Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Tempus/TheoryIndexDump»

Class 1 Reviewed
(Some easy cleanup of class 4, just to prune a little)
(Class 1 Reviewed)
==Class 1 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|81208118|Theory:To Thestop Heralds are responsible for Honor's fate.Odium}} || potatoRShara || 18 May 2014 || Roshar || WorldPlot || HonorOdium || 510.1230 || || {'Cultivation': 7, 'Honor': 167, 'Intent': 7, 'Odium': 18, 'HeraldShard': 157}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeCrude}} || {{17s|81188115|Theory: ToAimians stopand OdiumVoidbringers}} || RSharasignspace13 || 18 May 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumVoidbringer || 107.3009 || || {'CultivationAimian': 716, 'HonorSpren': 7, 'Intent': 7, 'OdiumVoidbringer': 18, 'ShardAxies': 76}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeSilver}} || {{17s|81158110|AimiansAll andRadiants Voidbringerscould Soulcast}} || signspace13Terisen || 1817 May 2014 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || VoidbringerSoulcast || 219.0939 || Disproven || {'Aimian': 16, 'Spren': 7, 'VoidbringerSoulcast': 1828, 'AxiesRadiant': 617}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|81108090|[Theory]Adolin Allis Radiants couldDalinar's SoulcastSquire}} || TerisenFiriel || 1716 May 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || SoulcastAdolin || 198.3933 || || {'SoulcastAdolin': 2820, 'Squire': 19, 'RadiantDalinar': 1721}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|80908089|Theory: Adolin is Dalinar'sTaravangian SquireBondsmith}} || FirielInquisitor of Wit || 16 May 2014 || Roshar || Character || DalinarTaravangian || 82.3350 || Topic, || {'Adolin': 20, 'SquireBondsmith': 1918, 'DalinarTaravangian': 2118}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeSilver}} || {{17s|80898064|[Theory]Taln Taravangianisn't BondsmithTaln, Taln is...}} || Inquisitor of WitWysawyg || 1614 May 2014 || Roshar || Character || TaravangianTaln || 216.5082 || Topic, || {'BondsmithTaln': 18, 'Taravangian': 1850}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverCrude}} || {{17s|80648056|[Theory]Stormlight Talnis isnOdium'ts Taln, Taln is...Investiture}} || Wysawygkaellok || 1413 May 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || TalnStormlight || 163.8290 || Topic, || {'TalnOdium': 18, 'Investiture': 10, 'Stormlight': 5018}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|80608036|MindThe flamesUnmade are Odium's prison}} || skaaShaggai || 1412 May 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || ShadesmarOdium || 3216.7087 || || {'JasnahOdium': 15, 'Shallan': 7, 'Identity': 7, 'Shadesmar': 1631, 'VinUnmade': 1022}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|80568026|[Theory]The StormlightOath isPact, Honorblades, Heralds, Odium'sand InvestitureTalenel'Elin}} || kaelloksmearedblackink || 1311 May 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || StormlightOathpact || 34.9054 || Topic, || {'OdiumOathpact': 18, 'Roshar': 6, 'InvestitureHerald': 1020, 'StormlightTaln': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverCrude}} || {{17s|80368003|The UnmadeOrigin areof Odium's prison; or, OdinalsiumShardplate}} || ShaggaiMr_Doe || 1210 May 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumShardplate || 164.8723 || || {'Odium': 31, 'UnmadeShardplate': 2210}
| || {{17s|80267917|TheoryTruthwatchers: onVision, theTheir OathTake Pact,On Honorblades, HeraldsIllumation, and Talenel'ElinTheir Purpose}} || smearedblackinkGreyPilgrim || 1104 May 2014 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || HeraldTruthwatcher || 47.5489 || || {'HonorYm': 87, 'HeraldTruthwatcher': 20, 'TalnRenarin': 187}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|80037914|The Originflaw ofin ShardplateTaravangian's (Theory)plan}} || Mr_DoeWysawyg || 1004 May 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || OriginTaravangian || 47.2331 || || {'OriginTaravangian': 1019}
