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When sufficiently antagonized by cytonics, delvers can emerge into the real space. The emergence begins as a distortion in reality from which everything manifests. The second step is the '''core''', or the '''heart''', which from the outside appears as a sphere of pure black. Afterwards the '''delver maze''' forms around it -- a confusing, seemingly-random array of dark, hollow spires jutting out in various directions, connecting together to form a network of traversible tunnels. Finally, the delver maze is enveloped by a dense cloud of '''particulate dust''', in which storms rage, with strikes of lightning casting lights of various colours, mostly red.{{book ref|sky2|41}}
A fully manifested delver is titanic in scale;, theenough so to have its own gravitational pull. The one summoned by [[Brade]] is somewhere between a massive moon and a small planet, while the called by humans in ancient past was capable of enveloping the entirety of [[Detritus]].{{book ref|sky2|41}}{{book ref|sky2|4}}
==== Interior ====
At the center of the maze lies the heart, protected by an illusory membrane. Unlike the rest of the delver, the area immediately surrounding it has atmosphere breathable to air-using species, like humans or diones. A black hole leads into the heart proper, which is black on the outside, and utterly white on the inside.{{book ref|sky2|43}} The heart is a place of perfect serenity, white and peaceful, free of any disturbance, although cytonic and radio activity forms small holes in its walls. The holes appear to be inherently unpleasant to all who perceive them and make distressing sounds.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
The delver mind resides within the heart; while its true shape is uncertain, it seems to take the form of the person who perceives it.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
== Abilities and behavior ==