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(Finally done! Feel free to make any tweaks I may have missed in my exhaustion:))
|books=[[The Emperor's Soul]]
'''Bloodsealing''' is a manifestation of [[Investiture]] practiced by the '''Bloodsealers''' of [[Dzhamar]] on the planet [[Sel]].{{book ref|tes|day|42}} BloodsealersMuch uselike the better known [[soulstampForgery]]s, madeBloodsealing ofmakes boneuse andof theirstamps target'sto blood as ink. These soulstamps are sometimes referred ascreate Bloodseals.,{{book ref|tes|day|376}} Amongrunes theirpowered abilitiesby arethe creating constructsInvestiture of human or animal bones known asthe [[skeletalDor]]s, trackingwhich acan targetcreate witha blood{{book ref|tes|day|98}} and making wards that would alert the Bloodsealer if their targets leave the vicinityrange of themagical Bloodsealeffects.{{book ref|tes|day|3}} AfterHowever, a day or so,there the blood is useless to a Bloodsealer, so fresh blood is asimilarities requirementend.{{book ref|tes|day|97}}Instead Bloodsealingof isthe veryorganic similarinks toof [[Forgery]], inBloodsealers application.make [[Grand]]suse considerof Bloodsealinghuman ablood darkas artthe butink makein usetheir of it if they need itstamp.{{book ref|tes|day|97}}
== Process ==
{{quote|There was no subtlety to what the Bloodsealer did; they didn’t traffic in subtlety. Instead of skill or artistry, they used tricks and blood. However, their craft was effective.|[[Wan ShaiLu]] on Bloodsealing{{book ref|tes|day|3}}}}
The specific processes and restrictions of Bloodsealing as well as any limits to its capabilities are so far unknown but a few constants and hints appear. The use of a stamp seems to be required, as well as the blood of a human being.{{book ref|tes|day|3}} The only stamp used to make a Bloodseal so far was made of bone, but it is uncertain if this is a requirement or if the person the bone came from is important. In addition, while human blood has always been used so far, it is also unknown if the blood of an animal will suffice to create a Bloodseal. Another rule is that the blood being used must be fresh, harvested from the person within the past twenty-four hours.{{book ref|tes|day|98}} After this time period, the blood grows stale and fresh blood must be used in order to perform additional Bloodsealing.
From here, evidence of Bloodsealing is based more on hearsay and rumor than actual evidence. There is some talk of the usefulness of a man's hair, nails, and personal effects in Bloodsealing.{{book ref|tes|day|97}} Shai claims that they would not be terribly helpful in Bloodsealing and there is no mention of their function or how they would be put to use. In addition to this, there are indications that the skeletons of specific people may be more useful than others in crafting skeletals, although again how and why are unknown.{{book ref|tes|day|3}}
Bloodsealers have been seen moving in an unnaturally lithe way.{{book ref|tes|day|3}} However, it is uncertain if this is a result of their magic or simply the unnerving effect their presence tends to have on others. It should be noted that the pale skin and hair are not a result of being a Bloodsealer, they are simply the characteristics of the [[Dzhamarian]] race.{{book ref|tes|day|76}} It is as of yet unknown whether the red eyes are a result of being a Bloodsealer or another Dzhamarian trait.
=== Speculation ===
As all Selish Investitures are in actuality branches of one over-arching form based system,{{qa ref|979|111|Each area has its own manifestation, but they're all actually the same magic.|date=Apr 15th, 2013}}{{qa ref|1019|5|And in this case the form does. The actual depictions do matter.|date=July 10th, 2013}} it seems likely that requirements of one system may be requirements for them all. [[AonDor]] and [[Forgery]], both systems better understood than Bloodsealing, share two such requirements.
Both manifestations of Investiture have a core symbol important in using the Investiture that is in the shape of the native land of that Investiture. For AonDor, this symbol is in the shape of [[Arelon]]{{book ref|elantris|46}} and in Forgery it is in the shape of [[MaiPon]].{{book ref|tes|day|30}} Therefore, it would seem logical to hypothesize that when crafting a Bloodseal a symbolic representation of the shape of Dzhamar, homeland of the Bloodsealers, may be necessary.
In addition to the symbols, both AonDor and Forgery have another connection to the land. The effectiveness of their Investitures to diminish the further the practitioner is from the homeland of that Investiture.{{book ref|elantris|19}}{{qa ref|949|7|That's right, it's based on distance. That's why there are no stamped objects in Elantris.|date=Feb 16th, 2013}} It appears likely, especially given that Bloodsealing does not appear to be known outside the Rose Empire, that this is also a requirement for Bloodsealing.
== Uses ==
=== Wards ===
One of the primary uses of Bloodsealing is to craft wards used to imprison a specific person.{{book ref|tes|day|3}} The rune this process requires looks very similar to an eye. When inked with someone's blood, and placed on a door, the symbol begins to glow with a red light. The person whose blood was used also feels a brief sharp pain. If that person leaves the room in which they are imprisoned or attempts to alter the rune on the door, the Bloodsealer that placed it will know. As time goes on, the Bloodseal will begin to fail.{{book ref|tes|day|98}} The rune's glow will fade,{{book ref|tes|day|17}} pulse, and then eventually vanish altogether if it is not renewed.{{book ref|tes|day|98}}
Another, perhaps unintentional impact of a ward created by Bloodsealing is to render an object unForgeable.{{book ref|tes|day|76}} Just as [[ralkalest]] is incapable of being Forged, a Soulstamp will not take on any object with a Bloodseal upon it. Whether this also works the other way is unknown, but seems probable.