| || {{17s|79667840|FlashbackAll CharacterIriali Identityare theorydescendants of worldhoppers}} || Inquisitor of WitRadiantNights || 0828 MayApril 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || IdentityIriali || 85.9488 || || {'Willshaper': 4, 'Identity': 10, 'HeraldWorldhopping': 911, 'SpeculationIriali': 613}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|79177814|[Theory]Venli Truthwatchers:gave Vision,the Their Take On Illumation,black andsphere Theirto PurposeGavilar}} || GreyPilgrimshawnhargreaves || 0427 MayApril 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || TruthwatcherVenli || 712.8954 || || {'Ym': 7, 'TruthwatcherGavilar': 2013, 'RenarinVenli': 716}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|79147783|[Sebarial Theory] The flaw in Taravingian's(and planAnagram)}} || WysawygConfused || 0425 MayApril 2014 || ScadrialRoshar || Character || VinSebarial || 7.3132 || || {'VinSebarial': 1913}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|78727725|TienCorruption andof His rocks theoryText}} || P4thf1nd3rHalabalabash || 3022 April 2014 || Roshar || WorldPlot || Stone ShamanHistory || 18.5489 || Category, Topic, || {'Stone ShamanHistory': 111, 'KaladinVorin': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|78597679|NewAdolin Mapwill ofhead Roshardown a much darker path than Theoryexpected}} || arichaNecromancer || 3019 April 2014 || Roshar || WorldPlot || RosharAdolin || 06.5605 || || {'RosharAdolin': 1013}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|78407652|(weirdThe theory)Stormfather Allis Iriali are descendantsTanavast's ofCognitive worldhoppersShadow}} || RadiantNightsWeiryWriter || 2817 April 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || IrialiStormfather || 517.8864 || || {'WorldhoppingCultivation': 117, 'IrialiTanavast': 1312, 'Stormfather': 18, 'Cognitive': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|78147644|Theory: Venli gave theEshonai's blackMother sphereis toa Gavilarseer}} || shawnhargreavesEMTrevor || 2717 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || GavilarEshonai || 1215.5459 || || {'GavilarEshonai': 1320}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|77837606|SebarialRadiants TheoryExact (and Anagram)powers}} || ConfusedZionite || 2515 April 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || SebarialRadiant || 4114.3242 || || {'SebarialRadiant': 19, 'Surge': 1318}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|77617546|[Theory]Taln Taravangian'sis realnot way of saving mankindTaln}} || Raysen_htlyht || 2411 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || TaravangianTaln || 510.8114 || || {'TaravangianTaln': 11, 'Vin': 1027}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|77577526|CrackpotJasnah, Theory -Liss, ShardbladesSzeth}} || maxalMikanium || 2311 April 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || SprenLiss || 39.2260 || || {'ParshendiLiss': 14, 'Szeth': 213, 'SprenJasnah': 410}
| || {{17s|77417491|WildPlacement nightbloodof theorythe (warbreakerNahel spoilers)Bond Determines Its Surges}} || garlickConfused || 2309 April 2014 || NalthisRoshar || CharacterRealmatic || NightbloodNahel || 96.0240 || || {'NightbloodSurge': 2112, 'StormlightNahel': 711}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|77257490|Queston/Theory: CorruptionSource of Textthe [MistbornWord Spoilers]"Nahel"}} || HalabalabashConfused || 2209 April 2014 || ScadrialRoshar || RealmaticWorld || MistbornLinguistic || 83.8972 || || {'MistbornLinguistic': 1114}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeSilver}} || {{17s|76987484|Adolin/RyshadiumTaln theoryWas Murdered}} || tabasco777Moogle || 2009 April 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || RyshadiumTaln || 219.8814 || Category, Topic, || {'AdolinKalak': 8, 'Herald': 8, 'Taln': 1119, 'RyshadiumOathpact': 117}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|76797482|AdolinNon-Surge will"Fundamental headForces" downWill aDefeat much darker path than expected (Theory)Odium}} || NecromancerConfused || 1909 April 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || AdolinSurge || 430.0542 || || {'AdolinOdium': 15, 'Roshar': 10, 'Surge': 1330}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverBronze}} || {{17s|76527477|[Theory]Nightwatcher Theboons Stormfatherand iscurses Tanavast'sare the Cognitivesame Shadowthing}} || WeiryWritershawnhargreaves || 1708 April 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || StormfatherNightwatcher || 1410.6406 || || {'CultivationNightwatcher': 715, 'Tanavast': 12,Old 'StormfatherMagic': 18, 'Cognitive': 117}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|76447461|(Theory)EshonaiDalinar's Mother is a seer (Spoilers)Boon}} || EMTrevorJinxed || 1707 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || EshonaiDalinar || 146.5903 || || {'EshonaiNightwatcher': 208, 'Dalinar': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|76067441|TheoryOne More onShardplate Radiants Exact powersTheory}} || ZioniteWrath || 1506 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || RadiantShardplate || 1146.4201 || || {'RadiantShardplate': 1917, 'SurgeStormlight': 1812}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeStar}} || {{17s|75467431|[Theory]Jasnah Talnknows is not Taln (someDalinar's spoilers)secret}} || lyhtEMTrevor || 1106 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || TalnJasnah || 1026.1468 || || {'TalnJasnah': 37, 'Dalinar': 2725}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeStar}} || {{17s|75267424|WoRNahel PrologueBond - Jesnah, Liss, Szeth.Clarification}} || Mikaniumentropicscholar || 1105 April 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || LissNahel || 924.6034 || || {'LissRealm': 1410, 'SzethParshendi': 1311, 'Spren': 25, 'Nahel': 15, 'Parshman': 9}
| || {{17s|74917414|[CrackpotShattered TheoryPlains 2]and "Placement" of the Nahel Bond Determines Its SurgesPrologue}} || Confusedandheiswitty || 0905 April 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SurgeShattered Plain || 57.4089 || || {'SurgeShattered Plain': 12, 'Nahel': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|74907409|[CrackpotKr Theory]Spren SourceAnd ofCargo the Word "Nahel"Cults}} || Confusedkari-no-sugata || 0904 April 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || NahelSpren || 313.7221 || || {'NahelSpren': 1440}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7484|[Theory] Taln Was Murdered}} || Moogle || 09 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Taln || 19.14 || || {'Kalak': 8, 'Herald': 8, 'Taln': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7482|[Theory] Non-Surge "Fundamental Forces" Will Defeat Odium}} || Confused || 09 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 30.42 || || {'Odium': 15, 'Roshar': 10, 'Surge': 30}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7477|Theory: Nightwatcher boons and curses are the same thing}} || shawnhargreaves || 08 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Nightwatcher || 10.06 || || {'Nightwatcher': 15}
| || {{17s|7461|(Theory)Dalinar's Boon (WOR Spoilers)}} || Jinxed || 07 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Dalinar || 6.03 || || {'Nightwatcher': 8, 'Dalinar': 17}
| || {{17s|7441|One More Shardplate Theory}} || Wrath || 06 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 6.01 || || {'Radiant': 7, 'Stormlight': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7439|Theory on Unlocking the Other Oathgates.}} || earthboundsyndicate || 06 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Oathgate || 2.26 || || {'Oathgate': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7431|(Theory) Jasnah knows Dalinar's secret.}} || EMTrevor || 06 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Jasnah || 26.68 || || {'Jasnah': 37, 'Dalinar': 25}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7424|Nahel Bond Clarification}} || entropicscholar || 05 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 24.34 || || {'Realm': 10, 'Parshendi': 11, 'Spren': 25, 'Nahel': 15, 'Parshman': 9}
