Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Windrunner/Hoid»

==== Occupied Kholinar ====
|"It's either go with me now or wait it out and get captured. I honestly don't even know if you've the mind to listen. But if you do, know this: I will give you truths. And I know some juicy ones.
|Hoid to a Cryptic{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}}
Hoid stayed in the city of through the end of the siege and the capture of the city by the [[Fused]] and the [[singers]]. Trying to keep a low profile as to avoid recognition by the Fused and Odium, Hoid began suppressing his healing factor, drinking a concotion that caused his hair to fall out in clumps.{{book ref|sa3|epilogue}} While waiting in line, he also gave a grand lecture on how all great art is hated by some in order to frustrate the man ahead of him in line. When Hoid realized the man did not speak Alethi, he merely cut the man in line, which was enough to earn him a punch to the face that knocked out a tooth. After heading toward the palace district, Hoid wandered around, talking to some of the people he had come to know during his time in Kholinar. He went to a small girl who still squatted near a collapsed building where her mother had died. Hoid Awakened a doll to draw the girl out from under the wall, and brought her to Kheni a grieving mother to give her a new child to care for. After that he climbed the steps to the palace, adopting the act of a mad beggar and successfully avoiding the attention of the Fused Vatwha. He walked to the work project where the palace was being torn apart and managed to slip past a pair of singer guards, before pretending to fall against the wall in his panic. He spoke the Cryptic Design, who had been hiding in the palace since Elhokar's death, telling her that while he might not be her ideal choice for a bond, she did not have many options at the moment. As the guards reached him, Hoid pushed against them and fell against the wall again, allowiong Design to slip onto his person. After the guards carried him to gardens with the rest of the beggars, he looked at the Cryptic resting on his hand.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
