Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Windrunner/Hoid»

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Hoid brought Shallan to the inn where he was staying.{{book ref|sa3|68}} At some point he picked Shallan's pocket, offering her pouch of spheres to the irate inkeeper as proof he had brought in at least one paying customer. Once they were seated in a private dining room, Hoid complimented Shallan's Lightweaving while she confronted him about his true nature. While denying that he was a Herald, Hoid did reveal his tremendous age to her and explained that he had made a vow to always be where he needed. He encouraged her to eat and Shallan asked him how she might become more like him and learn to change the lives of those around her, like he had done for her in Jah Keved. Wit warned her against trying to change the world too much, explaining that those few that succeed rarely see as far as they think they do. Shallan explained to Hoid about her companions and their goal of activating the Oathgate to save the city. They discussed the risks of power further and Shallan asked Hoid about the Cult of Moments. Hoid cautioned her against trusting anyone who claims to see the future as the Cult did, claiming they were a dangerous group who reminded him of another group he had once known. Shallan explained her plan to infiltrate the cult and Hoid gave her more information on the group as well as Ashertmarn, the spren that drove them to revel. Hoid told Shallan that she could get access to the Oathgate platform by providing high quality food for the leadership and agreeing to use his contacts among the cult to help her. Shallan invited him to join in their efforts to save the city, but Hoid refused, telling her that he had come to the city for another reason. He then asked Shallan to help him fool the innkeeper and sneaked out of the room behind the man's back. Hoid spent some time working to get Shallan a contact with the leadership of the Cult of Moments, although he had difficulty getting any more than advice that she do something to attract their attention.{{book ref|sa3|72}} He left a note for her at the inn updating her on this progress.
Hoid later found Shallan in [[Muri]]'s room in a tenement close to the market.{{book ref|sa3|82}} Hoid tried to comfort Shallan, who was devastated that her naivety in giving food to the poor had inadvertently worsened their lives by atracting the attention of the [[Grips]]. He told her that the men in the area had dispersed the gang after what had happened and apologized for not getting involved. Hoid explained to Shallan that failure is a part of life, asking her if she had heard the story of the Girl Who Looked Up. He tried to begin a Lightweaving several times, but failed, requiring Shallans help to get the illusion going before taking it over himself. He told the story with different details than the version Shallan knew, such as the fact that there was no light where the girl who looked up lived. As he told the story, the two argued about the nature of art and whether or not it has a purpose. Shallan ended the story by concluding that the humans were the monsters and Wit gave her a hug, telling Shallan that the world is improved by its association with her. Shallan explained that while she has now confronted the truth of what she did to her parents, she cannot stand having to know the truth and wished she would die rather than face it. Hoid finished the story with an ending Shallan had never heard, claiming the girl brought back a piece of god's Light over the wall, bringing with it the first storms, which caused hardship, but were better than living in the darkness as they had before. Hoid then asked Shallan if she wished she could go back to before she could see the truth. When she replied that she did not, Hoid asked her to live on, accepting her failures as a part of her. He then used her Lightweaving to create two identical images of Shallan. The first collapsed under the weight of her memories, but when Shallan gave her memories to the second illusion, it remained standing as that version had forgiven herself. Hoid asked her again to allow herself to live despite her pain, explaining that her alters take over because their lives seems more appealing, and that she would never control them until she accepted herself for who she was. When Shallan told him that she'd never learn to control them, Hoid asked her to trust him that she was valuable and worth protecting, reminding her again that it was okay to hurt, but not okay to accept that it was her fault. He left her then, walking out into the market with his pack and vanishing. Later when Shallan confronted Ashertmarn and became lost in the flood of emotions, Hoid may have contacted her to help, speaking directly into her mind to tell her that she could be all of the people she imagined herself as being and that she can make Shallan so strong that the others must bow before her.{{book ref|sa3|84}}
Hoid stayed in the city of through the end of the siege and the capture of the city by the [[Fused]] and the [[singers]]. Trying to keep a low profile as to avoid recognition by the Fused and Odium, Hoid began suppressing his healing factor, drinking a concotion that caused his hair to fall out in clumps.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} While waiting in line, he also gave a grand lecture on how all great art is hated by some in order to frustrate the man ahead of him in line. When Hoid realized the man did not speak Alethi, he merely cut the man in line, which was enough to earn him a punch to the face that knocked out a tooth. After heading toward the palace district, Hoid wandered around, talking to some of the people he had come to know during his time in Kholinar. He went to a small girl who still squatted near a collapsed building where her mother had died. Hoid Awakened a doll to draw the girl out from under the wall, and brought her to Kheni a grieving mother to give her a new child to care for. After that he climbed the steps to the palace, adopting the act of a mad beggar and successfully avoiding the attention of the Fused Vatwha. He walked to the work project where the palace was being torn apart and managed to slip past a pair of singer guards, before pretending to fall against the wall in his panic. He spoke the Cryptic Design, who had been hiding in the palace since Elhokar's death, telling her that while he might not be her ideal choice for a bond, she did not have many options at the moment. As the guards reached him, Hoid pushed against them and fell against the wall again, allowiong Design to slip onto his person. After the guards carried him to gardens with the rest of the beggars, he looked at the Cryptic resting on his hand.