Diferencia entre revisiones de «Zezin»

146 bytes añadidos ,  hace 4 años
Rewording some things and changing pronouns as their gender isn't indicated. Good choice of top quote!
(Quote and some adjustments)
(Rewording some things and changing pronouns as their gender isn't indicated. Good choice of top quote!)
'''Zezin''' is a [[figment]] who serves Minister [[Cuna]] in the [[Superiority]].{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
Zezin uses a variety of scents to portray their emotions, including wet soil to indicate anger and rotting fruit for sorrow and anguish.
When the [[delver]] that [[Brade]] summoned arrives at [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]], Zezin is shocked and angry that [[Winzik]] would actually try to summon a delver. He quickly realizes that Winzik has lost control of it, and shifts his smell to that of rotting fruit, which Cuna identifies as signifying sorrow and anguish. Knowing an old [[dione]] like them won't be able to keep up with a figment who can fly through the air, Cuna tells him to go and escape on a ship. Before Zezin leaves, he promises Cuna that he will do what he can to resist Winzik's efforts to control the Superiority after the delver moves on.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
Zezin did not initially believe Cuna, when they suggested that [[Winzik]] would attempt to summon a [[delver]], and were shocked and angry when [[Starsight (station)|Starsight]] was set upon by one of the beings. Despite the situation at hand, Zenzin did not believe that Winzik intended for the delver to assault the space station, or that he was using it to destroy the Superiority government for his own gain. Cuna urges Zenzin to escape Starsight without them as they would be unable to keep up with the figment. Before departing, Zenzin promised Cuna that they will continue to resist Winzik and try to rectify the situation.{{book ref|sky2|i|3}}
== Notes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
