Diferencia entre revisiones de «VenDell»

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He has polite speech and manners but also has a habit of making witty remarks. He often gives indefinite answers to questions. As a kandra he does not flinch when a pistol is put on his head but he does not agree to go on the field due to honoring the [[First Contract]].{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|4}}
== Attributes and Abilities ==
As a kandra, VenDell cannot be killed by simple physical violence. He can transform into almost any creature by digesting them and using their bones. It is difficult to shapeshift into very small animals since he needs a certain mass to hold the cognitive functions. VenDell would be able to shapeshift into a bunny if absolutely necessary. {{book ref|mb6|4}}
Like each kandra, VenDell has two Blessings which are spikes created using the art of [[Hemalurgy]].
Brandon has [[RAFO]]'ed a question whether VenDell has biochromatic breaths which led to speculation of it being the cause for his suit getting lighter in color. However, a month later Brandon confirmed that VenDell just changes his suits. {{wob ref |3792 |Stormlight Three Update #4 |date=2016-10-5}}{{wob ref |8777 |Oathbringer Edinburgh signing |date=2017-12-2}}{{wob ref |5650 |Arcanum Unbounded Seattle signing |date=2016-12-1}}
== Relationships ==
VenDell considers MeLaan to be his sister and trusts her to handle the field work. He would prefer MeLaan showing more tact and better manners as a representative of [[Harmony]]. MeLaan casually talks back to VenDell and they make witty comments back and forth.{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|4}}
'''Waxillium Ladrian'''
VenDell tries to politely request a meeting with [[Waxillium]] to discuss the mission of recovering [[ReLuur]]'s missing spike but Wax rejects him each time before he can even mention the mission. They are in speaking terms but Wax has not forgotten nor forgiven what happened to [[Lessie]] so there is a lot of tension between them. VenDell tries to give Wax a [[Pathian]] earring but Wax refuses to take it. VenDell gives the earring in a pouch to Marasi who later delivers it to Wax.{{book ref|mb6|1}}{{book ref|mb6|2}}{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|4}}{{book ref|mb6|6}}
VenDell is not very pleased with Wayne's way of treating him due to Wayne acting suspicious of him and throwing a walnut at his head. VenDell is used to humans treating him with high respect for being a servant of Harmony, so Wayne showing little to no respect rubs him the wrong way. However, VenDell politely asks Wayne if he could have his skeleton after Wayne is dead. According to VenDell, Bloodmakers' bones are particularly interesting due to the time they spend weak and sick which creates distinctive oddities in the joints and bones. {{book ref|mb6|4}}
'''Marasi Colms'''
After being turned down by Wax the second time, VenDell decides to request [[Marasi]]'s help for recovering ReLuur's spike. At first, Marasi is puzzled why VenDell would ask her but she agrees to help. She even delivers the earring to Wax after VenDell failed to give it to him. {{book ref|mb6|2}}{{book ref|mb6|3}}{{book ref|mb6|6}}
Like other kandra, VenDell is also considered to be a [[Faceless Immortal]], Harmony's representative. VenDell and other kandra have been trying to make Harmony tell them more about future inventions but with no luck.{{book ref|mb6|3}}
== Notes ==