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| Use physical cords for data transfer, avoid broadcasting, and put shielding around faster processors. To do otherwise risks the attention of the eyes.
| Instructions from [[M-Bot]]'s memory banks{{book ref|skywardsky1|31}}
The ancient humans who constructed [[M-Bot]] considered the eyes to be a hostile and dangerous force, and took measures to avoid catching their attention. This involved abandoning more advanced technologies in favor of the radio and shielding faster processors, suggesting that the eyes are capable of perceiving some sort of electronic activity, or perhaps only the mix of cytonics and technology.{{book ref|skyward|31}} [[Spensa]] also speculates that M-Bot's faster-than-light capacities have been disabled due to the hostility of the eyes; however, short-distance jumps seem safe to make.{{book ref|skyward|54}}
The danger posed by the delvers has made it necessary to take measures to avoid catching their attention. Such measures were known even to the ancient humans, who proscribed radio silence and shielding all fast processors.{{book ref|sky1|31}}
The [[Krell]], on the other hand, do not appear concerned with the eyes, freely using the nowhere space for their own purposes. M-Bot also seems to use the nowhere to augment his processing capacity with no ill effects, although he could be shielded to protect him from the eyes.{{book ref|skyward|55}}{{book ref|skyward|31}}
The chief safeguard, maintained both by the people of [[Detritus]] and by the [[Superiority]], is to abandon all but the most crucial cytonic abilities and technologies, and surrounding inhabited spaces with '''cytoshields''', which clamp down on and limit cytonic activity. Cytonic communications have likewise been abandoned, and radio usage is greatly limited, with cables replacing it where possible.{{book ref|sky2|10}}{{book ref|sky2|11}} Artificial intelligence has likewise been abandoned, and in the present times, AIs are regarded with fear by the people of the Superiority.{{book ref|sky2|45}} However, it seems that, much like few scattered cytonics don't pose a threat, lone AIs are capable of functioning without drawing the delvers' ire.{{book ref|sky2|55}}
The one cytonic technology still widely in use is FTL travel; to maintain it without delvers coming through, Superiority uses [[taynix]], a non-sapient species of cytonic slugs, as a distraction.{{book ref|sky2|34}} However, in the years since the last delver had vanished, Starsight has come to once more rely on wireless communications, posing a major risk when one reemerges and targets them.{{book ref|sky2|42}}
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