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'''Summary:''' Vin heads off to a ball at [[Keep Venture]], Sazed driving the carriage. Kelsier drops in while the carriage is en route, gives Vin some advice, then jumps back out into the mists. Vin arrives at the ball, is introduced, gets scared at the initial attention, then realizes “Valette Renoux” is who the nobles are seeing, not Vin, herself. During the dinner, Vin sees her father across the room, witnessing an exchange between two young nobles - [[Reen]] had identified him to her when she was younger. Vin declines dancing invitations extended by various nobles, then takes a break and heads upstairs to the balcony over the hall. Vin has her first conversation with Elend, which shocks Sazed when he hears about it.
'''Summary:''' Vin heads off to a ball at [[Keep Venture]], Sazed driving the carriage. Kelsier drops in while the carriage is en route, gives Vin some advice, then jumps back out into the mists. Vin arrives at the ball, is introduced, gets scared at the initial attention, then realizes “Valette Renoux” is who the nobles are seeing, not Vin, herself. During the dinner, Vin sees her father across the room, witnessing an exchange between two young nobles - [[Reen]] had identified him to her when she was younger. Vin declines dancing invitations extended by various nobles, then takes a break and heads upstairs to the balcony over the hall. Vin has her first conversation with Elend, which shocks Sazed when he hears about it.

'''Other Notes:''' [[Talk:Mistborn:_The_Final_Empire/Summary#Chapter_12_-_Deepness_Thoughts|Deepness Thoughts]]
'''Other Notes:''' None.

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Revisión del 13:48 5 nov 2011

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of Mistborn: The Final Empire. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.


Sometimes, I worry that I’m not the hero everyone thinks I am.

The philosophers assure me that this is the time, that the signs have been met. But I still wonder if they have the wrong man. So many people depend on me. They say I will hold the future of the entire world on my arms.

What would they think if they knew that their champion - the Hero of Ages, their savior - doubted himself? Perhaps they wouldn’t be shocked at all. In a way, this is what worries me most. Maybe, in their hearts, they wonder - just as I do.

When they see me, do they see a liar?

Characters: Lord Tresting, Lord Venture’s full prelan obligator (unnamed), Kurdon (a taskmaster for Tresting),Kelsier, Tepper (a skaa elder), Mennis (an elderly skaa), Shum (a skaa lad), Jess (a skaa woman), Jess’ daughter (a pretty skaa, unnamed)

Summary: Lord Tresting entertains an obligator sent by Lord Venture, hoping to gain Venture’s business partnership. Kelsier speaks with some skaa in the evening, and when a skaa girl is being taken to Tresting, Kelsier intervenes, killing Tresting and all his servants and soldiers, finally burning the manor to the ground.

Other Notes: First mention of Lord Venture. First mention of a Steel Inquisitor. First mention of Lord Renoux. First mention of mistwraiths. First mention of the Pits of Hathsin. First mention of koloss. First mention of the caves held by the skaa rebellion. Context suggests this chapter takes place in the summer.

Part 1: "The Survivor of Hathsin"

Chapter 1

I consider myself to be a man of principle. But, what man does not? Even the cutthroat, I have noticed, considers his actions "moral" after a fashion.

Perhaps another person, reading of my life, would name me a religious tyrant. He could call me arrogant. What is to make that man’s opinion any less valid than my own?

I guess it all comes down to one fact: In the end, I’m the one with the armies.

Characters: Vin, Ulef, Camon, Theron, Prelan Laird

Summary: Vin introduced, summoned to Camon by Ulef. Camon pretends to be Lord Jedue, head of a house desperately looking for new contracts; this is a cover, an attempt to scam the Steel Ministry out of money. Vin Soothes the obligator Prelan Laird so he won’t dismiss Camon's pleas.

Other Notes: Lord Tresting's first name mentioned: Themos.

Chapter 2

If men read these words, let them know that power is a heavy burden. Seek not to be bound by its chains. The Terris prophecies say that I will have the power to save the world.

They hint, however, that I will have the power to destroy it as well.

