Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Stargazer»

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As her number of pilots and acclivity rings dwindles, she eventually decides to make a bold strike for a shipyard in a decaying orbit.{{book ref|sky1|i|3}} When a lifeburster enters the battle, she orders her pilots to keep it away from the shipyard, even if that sends it towards Alta. When it does, in fact, make for Alta Base, she decides to order a flight of just scouts, including [[Cloak]] and [[FM]], to engage it. The scouts successfully shoot it down, but, when the bomb lands, it takes out some of the DDF AA guns.{{book ref|sky1|48}} At that juncture, a second Krell fleet, with another lifeburster, enters and slips through the hole in the defenses, leading her to relaize that she has been outmanuvered and possibly "doomed all of humankind."{{book ref|sky1|49}} As the lifeburster nears the "death zone," past which its detonation will take out Alta Base, she accepts her death and authorizes Spensa and the other pilots to shoot it down regardless, in the hopes of saving Igneous.{{book ref|sky1|50}}{{book ref|sky1|52}}
After the Krell are defeated and Spensa manages to save Alta, she decides to pardon Chaser and tries to convince Spensa not fly to space, to no avail.{{book ref|sky1|54}} When Spensa returns, she sees little value in the information that M-Bot hacked from the Krell, as it does not change the fact the DDF is still facing down a superior force.{{book ref|sky1|epilogue}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==

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