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=== Layout ===
//gates and districts (slums, commercial district ...) <br>
The [[River Channerel]] runs straight through Luthadel.{{map ref|Luthadel}} <br>
Fellise acted as a small suburb-style city an hour outside of Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Luthadel had a city wall (was the only city in the Final Empire{{cite}}). Even more suburb-style cities than only Fellise.{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
The Cracks: one of many skaa slums.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
Commercial district was for fortunate skaa and less fortunate nobles, tried to ignore each other. Luthadel had a lot of squares, and the larger ones often had fountains.{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
(The Twists: one of the most impoverished skaa slums.{{book ref|mb1|27}})
=== Architecture ===
Terris stewards/servants.{{book ref|mb1|10}}{{expand}} <br>
Noblemen considered it an insult to use (emotional) Allomancy in formal settings.{{book ref|mb1|11}}
=== Middle class ===
Most skaa died before Vin's age (16 years{{cite}}).{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
Skaa also worked in mines, had twelve-hour work days.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
Begging was only allowed if one had severe disfigurements.{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
=== Underground ===
Successful crew leader gains wealth for entire crew, by sometimes tempting to kill crew leader and take money. Scavenging and begging is difficult in Luthadel. About 1:10000 Mistings among skaa-halfbreeds, depending on lineage.{{book ref|mb1|3}} <br>
2 types of crews: regular ones like Camon's and Theron's (crumbs), and special crews that used Allomancers (extremely skillful, foolhardy and talented). Didn't mix, but Misting crews sometimes hired regular crews for mundane work and choose a representative (twixt). Allomancer crews were often small and specialized and worked together. Larger portion of underground: thieves, crews whores and beggars; other side: rebels.{{book ref|mb1|4}} <br>
Kelsier was already most infamous crewleader, a legend, in Luthadel before Hathsin. Robbed from wealthiest Great Houses and brought them to their knees. HadOne had to overcome fear of Mists to get somewhere in the underworld. Mistcloak warns city guard and other Mistborn to not to bother you.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Nearly all Mistborn are members of Great Houses, or else minor nobles, only very few half-skaa.{{book ref|mb1|7}} <br>
Canton of inquisition has the most threatening reputation, followed by Canton of Orthodoxy, then Canton of Finance and Canton of Resource. Acolytes trained in the north, and got final instructions in Luthadel, secretly taking atium with them{{expand}}{{cite}}. Obligators are trained to recognize emotional allomancy.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Cantons have their headquarters in Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|6}}/{{map ref|Luthadel}} <br>
Usually when the Ministry discovered a thieving crew, obligators with their troops went to capture the thieves and made a good show of them on an execution day, only in special cases (often involving Allomancy) Inquisitors went to kill the entire crew direct and left the massacre to be discovered. There were about 20 inquisitors in the Final Empire, half of them in Luthadel. Hanging people with a hook through the head was a ritual killing "reserved for the most reprehensible of sinners: people who misuse Allomancy".{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
=== During the New Empire ===
Trade and transport to and from Luthadel often happened using canal boats.{{book ref|mb1|1}} <br>
Main export product is metal, hundreds of forges and refineries in Luthadel, even though the [[River Channerel]] provides excellent opportunity to mills for grinding grains and making textiles. Bells chime when skaa must get to work in the morning.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Money currency: boxings{{book ref|mb1|3}} (, clip smallest coin{{book ref|mb1|7}}.) <br>
Lord Ruler is dependent upon atium sale for keeping up his army.{{book ref|mb1|4}} <br>
Many canal routes in the Final Empire. Narrowboats and barges that needed to get pulled were used. Most noblemen used skaa workers instead of horses for this.{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
1/10th of all atium mined at Pits of Hathsin was sold to nobles, at exorbitant prices.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
In Luthadel, especially in the slums, there were many soup kitchens. Local skaa earned meal tokens for the time they worked, and in their short break at midday they could spend these tokens for a meal. Local lords/nobles, owners of a local forge or mill, paid these kitchens to avoid the costs of providing on-site meals. The kitchen owners was paid directly, so he saved as much as possible on ingredients, resulting in food as tasty as ashwater. & 1/10th of all atium mined at Pits of Hathsin was sold to nobles, at exorbitant prices.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
=== Organization ===
In Luthadel, especially in the slums, there were many soup kitchens. Local skaa earned meal tokens for the time they worked, and in their short break at midday they could spend these tokens for a meal. Local lords/nobles, owners of a local forge or mill, paid these kitchens to avoid the costs of providing on-site meals. The kitchen owners was paid directly, so he saved as much as possible on ingredients, resulting in food as tasty as ashwater. & 1/10th of all atium mined at Pits of Hathsin was sold to nobles, at exorbitant prices.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
Luthadel had skaa corpse crews that took care of the disposal of dead bodies.{{book ref|mb1|11}} <br>
=== Military ===
*Luthadel has roughly two million citizens.{{wob ref|7877}}
*[[Isaac Stewart]] devised Luthadel's eight gates, and named them after the basic metals.{{wob ref|2269}}
*[[Nazh]] has been to Luthadel more than once, he made a map of the city and went back to update it.{{map ref|Luthadel}}
== See also ==


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