Characters: Kelsier, Dockson, Vin, Camon, High Prelan Arriev

Summary: Kelsier meets up with Dockson, they talk about their upcoming meeting. Camon, as Lord Jedue, takes Vin to scam the Ministry; Kelsier and Dockson sit in the waiting room with Camon and Vin; Vin Soothes the High Prelan, and he gives Camon three thousand boxings. Kelsier and Dockson see the High Prelan and a Steel Inquisitor tail Camon, Vin, and the rest of Camon’s retinue. Dockson plans to distract the obligator, while Kelsier plans to distract the Inquisitor.

Other Notes: None.

Chapter 3

We arrived in Terris earlier this week, and, I have to say, I find the countryside beautiful. The great mountains to the north - with their bald snowcaps and forested mantles - stand like watchful gods over this land of green fertility. My own lands to the south are mostly flat; I think that they might look less dreary if there were a few mountains to vary the terrain.

The people here are mostly herdsmen - though timber harvesters and farmers are not uncommon. It is a pastoral land, certainly. It seems odd that a place so remarkably agrarian could have produced the prophecies and theologies upon which the entire world now relies.

Characters: Camon, Vin, Ulef, Kelsier, Dockson, Millev

Summary: Vin's nervousness about the meeting with the obligator causes her to want to leave Camon's lair. She tells Ulef, whom she wants to bring along, but he tells Camon while she retrieves her personal effects (including the hemalurgic earring her mother gave her). Kelsier saves Vin, promotes Millev to Crewleader, takes the three thousand boxings as payment for dealing with the obligator and Inquisitor, and rents the den for the evening meeting. Millev's crew leaves for a while so Kelsier can test Vin for being a Mistborn.

Other Notes: Vin subconsciously burns pewter after Camon hits her with a thrown stool.

Chapter 4

Apparently, the next stage of my quest will take us up into the highlands of Terris. This is said to be a cold, unforgiving place - a land where the mountains themselves are made of ice.

Our normal attendants will not do for such a trip. We should probably hire some Terris packmen to carry our gear.

Characters: Ulef, Disten (a head pointman in Camon’sMillev’s crew), Vin, Harmon (a scraggly-bearded burglar), Hrud (a flat-faced, quiet thug), Hammond, Breeze, Clubs, Yeden, Kelsier, Dockson

Summary: Kelsier and Dockson had left for a while, letting the crew return for a bit. The crew talks about what happened, speculating on the job. At a certain time, the crew leaves and the others arrive. Kelsier pitches his plan regarding the skaa rebellion. Kelsier’s crew agrees, (except for Clubs, who walks out). Kelsier reveals to the others that Vin is a Mistborn, then tells them about and shows them the Eleventh Metal.

Other Notes: Mare mentioned by thieving crew, but not by name.

Chapter 5

I don’t even understand what I’m supposed to do. The Terris philosophers claim that I’ll know my duty when the time comes, but that’s a small comfort.

The Deepness must be destroyed, and apparently I’m the only one who can do so. It ravages the world even now. If I don’t stop it soon, there will be nothing left of this land but bones and dust.

Characters: Kelsier, Dockson, Vin, Clubs, Spook

Summary: Small talk after the meeting; Hammond, Breeze, Yeden have left. Clubs returns, agrees to be on the team, leaves again. Kelsier, Dockson, and Vin head to rooftop. Kelsier gears up, heads off to Keep Venture to steal atium. Kelsier breaks in, gets the safe with the atium, and then has to fight some hazekillers. Kelsier escapes with the desired atium.

Other Notes: First mention of OreSeur by name. Spook isn’t identified at all. Mare mentioned as a Tineye. First mention of Gemmel. First mention of feruchemists (but not by name) as Kelsier remembers some of Gemmel’s advice.

Chapter 6

I never wanted this, true. But somebody has to stop the Deepness. And, apparently, Terris is the only place this can be done.

On this fact, however, I don’t have to take the word of the philosophers. I can feel our goal now, sense it, though the others cannot. It... pulses, in my mind, far off in the mountains.

