Jonathan Phaedrus

De La Coppermind
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Jonathan Phaedrus
Capacidades Épico
Mundo natal ?

Jonathan Phaedrus, usually referred to as Prof, is the leader of the Reckoners, a group which hunts down and kills Epics.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido Somewhat ironically, he himself is an Epic of not inconsiderable power.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido


Prior to the arrival of Calamity he was a fifth-grade science teacher. At some later time his school was destroyed by an Epic while still in session. It is unknown whether or not the Epic in question is, in reality, himself.Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; las referencias sin nombre deben tener contenido He has an unexplained hatred of Steelheart, more so than of any other epic.


As a "gifter" Prof can loan his Epic abilities to non-Epics, often the members of the Reckoners. He disguises his giftings by attributing the effects to various devices. By gifting his abilities to others, he also lessens the psychological effects of being an Epic.
Matter Disruption
Disguised by the Tensors. Prof can turn inorganic matter to dust. This dust seems to have less volume and weight than the original substance. He can also carve improvised weapons using this ability. Because the ability is controlled by the mind, each person has a different mental trick for activating this ability.
Personal Forcefield
Disguised by the Jackets. Prof's forcefield is usually sufficient to stop a blow or break a fall, but has more trouble with bullets due to the ratio of force to area. At its full strength, his forcefield is strong enough to protect from an explosive device at point-blank range.
Accelerated Healing
Disguised by the Harmsway. His healing factor can heal injuries which would ordinarily be fatal in a matter of seconds. When spread among the team, it can heal critical or traumatic injury in a couple of days.


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