| || {{17s|7414|Theory: Shattered Plains and Prologue to WoK}} || andheiswitty || 05 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Shattered Plain || 7.89 || || {'Shattered Plain': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7409|Theory: KR spren and cargo cults}} || kari-no-sugata || 04 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 13.21 || || {'Spren': 40}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7404|[Theory] Possible KR Ideal?}} || Baine || 04 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Ideal || 4.07 || || {'Ideal': 17, 'Radiant': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7392|Theory on the Bondsmiths' spren}} || Mathologist || 03 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Bondsmith || 11.46 || || {'Bondsmith': 20, 'Stormfather': 9, 'Spren': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|7375|[Theory] Scholar Form and Nimble Form}} || Windborne Sword || 02 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Parshendi || 3.54 || Topic, || {'Parshendi': 7, 'Odium': 7}
| || {{17s|7356|[Theory] Taln's Blade}} || LloydSev || 01 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Taln || 5.46 || || {'Honor': 9, 'Taln': 19}
| || {{17s|7322|Theory: Zahel is more than he seems}} || shimwick || 31 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Ardent || 5.33 || || {'Adolin': 2, 'Ardent': 4}
| || {{17s|7313|[Theory] The New Nature of Highstorms due to the Everstorm}} || Hello. My name is Joe || 30 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Everstorm || 7.88 || || {'Highstorm': 16, 'Everstorm': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|73007313|[Theory]The Worldhopping,New howNature it'sof Highstorms due to done.the Everstorm}} || RenHello. My name is Joe || 2930 March 2014 || SelRoshar || RealmaticWorld || AonEverstorm || 157.8988 || Location, || {'Roshar': 7, 'Aon': 14, 'Investiture': 6, 'Hoid': 6, 'Elantris': 8, 'WorldhoppingHighstorm': 1216, 'DorEverstorm': 617}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|72867300|Theory on forming the Nahel BondWorldhopping, Intent,how andit's Squiresdone.}} || lichieRen || 29 March 2014 || RosharCosmere || Realmatic || IntentWorldhopping || 4115.6089 || Location, || {'SquireAon': 2114, 'IdealElantris': 13, 'Intent': 298, 'NahelWorldhopping': 1812}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|72827286|Theory on forming the powersNahel ofBond, aIntent, Bondsmithand [Spoilers!]Squires}} || Dalenthaslichie || 2829 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || BondsmithIntent || 741.2460 || || {'BondsmithSquire': 21, 'Ideal': 13, 'Intent': 29, 'Nahel': 1218}
| || {{17s|7253|3 of 16 Ruled... Possibly Solved}} || bartbug || 27 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Stormfather || 7.45 || || {'Cultivation': 6, 'Stormfather': 8, 'Honor': 7, 'Odium': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7251|Divine Breath Shardblades, Healing "Dead" Shardblades}} || Bramble Thorn || 27 March 2014 || NalthisRoshar || Realmatic || Breath || 20.73 || || {'Breath': 5232, 'VinShardblade': 4630}
| || {{17s|7194|Szeth Theory, with Spoilers part 2.}} || Mikanium || 26 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 6.23 || || {'Szeth': 12}
| || {{17s|7185|Theories re Radiants and the Recreance}} || PudgyNinja || 25 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Radiant || 6.97 || || {'Recreance': 17, 'Thrill': 8, 'Radiant': 18, 'Unmade': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7183|Theory: Heralds are Expatriate Nalthis Returned (Warbreaker & WoR spoilers)}} || ram433 || 25 March 2014 || NalthisRoshar || World || ReturnedHerald || 13.91 || || {'Nalthis': 15, 'Herald': 17, 'Honor': 7, 'Returned': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7177|Theory: ElokharElhokar was being watched by voidspren.}} || Daishi5 || 25 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || SprenElhokar || 11.48 || || {'Spren': 18, 'Elhokar': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7172|A theoryTheory aboutAbout Kaladin's familyFamily}} || Elena || 25 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 27.31 || || {'Kaladin': 21}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7156|Theory: Yelig-nar (and the Unmade) are Stormfather Analogues}} || PorridgeBrick || 24 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Unmade || 26.86 || || {'Yelig-nar': 14, 'Stormfather': 20, 'Spren': 11, 'Unmade': 31}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7146|(Another) Szeth Theory *Spoilers*}} || Khyrindor || 24 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 10.07 || || {'Darkness': 10, 'Windrunner': 7, 'Skybreaker': 8, 'Szeth': 20}
