Diferencia entre revisiones de «VenDell»

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{{in progress}}
|born=SixthSexta GenerationGeneración
|books=[[MistbornNacidos de la bruma Era 2]]
'''VenDell''' ises an elderun [[kandra]] ofantiguo de thela SixthSexta generationGeneración.{{book ref|mb5|15}}{{book ref|mb5|16}}{{book ref|mb6|3}}
According toSegún [[MeLaan]], hele enjoysgusta beingque askedle questionshagan aboutpreguntas beingsobre aser un kandra, andy también hasha alsohecho madecomentarios commentssobre onla humansexualidad sexualityhumana.
HeTiene haslas manos de [[BreezeBrisa]]'s hands.{{book ref|mb6|3}}
== AppearanceApariencia andy Personalitypersonalidad ==
VenDell appears as a slender man in brown suit and a bow tie. The color of his suit changes to a lighter brown three times.{{book ref|mb6|1}}
He has polite speech and manners but also has a habit of making witty remarks. He often gives indefinite answers to questions. As a kandra he does not flinch when a pistol is put on his head but he does not agree to go on the field due to honoring the [[First Contract]].{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|4}}
== AttributesAtributos andy Abilitieshabilidades ==
As a kandra, VenDell cannot be killed by simple physical violence. He can transform into almost any creature by digesting them and using their bones. It is difficult to shapeshift into very small animals since he needs a certain mass to hold the cognitive functions. VenDell would be able to shapeshift into a bunny if absolutely necessary.{{book ref|mb6|4}}
Like each kandra, VenDell has two Blessings which are spikes created using the art of [[Hemalurgy]].
== HistoryHistoria ==
=== Pre-CatacendreCatacendro ===
VenDell receives his [[Hemalurgy|Hemalurgic]] spikes called Blessings as part of the Sixth Generation of kandra.
Right before the [[Catacendre]], VenDell, like most other kandra, removes his spikes as executing the [[Resolution]] requires. However, Harmony restored VenDell's Blessings to him so he could keep on living as a kandra and serve him.
=== TheEl ReLuurcaso Casede ReLuur ===
VenDell seeks out [[Waxillium Ladrian]] and tries to request a meeting with him to talk about a mission to recover [[ReLuur]]'s missing spike. However, Wax rejects him twice so VenDell turns to [[Marasi Colms]] for help.{{book ref|mb6|1}}{{book ref|mb6|2}}
Marasi accepts VenDell's request and agrees to go to [[New Seran]]. Marasi asks Wax to join her but he is not willing to help until VenDell shows him a picture which has Wax's sister, [[Telsin]], in it. After a short break, Wax, Wayne, Marasi, and Steris decide to all set off to New Seran. VenDell has arranged everything for their journey. Wax asks VenDell to join them which makes the kandra lose his composure momentarily. VenDell strongly disagrees on joining them on the field and says MeLaan will be joining them instead. VenDell tries to give Wax a new Hemalurgic earring but Wax refuses to take it. He then gives it to Marasi who later delivers it to Wax.{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|4}}
== RelationshipsRelaciones ==
=== MeLaan ===
After being turned down by Wax the second time, VenDell decides to request [[Marasi]]'s help for recovering ReLuur's spike. At first, Marasi is puzzled why VenDell would ask her but she agrees to help. She even delivers the earring to Wax after VenDell failed to give it to him.{{book ref|mb6|2}}{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|6}}
=== HarmonyArmonía ===
Like other kandra, VenDell is also considered to be a [[Faceless Immortal]], Harmony's representative. VenDell and other kandra have been trying to make Harmony tell them more about future inventions but with no luck.{{book ref|mb6|3}}
== QuotesCitas ==
== TriviaCuriosidades ==
* Brandon has [[RAFO]]'ed a question whether VenDell has [[BioChromatic Breath]]s which led to speculation of it being the cause for his suit getting lighter in color. However, a month later Brandon confirmed that VenDell just changes his suits.{{wob ref|3792}}{{wob ref|8777}}{{wob ref|5650}}
== NotesNotas ==
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