Diferencia entre revisiones de «Canción de las clasificaciones»

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== Excerpts ==
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{{quote|Mateform meek, for love to share,<br/><!--
-->Given to life, it brings us joy.<br/><!--
-->To find this form, one must care.<br/><!--
-->True empathy, one must employ.
|5th stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|14}}}}
{{quote|Warform is worn for battle and reign,<br/><!--
-->Claimed by the gods, given to kill.<br/><!--
-->Unknown, unseen, but vital to gain.<br/><!--
-->It comes to those with the will.
|15th stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|13}}}}
{{quote|Workform worn for strength and care.<br/><!--
-->Whispering spren breathe at your ear.<br/><!--
-->Seek first this form, its mysteries to bear.<br/><!--
-->Found here is freedom from fear.
|19th stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|15}}}}
{{quote|Nimbleform has a delicate touch.<br/><!--
-->Gave the gods this form to many,<br/><!--
-->Tho' once defied, by the gods they were crushed.<br/><!--
-->This form craves precision and plenty.
|27th stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|16}}}}
{{quote|Mediationform made for peace, it's said.<br/><!--
-->Form of teaching and consolation.<br/><!--
-->When used by the gods, it became instead<br/><!--
-->Form of lies and desolation.
|33rd stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|21}}}}
{{quote|Scholarform shown for patience and thought.<br/><!--
-->Beware its ambitions innate.<br/><!--
-->Though study and diligence bring the reward,<br/><!--
-->Loss of innocence may be one's fate.
|69th stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|18}}}}
{{quote|Artform applied for beauty and hue.<br/><!--
-->One yearns for the songs it creates.<br/><!--
-->Most misunderstood by the artist it's true,<br/><!--
-->Come the spren to foundation's fates.
|90th stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2||20}}}}
{{quote|Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.<br/><!--
-->The lowest, and one not bright.<br/><!--
-->To find this form, one needs banish cost.<br/><!--
-->It finds you and brings you to blight.
|final stanza{{epigraph ref|sa2|17}}}}