| || {{17s|7145|My theory on the Bondsmiths}} || Rybal || 24 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Bondsmith || 8.63 || || {'Bondsmith': 13, 'Spren': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7127|[Theory] Radiants' Passive Abilities}} || ArrrGentArgent || 23 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || SprenRadiant || 21.43 || Topic, || {'Wyndle': 4, 'Spren': 12, 'Jasnah': 4, 'Shallan': 7, 'Radiant': 12, 'Surge': 4, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Stormlight': 7, 'Renarin': 4, 'Kaladin': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7114|Stormfather Theory: What is his nature and his relation to Honor?}} || GreyPilgrim || 23 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Stormfather || 19.08 || || {'Sliver': 12, 'Stormfather': 24, 'Honor': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7113|Theory: Nohadon (WoR Spoilers)}} || Patrick Star || 23 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Nohadon || 17.93 || || {'Taln': 17, 'Nohadon': 32}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7112|Theory: Spren choose people to be Knights who have mental illness}} || the_archduke || 23 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 15.29 || || {'Spren': 16, 'Snapping': 10}
| || {{17s|7066|[Theory] Veiladin}} || PunSpren || 21 March 2014 || SelRoshar || WorldPlot || SelKaladin || 4.75 || Location, || {'AdolinShallan': 15, 'Speculation': 14, 'Kaladin': 1, 'Sel': 26}
| || {{17s|7063|Szeth's screamingScreaming headacheHeadache theoryTheory}} || Hearty_Joe || 21 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 9.25 || Disproven || {'Spren': 8, 'Szeth': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|70437038|SPOILERSHouse Theory:Davar's claim on the Dawnshardskingdom areof godspren.Jah Keved}} || Radiant_thoughtsmons456 || 20 March 2014 || Roshar || World || ShardJah Keved || 06.7291 || TopicCategory, || {'SprenJah Keved': 1019, 'DawnshardShallan': 118, 'ShardTaravangian': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|70387005|[Theory]Adolin Housewill Davar's claim on the kingdom ofbe Jaha KevedRadiant}} || mons456eveorjoy || 2019 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || Jah KevedAdolin || 621.9107 || Category, || {'Jah Keved': 19, 'ShallanAdolin': 828, 'TaravangianRadiant': 1121}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeCrude}} || {{17s|70316998|PhysicalIyatil, Mraize and the Appearance2nd ChangesShardpool}} || Stroniaxshinintendo || 2019 March 2014 || SelRoshar || WorldCharacter || PhysicMraize || 92.6580 || || {'PhysicMraize': 1011, 'SelIyatil': 910}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|70056987|[Theory]Jasnah Itis has been foreshadowed that Adolin will be a Radiant.homosexual}} || eveorjoyNumb || 19 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || AdolinJasnah || 2113.0776 || || {'AdolinJasnah': 2817, 'RadiantLGBT': 2114}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|69986980|[Theory]Iyatil, Mraize and theThe 2ndVoidbringers ShardpoolExplained}} || shinintendoArgent || 1918 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || MraizeVoidbringer || 226.8067 || || {'MraizeRadiant': 1113, 'Surge': 19, 'IyatilVoidbringer': 1016}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|69976973|[Theory]The SzethFirst surgebindingIdeal strengthis vs Kaladin(SPOILERS)Artificial}} || TranquilMoogle || 1918 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || SzethIdeal || 633.9478 || Topic, || {'Stormlight': 6, 'Kaladin': 13, 'SzethIdeal': 1338}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|69876967|[Theory]Hoid Jasnahworldhopping is homosexualtheory}} || NumbMorevna || 1918 March 2014 || RosharCosmere || Character || JasnahHoid || 137.7651 || || {'JasnahHoid': 19, 'Worldhopping': 1711}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|69806949|[Theory]Dawnshards Theare VoidbringersAdonalsium ExplainedSpren}} || ArrrGentEphemera || 1817 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SurgeDawnshard || 2635.6722 || || {'RadiantAdonalsium': 1321, 'SurgeSpren': 1941, 'VoidbringerDawnsinger': 1615, 'Dawnshard': 34}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6973|Theory: The First Ideal is Artificial}} || Moogle || 18 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Ideal || 33.78 || || {'Ideal': 38}
