Diferencia entre revisiones de «Renarin Kholin»

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(Well, at least I can update some false information.)
|abilities={{tag+|truthwatcher}}, {{tag+|Voidbinder}}{{wob ref|8461}}, {{tag+|Shardbearer}}
|groups={{tag|Knights Radiant}} <small>([[Order of Truthwatchers|Truthwatchers]])</small><br>{{tag|Bridge Four}}, {{tag+|army|Kholin}}</br>
| Renarin Kholin{{book ref|twok|18}}
'''Renarin Kholin''' is a [[lighteyes]] of the [[Alethkar|Alethi]] [[House Kholin]] on [[Roshar]]. He is the second son of [[Dalinar]], and the younger brother of [[Adolin]]. This makes him the nephew to [[Gavilar]] and [[Navani]] and cousin to [[Elhokar]] and [[Jasnah]]. HeSince Dalinar's abdication, he is secondfirst in line forto thesucceed princedomAdolin as [[highprince]] of Housethe [[Kholin, after Adolin as primary heirprincedom]].{{book ref|twok|69}}{{book ref|sa3|122}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
Despite his subdued personality, Renarin shows courage and a desire to be useful, even in situations where he does not have experience or extensive training, such as riding out to help when a chasmfiend attacks despite great risk to himself.{{book ref|twok|15}} He is also the first to enter the ring to help defend Adolin in Shardbearer duel, despite his lack of training and being unable to put on his Shardplate in time. During this fight, he uses his Shardblade through the onset of a minor seizure and the screams of his shardblade. Through these events, Renarin shows that he values the lives of his family over his own, being willing to put himself in great danger if it might help the people he loves.
Renarin shows an inquisitive streak as well, especially in regards to fabrials.{{book ref|twok|52}} On multiple occasions he inspects fabrials around him and asks questions about their functions. Despite this, he is not interested in joining the ardentia to become an engineer.{{book ref|twok|60}} He seems to enjoy being knowledgeable upon specific subjects, and will speak about them if asked, for example, Adolin mentions that Renarin is very well versed in wines. {{book ref|wor|49}}
== History ==
=== Shards ===
RenarinAfter recentlytrading inheritedhis Shardblade, Dalinar's gave his Shardplate to Renarin, and wasgave givenhim a Shardblade he won in a duel by Adolin.{{book ref|twok|69}}{{book ref|wor|14}} Though he has had very little training with Blade and Plate up to this point, he undergoes training under [[Zahel]]. He also trains as a member of Bridge Four under Kaladin's leadership, though it is unclear if he is trained with or carries a spear. Renarin uses his Shardblade only under great duress or when asked directly, because, as a manifestation of his [[Nahel bond]], he hears the screams of the Blade's dead spren when he holds it. After the [[Battle of Narak]] he gives up his Shards, but has learned to manifest Glys as a Shardblade.{{book ref|sa3|10}}
=== Surgebinding ===