Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Windrunner/Nightblood»

== Appearance and Personality ==
=== Appearance ===
Nightblood takes the form of a five-foot-long black sword.{{book ref|wb|50}} Nightblood's blade itself is a deep black color,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} although it was not that color before it was Awakened. It is often kept in a silver sheath{{book ref|wb|prologue}} made of [[aluminum]],{{wob ref|date=2017-11-13|8162|Oathbringer release party}} which may be attached to the sword with a clasp.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} The sword itself also has a [[BioChroma]]tic aura, although it differs from a traditional aura. Rather than making nearby colors brighter, Nightblood makes them deeper, turning blues into navies,
=== Personality ===
Synod, Editors, Keepers