| || {{17s|6967|Hoid worldhopping theory (spoilers)}} || Morevna || 18 March 2014 || Cosmere || Character || Hoid || 7.51 || || {'Hoid': 19, 'Worldhopping': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6949|[Theory] Dawnshards are Adonalsium Spren}} || Ephemera || 17 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 35.22 || || {'Adonalsium': 21, 'Spren': 41, 'Dawnsinger': 15, 'Dawnshard': 34, 'Shard': 36}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6935|Purelake Theory/Discussion}} || poolboy || 17 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Purelake || 2.28 || || {'Purelake': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|69226921|RealmaticStormfather Theory Question (minor WoR spoiler)}} || dbmeboyLightning || 17 March 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticCharacter || RealmaticStormfather || 35.3943 || Topic, || {'Realm': 11, 'RealmaticStormfather': 1113}
| || {{17s|69216916|Stormfather Theory (SpoilersJezrien's included)location}} || Lightningthejopen27 || 17 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || StormfatherHerald || 59.4306 || Location, || {'StormfatherHerald': 7, 'Jezrien': 133}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|69166879|TheoryNergaoul moves on Jesrien's location (WOR spoilers)Shinovar}} || thejopen27RIT || 1715 March 2014 || Roshar || World || HeraldThrill || 94.0622 || Location, || {'HeraldThrill': 74, 'SelShinovar': 310}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|68896877|[Theory]The Skybreakersmaking mustof diea Squire}} || WindrunningHavoc || 1615 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || SkybreakerSquire || 611.5659 || || {'DarknessSquire': 610, 'SkybreakerLopen': 188, 'Stormlight': 6, 'SzethKaladin': 79}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|68796827|[Theory]Gavilar Nergaoulwas moves on Shinovar (Full book spoilers)Gay}} || RITQuazar87 || 1514 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || ShinovarGavilar || 41.2294 || || {'ThrillNavani': 8, 'Gavilar': 418, 'ShinovarLGBT': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|68776813|[Theory]Last The makingChapter of athe Stormlight SquireArchive}} || Havoczandi || 1513 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterPLot || SquireKaladin || 1121.5930 || || {'SquireHoid': 10, 'Lopen': 87, 'Stormlight': 611, 'Kaladin': 916}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6865|Theory: Potential Willshapers}} || Veil || 14 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Willshaper || 37.81 || || {'Willshaper': 23, 'Aimian': 21, 'Axies': 13, 'Radiant': 15, 'Lopen': 16}
| || {{17s|6854|What happened to Sadeas? (Joke theories topic)}} || Lightflame || 14 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Sadeas || 7.04 || || {'Sadeas': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6827|Theory: Gavilar was Gay}} || Quazar87 || 14 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 1.94 || || {'Navani': 8, 'Gavilar': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6813|Theory: Last Chapter Stormlight Archive (Mistborn Spoilers)}} || zandi || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Kaladin || 21.30 || || {'Hoid': 7, 'Mistborn': 11, 'Stormlight': 11, 'Kaladin': 16}
| || {{17s|6809|Stones Unhallowed/Skybreaker}} || WEZ313 || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Skybreaker || 7.26 || || {'Stones Unhallowed': 10, 'Hoid': 7, 'Speculation': 6, 'Skybreaker': 11, 'Shallan': 6, 'Stormlight': 6, 'Shard': 6, 'Kaladin': 7, 'Szeth': 7}