Characters: Vin, Dockson, Clubs, Hammond, Spook, Kelsier, Breeze, Yeden, Marsh

Summary: Vin wakes up in a room in Clubs’ shop the following morning. Vin starts to notice the differences between thieving crews and families. Kelsier et al. plot out the job: the destruction of the Final Empire. Marsh eventually arrives, and everyone leaves so he and Kelsier can talk alone. Vin returns to eavesdrop outside the door.

Other Notes: Spook’s first dialogue. Skaa rebellion caves named: Arguois caverns; Kelsier estimates they could hold ten thousand people. Fellise, location of Lord Renoux’s estate, mentioned to be an hour outside of Luthadel. Renoux mentioned as a western lord, from the Farmost Dominance. Spook named by Clubs’ as his nephew; Spook identifies himself as Lestibournes, speaking in Eastern street slang.

Chapter 7

Rashek is a tall man - of course, most of these Terrismen are tall. He is young to receive so much respect from the other packmen. He has charisma, and the women of court would probably describe him as handsome, in a rugged sort of way.

Yet, it amazes me that anyone would give heed to a man that speaks such hatred. He has never seen Khlennium, yet he curses the city. He does not know me, yet I can already see the anger and hostility in his eyes.

Characters: Kelsier, Marsh, Vin, Dockson, Breeze, Hammond, Clubs

Summary: Marsh and Kelsier talk and argue about old times, not talking about the details of the job. Kelsier convinces Marsh to come back again to listen to the job. As Marsh moves to leave, Kelsier notices Vin eavesdropping. Kelsier takes Vin out for her first night of training, giving Vin her Mistcloak. Kelsier teaches her about the eight basic metals, ending the chapter with them at the Luthadel city wall.

Other Notes: First mention of odd things happening when an Allomancer flares metals for too long.

Chapter 8

"He shall defend their ways, yet shall violate them. He will be their savior; yet they shall call him heretic. His name shall be Discord, yet they shall love him for it.”

Characters: Vin, Kelsier, Sazed, Lord Renoux

Summary: Vin and Kelsier go over the Luthadel walls, walking out into the night wilderness. Vin notices something following them, and Kelsier shows her that it was a mistwraith. Kelsier takes her to the main road where they meed up with Sazed, waiting for them with a carriage. He takes them to Fellise. On the way, Kelsier offers Vin the three thousand boxings and to let her leave the crew if she doesn’t believe that he's being honest with her. She takes the boxings but remains on the crew because she wants to see how things turn out. They arrive at Lord Renoux’s estate, and Kelsier and Renoux talk in private briefly. Vin and Sazed talk briefly, with Sazed offering to tell Vin about some of the religions of the past, without using those words. Renoux suggests that Vin can play the part of a daughter of favored cousins to Renoux, and that he is introducing her to the other noble houses as a ploy to strengthen House Renoux.

Other Notes: Kelsier recollects that Gemmel had to push him off the wall when he was being trained.

Part 2: "Rebels Beneath a Sky of Ash"

Chapter 9

In the end, I worry that my arrogance shall destroy us all.

Characters: Vin, Kelsier, Sazed, Cosahn (a skaa servant/hair stylist at Renoux’s estate)

Summary: Vin and Kelsier spar in a training match, playing cat & mouse. Vin returns to the estate and gets a haircut; during the haircut, Sazed tells Vin about “another” of his religions: Trelagism. (This is the fifth he has pitched; when questioned, he admits to knowing about 562 more.) Vin is also quizzed over her noble cover. Kelsier and Sazed then talk in private about Vin’s progress, with Kelsier eventually declaring that Vin will be attending a ball held by Lord Venture at the end of the week.

Other Notes: This chapter begins in late autumn; a comment by Kelsier confirms that the Prologue was only a few months earlier. Sazed referred to as “Master Vaht” by Cosahn; it is the proper title for a Terrisman steward. First mention of Keepers. The ten Great Houses of Luthadel are named in order of power: Venture, Hasting, Elariel, Tekiel, Lekal, Erikeller, Erikell, Haught, Urbain, Buvidas.

