Ascensión del lord Legislador

De La Coppermind
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The Ascension is the name given to the event surrounding the rise of Rashek as the Lord Ruler of the Final Empire by taking the power at the Well of Ascension.

During the time he held the power of the Well he changed all other living Feruchemists into Mistwraiths and his close friends into the first generation of Kandra. He did this because he saw and understood the power and risks of Feruchemy.

During this time he also moved the planet closer to its star in an attempt to defeat the Deepness.

He was told of the power of Hemalurgy by Ruin but was not told about its cost. While he still held the power of the Well he created three new species through Hemalurgy, koloss, Kandra and Steel Inquisitors

He also created the Ashmounts during this time.


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Ascensión del lord Legislador

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