Diferencia entre revisiones de «Wan ShaiLu»

53 bytes añadidos ,  hace 11 años
Removed two requests for citation because evidence is given literally the next paragraph, added Writing Excuses citation for Hoid as the fool
(Removed two requests for citation because evidence is given literally the next paragraph, added Writing Excuses citation for Hoid as the fool)
She has the ability to create a [[Soulstamp]] and with this [[Forge]] things, change them. However she needs to know the past and the nature of the Object she forges.
She was imprisoned and was awaiting her public execution.{{cite}} She was asked by the Emperor to forge a person's soul in exchange for her freedom.{{cite}}
{{quote|She starts off in prison, but instead of being executed, she is offered an opportunity. The emperor has been wounded in the head by assassins, and has become a vegetable. His attendants have hidden this from the empire and will trade Shai her life in exchange for creating a Forgery of the emperor's soul, hopefully making it seem like the attack on his life never happened.|Quote from [[Brandon]]'s post on ''[[The Emperor's Soul]]''{{ref|bws|blog/1121|An introduction to ''The Emperor's Soul''}}|}}
== Other information ==
In one of ''[[The Emperor's Soul]]'' deleted scenes, [[Hoid]] visits her in prison and discuses the thing she stole and how he stole it first.{{citeref|[http://www.writingexcuses.com/2012/11/11/ Hoid is the Imperial Fool]}}
== Notes ==