Chapter 10

It amazes me how many nations have united behind our purpose. There are still dissenters, of course - and some kingdoms, regrettably, have fallen to wars that I could not stop.

Still, this general unity is glorious, even humbling, to contemplate. I wish that the nations of mankind hadn’t required such a dire threat to make them see the value of peace and cooperation.

Characters: Vin, Breeze, Rudd (a sympathetic skaa guard), Cobble (one of Clubs’ apprentices, a Smoker), Hammond, Yeden, Kelsier, Sazed, Marsh, Spook, Dockson, Clubs

Summary: Vin has returned to Luthadel to learn about other metals from the mistings in the crew, starting with Breeze. Hammond comes in and debates the morality of overthrowing the Final Empire as they wait for Kelsier to give a speech. During the speech, Breeze and his Soothers and Rioters manipulate the crowd to be more receptive to the speech. Afterward, Kelsier holds a progress meeting at Clubs’ shop. Before the meeting, Kelsier requests from Sazed to hear about a religion with power; Sazed tells Kelsier about Jaism, and Kelsier asks Sazed if there is a religion that “include[s] the slaughter of noblemen as a holy duty”. Also before the meeting, Vin and Spook talk about Marsh. The meeting ends when one of Hammond’s soldiers informs him that the Steel Ministry has discovered the lair previously belonging to Camon.

Other Notes: Possible additional unnamed character - Demoux. Breeze clarifies the meaning of “Sliver of Infinity”. Kelsier, on Clubs’ rooftop, looks towards the northern horizon, towards the Pits of Hathsin. Sazed (erroneously) believes the Lord Ruler fears Keepers, believing they are something unknown to him. Marsh’s nickname mentioned (Ironeyes); also mentioned that people stopped using it because it was too reminiscent of Steel Inquisitors.

Chapter 11

It seems Rashek represents a growing faction in Terris culture. A large number of the youths think that their unusual powers should be used for more than just fieldwork, husbandry, and stonecarving. They are rowdy, even violent - far different from the quiet, discerning Terris philosophers and holy men that I have known.

They will have to be watched carefully, these Terrismen. They could be very dangerous, if given the opportunity and the motivation.

Characters: Kelsier, Vin, Dockson, Sazed, Hammond

Summary: Some of the crew go to investigate the destroyed lair. Among the corpses, Vin notices Ulef’s corpse; it appears as if someone had ripped his rib cage apart with bare hands. Off to the side, Sazed recites a prayer of the Cazzi religion. Millev’s body is found tied to a chair, with strong evidence of having been tortured. After leaving the lair, Kelsier tries to find Camon among the beggars, to see if he was killed, too. Kelsier finds Camon’s corpse, wrists and ankles tied together, body tortured, and hung from a hook rammed through his mouth and out his neck. Vin had successfully tailed Kelsier, and they spoke briefly after Camon’s corpse was found. (His method of execution is reserved for those who abuse allomancy; likely, he knew that Vin was at least a misting.)

Other Notes: Another reference to feruchemy without using the term (in the epigraph).

Chapter 12

What would it be like if every nation - from the isles in the South to the Terris hills in the North - were united under a single government? What wonders could be achieved, what progress could be made, if mankind were to permanently set aside its squabblings and join together?

It is too much, I suppose, to even hope for. A single, unified empire of man? It could never happen.

Characters: Vin, Sazed, Kelsier, Rian Strobe (a young noble), Tevidian (Vin's father), Elend

Summary: Vin heads off to a ball at Keep Venture, Sazed driving the carriage. Kelsier drops in while the carriage is en route, gives Vin some advice, then jumps back out into the mists. Vin arrives at the ball, is introduced, gets scared at the initial attention, then realizes “Valette Renoux” is who the nobles are seeing, not Vin, herself. During the dinner, Vin sees her father across the room, witnessing an exchange between two young nobles - Reen had identified him to her when she was younger. Vin declines dancing invitations extended by various nobles, then takes a break and heads upstairs to the balcony over the hall. Vin has her first conversation with Elend, which shocks Sazed when he hears about it.

Other Notes: Deepness Thoughts