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== Appearance and Personality ==
=== Appearance ===
Nightblood takes the form of a five-foot-long black sword.{{book ref|wb|50}} Nightblood's blade itself is a deep black color,{{book ref|wb|prologue}} although it was not that color before it was Awakened. It is often kept in a silver sheath{{book ref|wb|prologue}} made of [[aluminum]],{{wob ref|date=2017-11-13|8162|Oathbringer release party}} which may be attached to the sword with a clasp.{{book ref|wb|prologue}} The sword itself also has a [[BioChroma]]tic aura, although it differs from a traditional aura. Rather than making nearby colors brighter, Nightblood makes them deeper, turning blues into navies,
=== Personality ===
As a construct, Nightblood has a personality and perspective that often seems alien to his human companions. Nightblood's personality is based upon the Command given to him by Vasher and Shashara when he was forged, "Destroy Evil". However, he has no concept of intangible ideas, such as love, hope, or evil. This makes it difficult for Nightblood to truly follow his Command, although he does his best to do so.
Interestingly enough, Nightblood does not really seem to have a gender. While he is most commonly referred to as having a masculine voice, some such as Lift have heard his voice as feminine. Vasher made the initial decision to refer to Nightblood with masculine pronouns.{{wob ref|date=2015-03-13|3372|/r/books AMA 2015}} Nightblood himself finds the concept of gender to be fascinating and tries to understand it, even though he does not truly have one himself.
== History ==
=== Creation ===
Nightblood was created by Shashara and Vasher during the Manywar. There were two primary objectives in his creation. Several of the [[Five Scholars]] had previously traveled to post-[[Recreance]] Roshar,{{wob ref|date=2016-02-16|7078|Calamity release party}} where they had encountered men wielding Shardblades. Vasher and Vivenna were hoping to create an analogous weapon using [[Breath]],{{wob ref|date=2016-11-22|1737|Arcanum Unbounded release party}} Investiture from the Shard [[Endowment]].{{wob ref|date=2016-02-22|6539|Calamity Chicago signing}} The other objective was to create a Type IV Biochromatic Entity{{book ref|wb|51}} something self-aware and intelligent that has never been human. Shashara also wished to prove herself a more skilled Awakener than [[Yesteel]], who had recently developed [[ichor-alcohol]].{{book ref|wb|51}} She devised the specific process through study and experimentation. Creating Nightblood required one thousand Breaths that were forged into the sword. Shashara and Vasher spent a good deal of time in advance considering what Command to give Nightblood, eventually settling on the phrase, "Destroy Evil," which would form the basis of Nightblood's personality.
=== Manywar ===