Abuelo de Silencio

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Cónyuge wife
Descendientes Silence Montane, William Ann Montane
Oficio Innkeeper
Mundo natal Treno

Never call this land hell. Respect the land as you would a dangerous beast, but do not hate it.

—Silence's grandfather to Silence Montane[1]

Silence's grandfather is a man from the Homeland that travels to the Forests of Hell on Threnody.[1]


He and his wife, Silence's grandmother, are among the first to come to the continent containing the Forests of Hell, so they take the surname Forescout.[1] After the Homeland falls when the Evil comes, he and his wife run a waystop

Silence's grandparents have at least one child of unknown gender. That child has a daughter, Silence.[1] It is unknown what happens to Silence's parents, but Silence is raised by her grandparents. Silence's grandfather taught her how to move carefully and quietly in the Forests without attracting the attention of the shades or other humans.

Silence's grandfather met his end in the Forests somehow, likely due to the shades.[1] His death has a profound impact on his wife, who never smiles again afterward.


In contrast to the personality of his wife, Silence's grandfather seems to be a kindly man. He taught Silence woodcraft and clearly took good care of her, telling her stories of the Fallen World.[1] She remembers him with fondness. He is also clearly a brave man, willing to set foot on an unknown continent and live there. Silence's grandfather had a great love and respect for the Forests of Hell as well. He says that they are like a dangerous beast, not evil but to be treated with care.


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