Resumen:Palabras radiantes/Capítulo 8

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Chapter 8: Knives in the Back - Soldiers on the Field
Kholin Crest.svg
Resumen de Words of Radiance
Datos analíticos
Punto de vista Dalinar Kholin
Número de palabras 2,618


I seek not to use my grief as an excuse, but it is an explanation. people act strangely soon after encountering an unexpected loss. Though Jasnah had been away for some time, her loss was unexpected. I, like many, assumed her to be immortal.

—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174

Plot Summary

Tanatakach 1173

Dalinar watches on as Highprince Aladar's army, who has gotten to the plateau faster than his own, fight the Parshendi over a gemheart. Davilar feels bitter and jaded, as the plateau runs no longer feel like they represent the fulfillment of the Vengeance Pact. Kaladin and his guards cross a bridge to guard Dalinar as he joins Aladar on his command plateau adjacent to where the battle is being fought, while Adolin and General Khal lead the Kholin forces to the fight. Dalinar joins Aladar and tells him that he saved the other Highprince from losing, but Aladar complains that he will earn less and that he is being punished for being successful. Dalinar threatens Aladar on the consequences of disobedience, but Aladar counters that Gavilar didn't use honor to unite the kingdom originally, which strikes a nerve. Aladar thinks the Parshendi are about to push, but Davilar thinks otherwise, and turns out to be correct about them getting ready to harvest the gemstone and withdraw, and they end up victorious. Dalinar notices as the Parshendi Shardbearer watches from a distance, having never entered the battle, and states that this has never happened before. Aladar thanks Dalinar for his advice, but refuses to trust him regarding politics since he fears betrayal. Back in his bunker, he notes there are now sixty days left in the mysterious countdown, and receives a letter announcing that an old friend of his would be coming soon to the Shattered Plains who might solve some problems that Dalinar is dealing with.




The Shattered Plains.


Chapter Header

Kholin Crest
Jezrien wedge

See Also


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