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Vasher's Companion

After the end of the Manywar, Vasher wandered Nalthis carrying Nightblood, attempting to attone for his percieved sins.[Falta cita] He avoided using Nighblood when possible, but would periodically draw him at the cost of his store of Breaths. He used Nightblood to kill someone several months before the Pahn Kahl rebellion.Plantilla:Annotation ref In order to restore his supply of breaths, Vasher started a brawl in a bar and allowed himself and Nightblood to be captured and taken to the God King's dungeons.[1] One of the guards drew Nightblood slightly and killed all of the other guards, as well as himself. This gave Vasher the opening to escape from his prison and convince Vahr, a captured Pahn Kahl rebel, to give him his Breath. Vasher recovered Nightblood as he escaped the prison.

Several weeks later, Vasher brought Nighblood with him as he watched Princess Sisirinah enter the palace from the wall of the Court of Gods.[2] Nightblood did not understand why Vasher cared that the Idrians had actually sent a princess, not realizing how Siri would complicate things. Vasher brought Nightblood with him to a restaurant to meet with the priest Bebid, considering putting Nightblood in his pack to avoid attention. Nightblood did not care for that idea. While Vasher talked to Bebid, Nightblood was stolen by someone from where he was leaned up against a wall. The thief brought Nightblood to an alleyway outside where he used Nightblood to kill a fellow cutpurse and then himself. Nightblood continued listenting to Vasher's thoughts from outside until Vasher recovered Nightblood after he finished his meeting. Nightblood chastised Vasher for losing his temper in the meeting.

Vasher an Nightblood also attended a meeting of the Court of Gods.[3] As they watched the proceedings, Vasher noticed Vivenna, who was also present. She felt their attention and noticed both Vasher and Nightblood watching her.

After Vasher received the tip on the existence of tunnels beneath the Court of Gods, he and Nightblood infiltrated the palace.[4] Vasher took on the guise of a crazy man, keeping Nightblood beneath his cloak. Vasher broke into Mercystar's palace, knocking out several guards using Awakened clothing and a sheathed Nightblood. When Vasher threw Nightblood at several of the priests, one managed to draw Nightblood but Vasher disarmed the man before Nightblood could feast on him fully. Nightblood was annoyed by this, upset he hadn't killed anyone and that several of the priests had resisted the impulse to draw him from his sheath. As they entered the tunnels, Nightblood expressed distrust in the information they had received from the priests.

Loss on Roshar
