Diferencia entre revisiones de «Resumen:Palabras radiantes»

parts one and two are finished
(parts one and two are finished)
=== Chapter 1: Santhid ===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|To be perfectly frank, what has happened these last two months is upon my head. The death, destruction, loss, and pain are my burden. I should have seen it coming. And I should have stopped it.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Shallan Davar]](POVPoint of view)
===Chapter 2: Bridge Four===
[[File: Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|Our first clue was the Parshendi. Even weeks before they abandoned their pursuit of the gemhearts, their pattern of fighting changed. They lingered on the plateaus after battles, as if waiting for something.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Kaladin]](POVPoint of View)
===Chapter 3: Pattern===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph| Soldiers reported being watched from afar by an unnerving number of Parshendi scouts. Then we noticed a new pattern of their penetrating close to the camps in the night and then quickly retreating. I can only surmise that our enemies were even then preparing their stratagem to end this war.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Shallan Davar]](POVPoint of View)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]]
;Plot Summary
:''Tanatabach 1173''
Shallan sits in her cabin on the Wind’sWind's Pleasure reading a book written by Jasnah about [[Vorinism]] and the [[Recreance]] and it’sit's effect on the documentation of history such as the existence of Shadesmar. While studying Pattern shows up again, this time on the cabin wall, vanishing when she looks directly at it. Shallan notes the similarity between Pattern and the symbol headed creatures she’dshe'd seen previously. She immediately attempts to sketch the pattern, drawing many creation sprencreationspren, though she found it difficult to capture the precise pattern. When finished, the pattern seemed to leave the paper and move to the floor. Jasnah comes to Shallan’sShallan's room just as Shallan leaves to find her. Shallan catches a glimpse of what Jasnah explains to her is her own spren, just as she tells Shallan that the pattern is Shallan's spren, a Cryptic. Jasnah explains about the [[Knights Radiant]] and the Orders, explaining that their Soulcasting is a shared surge, but that their Orders are not the same, judging by their different spren. A lengthy discussion of sprens' nature and Jasnah's opinions of the [[Almighty]] and the [[Herald]] follows.
*Shallan's spren is a [[Cryptic]]
Shallan's spren is a [[Cryptic]]
{{anchor|Chapter 4}}
===Chapter 4: Taker of Secrets ===
[[File:Kholin Crest.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph| The next clue came on the walls. I did not ignore this sign, but neither did I grasp its full implications.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (PoVPoint of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakes 1173''
Dalinar is experiencing another vision. He describes how he is running through what he believes to be the [[Purelake]] along with about a dozen armed and armored men, though he notes that they are clad in ancient leather armor. At first he is unsure if they are running away from something or toward something until he notices a Fortress apparently made completely made out of onyx. His group meets up with another one lead by a [[Radiant]] in deep red glowing [[Shardplate|Plate]]. Dalinar thus determines that this vision takes place before the [[Recreance]]. The Radiant informs them that [[Caeb]] thought he saw something and tells them to look around. When one of the men hears Dalinar mumbling to himself, as he describes what is happening, he tells Dalinar to look for a [[spren]] that isn't behaving the way it should. Since spren that where touched by [[Sja-anat]] are different. Dalinar repeats the word quietly hoping that [[Navani]] will record them, when he notices that the female Knight is talking apparently to nobody. As he looks around he sees a face of shadow with red eyes in the water. When he points this out to the others the Knight, after noting that this is Sja-anat's spy sends Kade to the checkpoint and tells the others to keep watching for the carrier. Dalinar chases after the spren while describing it, when it is suddenly joined by a six feet tall spren. As the second one dive into the rock Dalinar stumbles back. He gets pulled back further by one of the man as the ground starts to tremble. Dalinar watches as the spren, having somehow apparently animated the rock, starts to climb out of the rock with its new rockbody. The soldiers, recognizing it as a [[Thunderclast]], start yelling for Hammers.
