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m (Fixed the reference for his backstory.)
'''Human''' was a [[koloss]] that was created some time before the [[Lord Ruler|Lord Ruler's]] death. He was a relatively minor character in [[the Hero of Ages]], and had two small viewpoints in the final section of the book. Human, when pushed, showed [[Vin]] how koloss were made, and served Vin to a very limited degree for a short time, although hating her by his own admission. He is also one of the koloss that discovers the empty [[atium]] cache in the [[kandra]] [[Homeland]] toward the conclusion of the book.
Human, when pushed, showed [[Vin]] how koloss were made, and served Vin to a very limited degree for a short time, although hating her by his own admission. He is also one of the koloss that discovers the empty [[atium]] cache in the [[kandra]] [[Homeland]] toward the conclusion of the book.
== The Hero of Ages ==
Vin questioned Human about the mists, whether he and the other koloss feared them. He responded by stating that mist does not kill, thus it is nothing to fear, just like any other weather. But he continued his line of thought, and stated that he hates the mists, because he can feel their hatred of him, and reckognised that Vin felt the same; that the mists hate her. This was, of course, due to having [[hemalurgy|hemalurgic]] spikes, but niether of the two realised this at the time.{{ref|b|mb3|c|15}}
Yet again later, shortly after [[Yomen|Yomen's]] attack upon Elend's camp, Human surprises Vin with the first known indication of values from a koloss, stating that it's not right that he shows her how koloss are made. Vin Pushes Human [[allomancyAllomancy|allomanticallyAllomantically]] to get him to reveal how koloss are created, and he screamed, then proceeded to run into the human camp with a dead koloss, and immediately attempted to take the hemalurgic spikes from the koloss and place them into a wounded human soldier, but Vin stopped him, and finally discovered how koloss are created. Human once again stated that he is human.{{ref|b|mb3|c|37}}
During the final conflict between [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]], ([[Ati]] and Vin) Human lead koloss soldiers inside the underground tunnels of the kandra Homeland, all under the influence of Ruin. Human was aware that it was Ruin controlling him, and that Ruin was far more powerful than Vin. Ruin forced Human and his soldiers to ignore the humans in order to find the atium, and he entered the kandra atium storage, only to find it empty of all the atium.{{ref|b|mb3|c|81}}
== Notes ==
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