| || {{17s|6807|Multiple Spren Bonding}} || rhaiynebow || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 9.20 || || {'Bondsmith': 8, 'Spren': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|68016798|[Theory][spoilers]The BreakingBondsmiths ofenslaved the Knights RadiantVoidbringers}} || ninchGrunion || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || RadiantVoidbringer || 4217.8858 || || {'RadiantBondsmith': 16, 'Voidbringer': 2419}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6798|[Theory] The Bondsmiths enslaved the Voidbringers}} || Grunion || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 17.58 || || {'Bondsmith': 16, 'Voidbringer': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6796|The (Potential) Salvation of Szeth (Theory)}} || Trickonometry || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 9.89 || || {'Szeth': 21}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6792|[Theory] Reason behind the issues with the Windrunners and the Skybreakers}} || Radiant Storm || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || WindrunnerPolitics || 3.37 || Topic, || {'Politics': 14, 'Spren': 5, 'Windrunner': 12, 'Skybreaker': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6785|Theory:Double dubble eyeEye, powersPowers, sprenSpren, attributesAttributes and Symmetry}} || Djerf || 13 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || HonorSpren || 22.88 || || {'Cultivation': 13, 'Spren': 17, 'Intent': 8, 'Ym': 10, 'Honor': 18, 'Symmetry': 10, 'Vin': 6}
| || {{17s|6763|(Theory)Taravangian isn't the mastermind of his own plan.}} || Aminar || 12 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Taravangian || 7.02 || || {'Taravangian': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|67416696|[spoilers] Theory -Bondsmith's ElsecallingSpren}} || kraefzkedionysus || 1211 March 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || SpiritualBondsmith || 27.0459 || Topic, || {'Realm': 2, 'Jasnah': 1, 'Physic': 1, 'Hoid': 1, 'Nahel': 1, 'SpeculationBondsmith': 124, 'SpiritualStormfather': 210, 'ElsecallerSpren': 128}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|66966673|Szeth Theory: Bondsmith's Spren}} || dionysusMikanium || 1110 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || SprenSzeth || 72.5955 || || {'BondsmithSzeth': 24, 'Stormfather': 10, 'Spren': 2811}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|66736493|SzethAdolin TheoryKholin, withthe WoRuncut Spoilersgem}} || Mikaniumbanestar || 1006 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || SzethAdolin || 210.5533 || || {'SzethAdolin': 1121}
| || {{17s|65996484|TheoreticalThe SurgebindingKR AwesomenessTried to Prevent New Surgebinders}} || TrickonometrySwimmingly || 0806 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || LiftRadiant || 64.5188 || || {'LiftSpren': 48, 'StormlightRadiant': 212, 'Shardblade':3}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6493|Adolin Kholin, the uncut gem (WoR spoilers, right?)}} || banestar || 06 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 10.33 || || {'Adolin': 21}
| || {{17s|6486|Theory Status Index as of WoR [Spoilers]}} || aheerema || 06 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Words of Radiance || 8.54 || || {'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Stormlight': 3}
| || {{17s|6484|The KR Tried to Prevent New Surgebinders}} || Swimmingly || 06 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 4.88 || || {'Spren': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6461|Theory on Summoning a Shardblade}} || Stroniax || 05 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Stance || 4.40 || || {'Stance': 8}
| || {{17s|6429|Deadly Untouched Blades}} || Stroniax || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Gemstone || 4.74 || || {'Gemstone': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6396|Parshendi Origins Theory}} || Windrunner || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 34.18 || || {'Parshendi': 25, 'Spren': 19, 'Odium': 10, 'Origin': 11, 'Nahel': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6395|Unkalaki Theoryand Jah Keved}} || Windrunner || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || KalakJah Keved || 1518.72 || || {'Kalak': 22, 'Silver Kingdom': 10, 'Jah Keved': 919, 'History': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6393|Radiant Squires}} || Windrunner || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Squire || 12.66 || || {'Squire': 24, 'Words of Radiance': 8, 'Radiant': 20, 'Stormlight': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6392|Skybreaker Theory}} || Windrunner || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Skybreaker || 19.37 || || {'Darkness': 9, 'Recreance': 8, 'Spren': 19, 'Radiant': 9, 'Skybreaker': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|63836338|KnightsWild RadiantTen OrdersDeaths and Surge Combination TheoriesTheory}} || Trickonometrychikinllama || 0301 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SurgeThunderclast || 226.6821 || Topic, || {'RadiantThunderclast': 154, 'SurgeSpren': 4, 'Midnight Essence': 274}