Dalinar is experiencing another vision. He describes how he is running through what he believes to be the [[Purelake]] along with about a dozen armed and armored men, though he notes that they are clad in ancient leather armor. At first he is unsure if they are running away from something or toward something until he notices a Fortress apparently made completely made out of Onyx. His group meets up with another one lead by a [[Radiant]] in deep red glowing [[Shardplate|Plate]]. Dalinar thus determines that this Vision takes place before the [[Recreance]]. The Radiant informs them that [[Caeb]] thought he saw something and tells them to look around. When one of the men hears Dalinar mumbling to himself, as he describes what is happening, he tells Dalinar to look for a [[spren]] that isn't behaving the way it should. Since spren that where touched by [[Sja-anat]] are different. Dalinar repeats the word quietly hoping that [[Navani]] will record them, when he notices that the female Knight is talking apparently to nobody. As he looks around he sees a face of shadow with red eyes in the water. When he points this out to the others the Knight, after noting that this is Sja-anat's spy sends Kade to the checkpoint and tells the others to keep watching for the carrier. Dalinar chases after the spren while describing it, when it is suddenly joined by a six feet tall spren. As the second one dive into the rock Dalinar stumbles back. He gets pulled back further by one of the man as the ground starts to tremble. Dalinar watches as the spren, having somehow apparently animated the rock, starts to climb out of the rock with his new rockbody. The soldiers, recognizing it as a [[Thunderclast]], start yelling for Hammers.
*In Dalinar's vision, the Knight Radiant seems to have a conversation with a person that is not present, implying that the [[Knights Radiant]] had a means of telecommunication.
*The vision shows how [[Thunderclast]]s were created.
; Notes
*The first countdown appears (62 days).
:In Dalinar's vision, the Knight Radiant seems to have a conversation with a person that is not present, implying that the [[Knights Radiant]] had a means of telecommunication.
:The vision shows how [[Thunderclast]]s were created.
{{anchor|Chapter 5}}
===Chapter 5: Ideals===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph| The sign on the wall proposed a greater danger, even, than its deadline. To foresee the future is of the Voidbringers.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakan 1173''
{{anchor|Chapter 6}}
===Chapter 6: Terrible destruction===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph| We had never considered that there might be Parshendi spies hiding among our slaves. This is something else I should have seen.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakach 1173''
{{anchor|Chapter 7}}
===Chapter 7: Open Flame ===
[[File:Shallan's Chapters.svg|115px|center]]
{{epigraph|I was unprepared for the grief my loss brought - &mdash;like an unexpected rain - &mdash;breaking from a clear sky and crashing down upon me. Gavilar's death years ago was overwhelming, but this... this nearly crushed me.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakach 1173''
{{anchor|Chapter 8}}
===Chapter 8: Knives in the Back - Soldiers on the Field===
[[File:Kholin Crest.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I seek not to use my grief as an excuse, but it is an explanation. people act strangely soon after encountering an unexpected loss. Though Jasnah had been away for some time, her loss was unexpected. I, like many, assumed her to be immortal.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Dalinar Kholin]] (POVPoint of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakach 1173''
; Notes
*The countdown starts - 62 days
{{anchor|Chapter 9}}
===Chapter 9: Walking the Grave===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{epigraph|I wish to think had I not been under sorrow's thumb, I would have seen earlier the approaching dangers. Yet in all honesty, I#'m not certiancertain anything could have been done.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Kaladin]] (POVPoint of view)
===Chapter 10:Red Carpet, Once White===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Shallan Davar]] (POVPoint of view)
*[[Lin Davar]]
*Shallan's mother (mentioned only)
;Plot summary
:''Six years ago''
Shallan believing the world is ending and it being her fault is crying. As her father tries getting her to sleep he wipes some blood from her face and starts singing a lullaby. Shallan thinks her self to be a monster that kills and thus unworthy of the love and affection her father is giving her. In the room there are several corpses one of them being a woman in white, Shallan's mother. She didn't bleed very much but the other man did. As Shallan and her father pass the his save in the wall Shallan can see the light form the "monster" coming from inside of it. After the song ends her father leaves the bedroom closing the door on the corpses.
6 Years ago
Shallan believing the world is ending and it being her fault is crying. As her father tries getting her to sleep he wipes some blood from her face and starts singing a lullaby. Shallan thinks her self to be a monster that kills and thus unworthy of the love and affection her father is giving her. In the room there are several corpses one of them being a woman in white, Shallan's mother. She didn't bleed very much but the other man did. As Shallan and her father pass the his save in the wall Shallan can see the light form the “monster” coming from inside of it. After the song ends her father leaves the bedroom closing the door on the corpses.
