Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Windrunner/Hoid»

When Waxillium Ladrian walked up the path to Kelsina's mansion to attend a [[Kelesina Shores' party|party]] with [[Wayne]], [[MeLaan]], [[Steris Harms]] and [[Marasi Colms]], Hoid climbed out of the bushes, startling Wax.{{book ref|mb6|11}} Wanting to reveal Kelsier's resurrection and identity as the Sovereign,{{wob ref|1727}} Hoid looked for an opportunity to pass on the unsealed metalmind. He asked Wax for a few clips.{{book ref|mb6|11}} Steris noticed Hoid's cologne and asked him if he was wearing cologne. Hoid was startled by her observation and claimed that he had been drinking perfume, as it had quite a kick. Steris told him that that was unhealthy and Wax advised Hoid that he should leave the private grounds. Hoid agreed but claimed that it was his property and again asked for coins. Wax gave him a banknote and told him again to leave the grounds. Hoid claimed it was far too much and that he wished to give Waxillium change. As Wax walked away, Hoid threw the coin at Wax's head, who caught it in midair. A groundsman then noticed Hoid and tried to chase him off. Hoid laughed and escaped back into the bushes again. Hoid believes he is getting away with something here, and this time period is perhaps when Hoid is the happiest.{{wob ref|1745}}(Phrase this better)
==== The Letters ====
In the epigraphs in Part 2 of The Way of Kings, there is the text of a [[letters|letter]]. Both its author and [[The Recipient|recipient]] are unknown. This letter refers to [[Vessel]]s by their names and begs the recipient for aid in the struggle against [[Rayse]], holder of the Shard [[Odium]]. If Hoid wrote this letter, it offers valuable insights into his personality and goals. The author of the Letter is being hunted by the Seventeenth Shard and has set a false trail for them to follow, which lines up well with the interlude in which three men are searching for Hoid. Brandon has also said that we "may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse," with the Letter being the only real example of this.{{wob ref|4130}}
The Letters in [[Oathbringer]]'s epigraphs are all from Shards{{17s ref|post|638473|text=Oathbringer's letters are from Shards we know.|date=2017-11-19}} and possibly all of them are directed to Hoid.
== Appearance & Personality ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers
