Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shu-Dereth»

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;Ghajan Monastery: One of many monasteries that train warriors. [[Hrathen]] trained here after leaving Dakhor.{{book ref|elantris|36}}
;Rathbore Monastery: Trains assassins.{{book ref|elantris|17}} In general very few individuals may make use of Rathbore-trained assassins, gyorns and Wyrn being some of them.{{book ref|elantris|36}} Potential members may be required to kill someone before being admitted, as [[Fjon]] was required to kill Hrathen before being admitted.{{book ref|elantris|62}}
== Theories and Speculations ==
* The god [[Jaddeth]] could be based on the [[Shard]] [[Dominion]], as Derethi-majority Fjorden seeks to expand the Fjordell Empire across the, similar to the Dominion's Shardic Intent of Dominion.
== Notes ==


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