=== Skeletals ===
''Main article: [[Skeletal]]s''
The other known tools of a Bloodsealer are skeletals. These creatures are human skeletons{{book ref|tes|day|3}} that have been reanimated by a Bloodseal on their forehead.{{book ref|tes|day|98}} The specifics for creating these creatures, as well as where the blood used in their Bloodseals comes from, are unknown. Skeletals have the ability to track a person if they are given blood that was taken within the past twenty-four hours. The skeleton of the skeletal must be intact and if it is damaged it will cease to function. Repairs can be made to the skeleton with wooden replacement bones. Skeletals are as feared as they are deadly.{{book ref|tes|day|3}}{{book ref|tes|day|98}}
== Culture ==
=== Within the Rose Empire ===
{{quote|There are . . . times when one must accept the aid of darkness in order to contain a greater darkness.|[[Gaotona]] on Bloodsealing{{book ref|tes|day|3}}}}
As a whole, Bloodsealing seems to be a controversial art in the Rose Empire. It is only known to be practiced in Dzhamar, who have not been mentioned to have any issues with its use. The [[Grand]]s, ruling class of the empire, seem to have a certain distaste for the Investiture, but have displayed their willingness to make use of it over [[Forgery]].{{book ref|tes|day|3}} Both the [[MaiPon]] and the [[Mulla'dil]] or [[Striker]]s have a strong and lasting hatred for Bloodsealers and their magic. MaiPon see it as twisted and unnatural.{{book ref|tes|day|3}}{{book ref|tes|day|76}} The mountainous homeland of the Strikers borders Dzhamar, so there is also a lasting enmity between the two peoples.{{book ref|tes|day|42}} For their part, the Bloodsealers also fear and hate the Forgers of MaiPon.{{book ref|tes|day|76}}
=== Teod and Beyond ===
On a global scale, as of the [[Late Era]] of [[Sel]], Bloodsealing appears to be relatively unknown beyond the borders of the [[Rose Empire]]. It is uncertain what if any attitudes there is towards Bloodsealing in [[Teod]] or the nations of [[Opelon]]. It is possible that this is due to the diminishing returns on power often associated with moving beyond the borders of an Investiture's homeland.{{qa ref|949|7}}
== Cosmere Connections ==
=== Relationship to Forgery ===
Like all forms of Investiture on Sel, Bloodsealing uses patterns and shapes to draw upon the power of the Dor.{{qa ref|1019|5}} However, Bloodsealing and Forgery bear a striking resemblance to one another in method. While the creation of magical seals is something they have in common,{{book ref|tes|day|3}}{{book ref|tes|day|12}} what the two systems seem capable of is vastly different. The whole idea behind a Forgery is to build a plausible lie,{{book ref|tes|day|30}} in order to make both the Cognitive aspect of an object{{book ref|tes|day|12}} as well as other people{{book ref|tes|day|3}} believe an untruth. However, this idea has nothing to do with the two previously outlined contexts in which we have seen Bloodsealing used. Skeletals in particular, being walking skeletons devoid of any muscle or flesh,{{book ref|tes|day|98}} seem to very directly contradict the plausibility requirement necessary for a successful Forgery. These two systems at first glance appear very like one another but upon closer analysis they are still distinct, albeit closely related systems.{{17s ref|post|67401|SpoCon Report|date=October 11, 2013}}
=== Similarities to Awakening ===
There are several notable similarities between Bloodsealing and the [[Investiture]] of [[Awakening]] on [[Nalthis]]. The most overt comparisons can be drawn between [[skeletal]]s and the Type II BioChromatic entities known as [[Lifeless]]. Both involve the reanimation of corpses to serve the living.{{book ref|tes|day|3}}{{book ref|warbreaker|46}} Both Investitures cease to function if the the body they work on is heavily damaged.{{book ref|tes|day|98}}{{book ref|warbreaker|33}} In Awakening this twisted resurrection is fueled by [[BioChromatic Breath]]{{book ref|warbreaker|21}} instead of the Dor, but there is no denying that they are similar. It is however important to note, that while it is possible to reanimate a skeleton with Breath, it requires much more Breath and it would be much simpler to simply Awaken a full corpse rather than simply a skeleton.{{book ref|warbreaker|46}}
The comparison with Lifeless raises two interesting possibilities. If the two are analogous it is possible that bodies other than humans can be reanimated with Bloodsealing, as such a thing is possible with Awakening.{{book ref|warbreaker|21}} The other possibility is that the comparison offers an insight into how a skeletal is created. Lifeless are returned to life and given a Command, which is a combination of a spoken order and a Cognitive concept of what the Awakened object is to do.{{book ref|warbreaker|46}} If skeletals need a similar Cognitive concept, it would appear the Bloodseal on the forehead serves this same function.
Bloodsealing's other notable similarity to Awakening is based on a lie that Shai tells. She tells the strikers that the Bloodsealer guarding her has been stealing bits of hair and fingernail from them to use in some ritual.{{book ref|tes|day|97}} While she claims that the Bloodsealer would be able to do little with only those bits, the possibility remains that those pieces too can be used in Bloodsealing in some manner. If this is true, then there exists another notable parallel with Awakening. As per the law of Biochromatic Parallelism, the number of Breaths required to Awaken things is reduced when an object being Awakened is made closer to the form of life,{{book ref|warbreaker|46}} often by using blood, nails, or hair.{{book ref|warbreaker|prologue}}{{annotation ref|warbreaker|prologue}} If there is any truth to Shai's lie, this is another fascinating parallel between the two Investitures.
==Known Bloodsealers==
*[[Weedfingers]] - Unnamed Bloodsealer that used the Investiture to imprison [[Wan ShaiLu]] while she worked on the [[Essence Mark]] of Emperor [[Ashravan]]{{book ref|tes|day|3}} and later attempts to capture her during her escape.{{book ref|tes|day|98}}
== Notes ==
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{{The Emperor's Soul}}