Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lift»

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According to the Stormfather, Lift's boon is unique, as it allows her control over the visions entrusted to him by [[Honor]]. She is able to enter the visions without the Stormfather's help, leaving on her own and taking [[Yanagawn]] with her. This infuriated the Stormfather, as the Nightwatcher had effectively diminished his authority.{{book ref|sa3|42}}
== Relationships ==
=== Yanagawn ===
Lift met [[Gawx]] when she joined [[Huqin]]'s crew in [[Azimir]]. The two infiltrate the Brass Palace together, and when one of [[Nale]]'s apprentices kills Gawx, Lift rescues him, and the freshly-minted Prime Aquasix pardons her.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}} This forges a strong bond between the two; following those events, she remains in Azimir at his side, and when she does briefly leave for [[Yeddaw]], he's ready to grant her his authority with the local government. {{book ref|sa2.5|13}}
By the time [[Dalinar]] begins to curry favour with the Azish, Yanagawn considers her one of his closest and most valuable advisor, even if he must on occassion listen to others; she, in turn, strives to aid him as best she can.{{book ref|sa3|42}} While he does have a guard stationed by her quarters as the fleet leaves, he doesn't begrudge her knocking them out and leaving.{{book ref|sa3|116}}
=== Dalinar ===
When Lift first sees [[Dalinar]], she is highly mistrustful of him, both because of his past as the Blackthorn and because he is unlike other government official she's familiar with (in her words, "his butt is too nice").{{book ref|sa3|42}} She is more open to listening to him after seeing his first confrontation with [[Odium]].{{book ref|sa3|57}} She steals his food when he's waiting for the officials' decision in [[Azimir]]. That he does not begrudge her for it seems to earn him some points with her, and she even agrees to share some of the stolen food back.{{book ref|sa3|65}}
Following their face-to-face meeting, Lift's opinion of Dalinar is drastically better. She argues for him with Yanagawn after the Azish choose to pull out of the coalition and is ready to face Odium by his side and follow his orders without question. He, in turn, treats her like another soldier rather than a child, and trusts her to do her job, which might be why she takes a shine to him.{{book ref|sa3|116}}{{book ref|sa3|117}}
== Quotes ==
Editors, Keepers


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