{{quote|Sleep now dear one, crimson sky will fall behind you.
Through rock and dread, through rock and dread, may be your dead, you will sleep my loved one dear.
The crystals fine, will glow sublime, so sleep my loved one dear.
And like a song, it wont be long, you sleep my loved one dear.
|The lullaby [[Lin Davar|Lin]] recites in the chapter ''Red Carpet,sings Onceto White''Shallan
===Chapter 11: An Illusion of Perception ===
[[File: Shallan Flahback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
{{Epigraphepigraph|But, understanablyunderstandably, we were focused on Sadeas. His betrayal was still fresh, and I saw its singssigns each day as I passed empty barracks and greving widows. We knew that Sadeas would not simply rest upon his slaughters in pride. More was coming.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (POVPoint of view)
;Plot summary
:''Tanatakev 1173''
{{anchor|Chapter 12}}
===Chapter 12: Hero ===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
{{Epigraph|Unfortunately, we fixated upon Sadeas's plotting so much that we did not take note of the changed patterpattern of our enemies, the murderers of my husband, the true danger. I would like to know what wind brought about their sudden inexplicable transformation.<br>—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
—From the journal of Navani Kholin, Jesesach 1174}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
''';Plot summary'''
Sigzil finally gets the possibility to 'measure' Kaladin's abilities. Down in the chasms&mdash;while Teft and Drehy are working with twenty others to train them&mdash;Kaladin, Sigzil, Rock and Lopen are makingdoing experiments. Lopen is has to guardguards the location to avoid unbidden guests. They try to measure how long a rock which Kaladin infused with Stormlight and stuck it to thea chasm wall stays stuck. Rock hints them at spren that pull the stone to the wall. Kaladin sees them, too, when looking close, but Sigzil doesn't.
Sigzil takes notes writing them down in glyphs. And he is confused. He says he would need a clock to orderly measure times and that he has no real references to compare. So they start testing other things, things, Kaladin can do in battle with his Stormlight. For example Infusing his spear and making it stuck on the spear of a foe or Infusing the ground causing others that step in to topple. For this experiments Lopen and Rock joined Sigzil as sparring partners. It's shown that Rock indeed knows how to fight though he still refuses to do so aside from this sparring for testing Kaladin's abilities.
[[File:Eshonai Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Eshonai]] (Point of view)
''';Plot summary'''
{{Anchor|Interlude 2}}
[[File:Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Ym]] (Point of view)
''';Plot summary'''
{{Anchor|Interlude 3}}
[[File:Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Rysn]] (Point of view)
*An [[Aimian]], possibly [[Axies]]
*The [[Reshi]] king
*A Reshi healer
''';Plot summary'''
{{Anchor|Interlude 4}}
[[File:Eshonai Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Eshonai]] (Point of view)
*[[Eshonai's mother]]
*Venli's once-mate
===Chapter 13: The Day's Masterpiece ===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Warform is worn for battle and reign,<br>
Claimed by the Gods, given to kill.<br>
Unknown, unseen, but vital to gain.<br>
ItcomesIt comes to those with the will.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 15th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 15th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Jasnah Kholin]] (mentioned only)
''';Plot summary'''
:''Tanatakah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 14|}}
=== Chapter 14: Ironstance===
[[File:Adolin Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
Mateform meek, for love to share,<br>
Given to life, it brings us joy.<br>
To find this form, one must care.<br>
True empathy one must employ.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 5th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 5th stanza}}
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (Point of view)
''';Mentioned only'''
''';Plot summary'''
:''Tanatatah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 15|}}
=== Chapter 15: A Hand with the Tower===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Workform worn for strength and care.<br?
