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(up to book 1 ch 10)
Even Noblemen and thieves reluctant about entering Mists.(culture section maybe?) Ambient starlight diffused by Mists was enough to see most times. Normal plants were brown.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Landscape around Luthadel: barren save for scrub and weeds, reasonably flat with small hills. Sometimes ash from the city was carted and piled out of the city, instead of thrown in the river. Mist is wet. Mistwraiths outside the city, are relatively harmless, just scavengers.{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
Poisonous red (afternoon) sun.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
=== Layout ===
The [[River Channerel]] runs straight through Luthadel.{{map ref|Luthadel}} <br>
Fellise acted as a small suburb-style city an hour outside of Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Luthadel had a city wall (was the only city in the Final Empire{{cite}}). Even more suburb-style citycities than only Fellise.{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
=== Architecture ===
Most buildings are constructed of stone blocks, with peaked wooden roofs or tile roofs for the rich. The buildings are packed closely together and are generally three stories high. From the outside houses and shops looked the same.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Blackened city, scorched by soot and red sunlight, hard, distinct, oppressive. At night Mist made everything obscure. Metal chimneys.{{book ref|mb1|5}} <br>
Only a few buildings, like Clubs's shop, had a flat roof, because flat roof meant having to shovel ash off occasionally.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
== Landmarks ==
{{for|Kredik Shaw}}
By far the largest building in Luthadel, near the center, looms like a massive, multi-spined insect.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Is Lord Ruler's palace.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
{{quote|The name was Terris; it meant “The Hill of a Thousand Spires.” Appropriate, since the imperial palace resembled a patch of enormous black spears thrust into the ground. Some of the spires twisted, others were straight. Some were thick towers, other were thin and needlelike. They varied in height, but each one was tall. And each one ended in a point.|{{book ref|mb1|10}}
=== Keeps ===
# [[House Urbain]]
# [[House Buvidas]]
Terris stewards/servants.{{book ref|mb1|10}}{{expand}} <br>
=== Middle class ===
Lots of superstitions about people who walk in Mists, but less worse than plantation skaa. Some knowledge about mistwraiths though.{{book ref|mb1|4}} <br>
Only a few most talented skaa were allowed to practice a profession, like Clubs being a carpenter. Clean face on street drew attention. About one million skaa workers in and around Luthadel (also at economy section?).{{book ref|mb1|6}} <br>
Most skaa died before Vin's age (16 years{{cite}}).{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
Skaa also worked in mines, had twelve-hour work days.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
=== Underground ===
//soothing stations, Cantons <br>
Canton of inquisition has the most threatening reputation, followed by Canton of Orthodoxy, then Canton of Finance and Canton of Resource. Acolytes trained in the north, and got final instructions in Luthadel, secretly taking atium with them{{expand}}{{cite}}. Obligators are trained to recognize emotional allomancy.{{book ref|mb1|2}} <br>
Cantons have their headquarters in Luthadel.{{book ref|mb1|6}}/{{map ref|Luthadel}} <br>
=== During the New Empire ===
Lord Ruler is dependent upon atium sale for keeping up his army.{{book ref|mb1|4}} <br>
Many canal routes in the Final Empire. Narrowboats and barges that needed to get pulled were used. Most noblemen used skaa workers instead of horses for this.{{book ref|mb1|8}} <br>
In Luthadel, especially in the slums, there were many soup kitchens. Local skaa earned meal tokens for the time they worked, and in their short break at midday they could spend these tokens for a meal. Local lords/nobles, owners of a local forge or mill, paid these kitchens to avoid the costs of providing on-site meals. The kitchen owners was paid directly, so he saved as much as possible on ingredients, resulting in food as tasty as ashwater. & 1/10th of all atium mined at Pits of Hathsin was sold to nobles, at exorbitant prices.{{book ref|mb1|10}} <br>
=== Military ===
{{for|Luthadel Garrison}}
*Luthadel Garrison
The Luthadel Garrison held watch in slums where no obligator would want to come.{{book ref|mb1|10}}
*Kredik Shaw palace guard


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