador»

175 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
Etiqueta: status-change
The ancient humans who constructed [[M-Bot]] considered the eyes to be a hostile and dangerous force, and took measures to avoid catching their attention. This involved abandoning more advanced technologies in favor of the radio and shielding faster processors, suggesting that the eyes are capable of perceiving some sort of electronic activity, or perhaps only the mix of cytonics and technology.{{book ref|skyward|31}} [[Spensa]] also speculates that M-Bot's faster-than-light capacities have been disabled due to the hostility of the eyes; however, short-distance jumps seem safe to make.{{book ref|skyward|54}}
The [[Krell]], on the other hand, do not appear concerned with the eyes, freely using the nowhere space for their own purposes. M-Bot also seems to use the nowhere to augment his processing capacity with no ill effects, although he could be shielded to protect him from the eyes.{{book ref|skyward|55}}{{book ref|skyward|31}}
Notably, the eyes don't appear to human cytonics several centuries prior, before the war that decimated humanity.{{book ref|elysium}} As such, it can be surmised that they were either created or awakened during the war.
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