Whispering spren breathe at your ear.<br>
Seek first this form, its mysteries to bear.<br>
Found here is freedom formfrom fear.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 19th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 19th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
''';Plot summary'''
:''Tanatatah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 16|}}
=== Chapter 16: Swordmaster===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
Nimbleform has a delicate touch.<br>
Gave the gods this form to many,<br>
Tho' once defied, by the goods they were crushed.<br>
This form craves precision and plenty.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 27th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 27th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Adolin Kholin]]
''';Mentioned only'''
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 17|}}
=== Chapter 17: A Pattern===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Dullform dread, with the mind most lost.<br>
The lowest, and one not bright.<br>
To find this form, one need banish the cost.<br>
It finds you and brings you to blight.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, final stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, final stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 18|}}
=== Chapter 18: Bruises===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
Scholarform shown for patience and thought.<br>
Beware its ambitions innate.<br>
Though study and diligence bring the reward,<br>
Loss of innocwnce may be one's fate<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 69th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 69th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
;Mentioned only
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Dalinar Kholin]]
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 19|}}
=== Chapter 19: Safe Things===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
Five and a half years ago
:''Five and a half years ago''
{{Anchor|Chapter 20|}}
=== Chapter 20: The Coldness of Clarity===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Artform applied for beauty and hue.<br>
One years for the songs it creates.<br>
Most misunderstand by the artis it's true,<br>
Come the Spren to foundation's fate.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 90th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 90th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*Two other unnamed deserters
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 21|}}
=== Chapter 21: Ashes===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Mediationform made for peace, it's said.<br>
Form of teaching and consolation.<br>
When used by the gods, it became instedinstead<br>
Form of lies and desolation.<br>
—From the listener Song of Listing, 33rd stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Listing, 33rd stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*One unnamed slave
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 22|}}
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
Stormform is said to cause<br>
A tempest of winds and showers,<br>
Beware its powers, beware its powers.<br>
Though its coming brings the gods their night,<br>
It obliges a bloodred spren.<br>
Beware its end, beware its end.<br>
—From the listener Song of Winds, 4th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Winds, 4th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
;Mentioned only
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Meridas Amaram]]
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 23|}}
=== Chapter 23: Assassin===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
Nightform predicting what will be,<br>
The form of shadows, mind to foresee.<br>
As the gods did leave, the nightform ehispered.<br>
A new storm will come, someday to break.<br>
A new storm a new world to make.<br>
A new storm a new path to take, nightform listens.<br>
—From the listener Song of Secrets, 17th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 17th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*[[Renarin Kholin]]
*An unnamed member of the King's Guard
;Mentioned only
'''Mentioned only'''
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishes 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 24|}}
=== Chapter 24: Tyn===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Decayform destroys the souls of dreams.<br>
A form of gods to avoid, it seems.<br>
Seek not its touch, nor beckon its screams, deny it.<br>
Watch where you walk, your toes to tread,<br>
O'er hill or rocky riverbed<br>
Hold dear the fears that fill your head, defy it.<br>
—From the listener Song of Secrets, 27th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 27th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishan 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 25|}}
=== Chapter 25: Monsters===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
Smokeform for hiding and slipping between men.<br>
A form of power, like human Surges.<br>
Bring it 'round again.<br>
Though crafted of gods,<br>
It was by Unmade hand.<br>
Leaves its force to be but one of foe or friend.<br>
—From the listener Song of Secrets, 127th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 127th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Tanatishah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 26|}}
=== Chapter 26: The Feather===
[[File:Adolin Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
They blame our people<br>
For the loss of that land.<br>
The city that comes once covered it<br>
Did range the eastern strand.<br>
The power made knnownknown in the tomes of our clan<br>
Our gods were not who shattered these plains.<br>
