Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Windrunner/Splinter»

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MOVELATERThere are some planets that only have Splinters present on the world,{{wob ref|4777}} as in the past Shards have gone to planets within the cosmere and left behind a Splinter before leaving.{{wob ref|8763}} Adonalsium also once left behind Splinters on various worlds before its death.{{wob ref|6173}}{{cite10563}}
A Shard may also Splinter another Shard, tearing off one or many chunks of its power, typically for the purpose of diminishing it. This is a process that transcends the three realms{{wob ref|7967}} and if a Shard is completely destroyed in this way it is said to be '''Splintered'''. Typically either a Vessel may be killed and then their Shard subsequently Splintered,{{msh ref|6|4}} or more commonly the Splintering may happen as one titanic event that kills the Vessel and disperses the power.{{msh ref|3|2}} The act of Splintering a Shard may ravage a planet with uncontrolled power if the Investiture is not contained.{{au ref|sel}} A Splintered Shard cannot have a Vessel while it remains in such a state, but its Splinters may be reconstituted into a full Shard via an unknown process,{{wob ref|1070}} although it will not restore the original Vessel.{{wob ref|5993}} If a Splinter's parent Shard is itself completely Splintered, there may be some impact on any already extant Splinters.{{wob ref|13381}} Whether or not a Shard can Splinter another Shard is dependent upon the amount of raw [[Investiture]] that Shard is able to make use of at the time,{{wob ref|9540}} as well as its ability to leverage said power, and its knowledge of the process.{{msh ref|3|2}}{{wob ref|9616}} There are more and less efficient ways to Splinter a Shard and it may grow easier with practice.{{wob ref|9563}}{{wob ref|9616}} Even a successful Splintering is taxing on the Shard performing the Splintering and may require some recovery by the [[Shard]] afterward.{{wob ref|9881}} In some cases whether or not a Shard is Splintered may be a somewhat vague term.{{wob ref|5072}} A Shard left on its own without a Vessel may also Splinter of its own accord, although that is not the only possibility.{{wob ref|1877}}
Synod, Editors, Keepers
