Usuario:Big Smooth/Sandbox

De La Coppermind
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List of Cosmere Shapeshifters

Physical change through unknown power, possibly inherent

  • Dragon (cosmere) - can appear human and possibly other forms as well
  • Sleepless (Dysian Aimian) - passable but easy to spot on close inspection (hordelings)
  • Siah Aimians - possibly limited, related to cognitive realm (shadows)?

Physical change, likely through Invested Art, but specifics unknown

  • Dakhor - see Dilaf
  • Elantrians - sort of, but they are generally still recognizable, even during the Shaod or away from Sel (see [1] and [2]). Members of the Ire do not age at the normal rate[3] and can become so old that they no longer appear to be normal humans.

Physical change via Invested Art

  • Kandra - Hemalurgy - appearance will vary depending on bones used (can be human/animal/etc.)
  • Returned - when they come back, they look totally different; after that they can change appearance but not total shapeshifting
    • It seems that some non-Returned can do this possibly with enough Breath or training, see Vivenna or this wob[4]
    • Royal Locks - hair only
  • Forgery via Essence Marks - user may still be recognizable unless the Forger is incredibly skilled
  • Feruchemy can store a large amount of youth in an atiummind, enough to change the person's appearance to a much younger version of themselves (particularly if Compounding is involved), see The Lord Ruler or Marsh). Additionally, tapping a large amount of strength stored in a pewtermind will cause a Feruchemist's muscles to physically grow much larger. Aluminum could also have a physical effect.
  • Aethers include a physical manifestation, but it's not really canonized

Illusory change via Invested Art

Beings with a large amount of power or that exist primarily outside of Physical Realm

  • Spren - ability to change shape and appear near-human varies widely by spren type (and Nahel bond)
    • Unmade - similar to above, depends on which one
  • Thunderclasts animate stone to take physical form; how much they can control their appearance is unclear
  • Seons change shape while communicating, and have other similarities to spren which would likely allow shapeshifting; Skaze may also have a variation of this ability
  • Shards can appear to humans in different forms
  • Speculatively, other potential God characters such as Adonalsium or the God Beyond could take different forms in the Physical Realm


  • Listeners, particularly Regals, can take different Forms but are still identifiable. Fused possess other listeners and this usually changes their appearance.
  • Numerous characters are simply good at disguise, such as Kliss, Wayne, and Liss
  • Svrakiss are thought to be able to possess other individuals
  • Members of the Seventeenth Shard slow their aging through an unknown method, which would influence their "natural" appearance[5]
  • The Ire drink a glowing substance that significantly prolongs their life but does not completely halt the aging process