—From the listener Song of Wars, 55th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Wars, 55th stanza}}
*[[Adolin Kholin]] (Point of view)
*[[Teft]] (Probably)
;Plot summary
{{Anchor|Chapter 27|}}
=== Chapter 27: Fabrications to Distract===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
*[[Jushu Davar]]
;Mentioned only
'''Mentioned only'''
*[[Balat Davar]]
;Plot summary
Five years ago
:''Five years ago''
{{Anchor|Chapter 28|}}
=== Chapter 28: Boots===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
The beraylbetrayal of spren has brought us here.<br>
They gave their Surges to human heirs,<br>
But not to those who know them most dear, before us.<br>
'Tis no surprise we turned away<br>
Unto the gods we spent our days<br>
And to become their molding clay, they changed us.<br>
—From the listener Song of Secrets, 40th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 40th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanach 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 29|}}
=== Chapter 29: Rule of Blood===
[[File:Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|165px|center]]
Artform for colors beyond our ken;<br>
For its grand songs we yearn.<br>
We must attract creationspren;<br>
These songs suffice 'till we learn.<br>
—From the listener Song of Revision, 279th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Revision, 279th stanza}}
*[[Torol Sadeas]] (Point of view)
*[[Ialai Sadeas]]
;Mentioned only
'''Mentioned only'''
;Plot summary
{{Anchor|Chapter 30|}}
[[File:Shallan Flahback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
'Tis said it was warm in the land far away<br>
When Voidbringers entered our songs.<br>
We brought them home to stay<br>
And then those homes became their own,<br>
It happened gradually.<br>
And years ahead 'twil still be said 'tis how it has to be.<br>
—From the listener Song of Histories, 12th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Histories, 12th stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanev 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 31|}}
=== Chapter 31: The Stillness Before===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Somkeform for hiding and slipping 'tween men.<br>
A form of power—like humanpower&mdash;like Surges of spren.<br>
Do we dare wear this form again? It spies.<br>
Crafted of gods, this form we fear.<br>
By Unmade touch its curse to bear,<br>
Formed from shadow—andshadow&mdash;and death is near. It lies.<br>
—From the listener Song of Secrets, 51st stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, 51st stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
*An unnamed caravan worker
;Mentioned only
'''Mentioned only'''
;Plot summary
:''Ishanah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 32|}}
=== Chapter 32: The One Who Hates===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
The spren betrayed us, it's often felt.<br>
Our minds are too close to their realm<br>
That gives us our forms, but more is then<br>
Demanded by the smartest spren,<br>
We can't provide what the humans lend,<br>
Though broth are we, their meat is men.<br>
—From the listener Song of Spren, 9th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Spren, 9th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 33|}}
=== Chapter 33: Burdens===
[[File:Kaladin's Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
But it is not impossible to blend<br>
Their Surges to ours in the end.<br>
It has been promised and it can come.<br>
Or do we understand the sum?<br>
We question not if they can have us then,<br>
But if we dare to have them again.<br>
—From the listener Song of Spren, 10th stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Spren, 10th stanza}}
*[[Kaladin]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanah 1173''
{{Anchor|Chapter 34|}}
=== Chapter 34: Blossoms and Cake===
[[File:Shallan FlahbackFlashback Chapters Inverted.svg|165px|center]]
Our gods were born splinters of a soul,<br>
Of one who seeks to take control,<br>
Destroys all lands that he beholds, with spite.<br>
They are his spren, his gift, his price.<br>
But the nightforms speak of future life,<br>
A challenged champion. A strife even he must requite.<br>
—From the listener Song of Secrets, final stanza}}
—From the Listener Song of Secrets, final stanza}}
*[[Shallan Davar]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanah 1173''
[[File:Eshonai Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Eshonai]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanah 1173''
{{Anchor|Interlude 6}}
[[File:Stormlight Decal Swords.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Zahel]] (Point of view))
*[[Sylphrena]] (Mentioned only)
;Plot summary
:''Ishanah 1173''
{{Anchor|Interlude 7}}
[[File:Taln Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Taln]] (Point of view)
*[[Wit]] (Mentioned only)
;Plot summary
{{Anchor|Interlude 8}}
[[File:Eshonai Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
*[[Eshonai]] (Point of view)
;Plot summary
==Part Three: Deadly:==
:''Ishanah 1173''
==Part Three: Deadly==
{{anchor|Chapter 35}}
===Chapter 35: The Multiplied Strain of Simultaneous Infusion===
[[File:Adolin Chapters.svg|165px|center]]
They also, when they had settled their rulings in nature of each bond's placement, called the name of it the Nahel bond, with regard to it'sits effect upon the souls of those caught in its grip; in this description, each was related to the bonds that drive Roshar itself, ten Surges, named in turn and two for each order; in this light, it can be seen that each order would by necessity share one Surge with each of its neighbors.<br>—From Words of Radiance, chapter 8, page 6}}
—From Words of Radiance, chapter 8, page 6}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