| || {{17s|6338|Wild Ten Deaths Theory}} || chikinllama || 01 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Thunderclast || 6.21 || Topic, || {'Thunderclast': 4, 'Spren': 4, 'Essence': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|6253|Theory about The Nightstone}} || Duskshard || 25 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Cultivation || 18.80 || || {'Cultivation': 15, 'Nightwatcher': 10, 'Szeth': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|6218|Theory: Tanavast's body!}} || don_karma_II || 23 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Tanavast || 3.60 || || {'Tanavast': 12, 'Kaladin': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6214|Theory: Surgebinding and Voidbinding}} || Duskshard || 22 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 20.91 || || {'Ideal': 17, 'Cultivation': 12, 'Spren': 22, 'Voidbind': 20, 'Herald': 13, 'Honor': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6175|Theory: Odium Has To Be Fair}} || Moogle || 19 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 27.62 || || {'Darkness': 7, 'Desolation': 17, 'Odium': 16, 'Radiant': 8, 'Herald': 8}
| || {{17s|6131|Silly theory: What if Szeth is forbidden from killing Kaladin?}} || Sirscott13 || 17 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 7.60 || Topic, || {'Kaladin': 15, 'Szeth': 15}
| || {{17s|6053|Theory: Dawnsingers = Parshendi}} || Mr_Doe || 12 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Dawnsinger || 6.84 || || {'Parshendi': 11, 'Dawnsinger': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6028|Theory: Elhokar had a role in Gavilar's assassination.}} || Daishi5 || 11 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Gavilar || 23.62 || || {'Parshendi': 8, 'Elhokar': 14, 'Gavilar': 16}
| || {{17s|5955|Mini Theory: Shallan didn't kill her father}} || askthepaperclip || 06 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 5.65 || || {'Shallan': 11}
| || {{17s|5930|Theory: shards, spren, and mortals (contains Spoiler speculation)}} || ericth || 04 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 7.02 || || {'Cultivation': 9, 'Honor': 9, 'Spren': 22, 'Speculation': 10, 'Voidbringer': 8, 'Shard': 11}
| || {{17s|5918|Shardblades, Surgebinders, and Spren}} || Stroniax || 03 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 4.50 || || {'Spren': 18, 'Radiant': 7, 'Kaladin': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5888|Theory: Spren, Stormlight and Quantum Mechanics (mild WoR spoilers)}} || Darkeye || 02 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Stormlight || 10.18 || Topic, || {'Spren': 18, 'Stormlight': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeStar}} || {{17s|58406214|Theory: Dalinar is notSurgebinding aand RadiantVoidbinding}} || MacenDuskshard || 3122 JanuaryFebruary 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || DalinarSurgebinding || 1217.2491 || || {'BondsmithSurgebinding': 17, 'Cultivation': 12, 'Spren': 22, 'Voidbind': 1020, 'DalinarHerald': 1913, 'RadiantHonor': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|58156175|CrazyOdium theoryHas :To shinovarBe - UrithuruFair}} || MaresiaMoogle || 3019 JanuaryFebruary 2014 || Roshar || World || ShinovarDesolation || 427.5862 || || {'ShinovarDarkness': 7, 'Desolation': 17, 'Odium': 16, 'Radiant': 8, 'Herald': 148}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|58136053|Shardblades, Shardplate, and theDawnsingers Kak= OrderParshendi}} || skaaMr_Doe || 3012 JanuaryFebruary 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SurgeDawnsinger || 166.7984 || || {'Gemstone': 7, 'Fabrial': 9, 'SurgeParshendi': 1511, 'StormlightDawnsinger': 812}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|57716028|Theory:Elhokar Sprenhad anda Shardbladesrole in Gavilar's assassination.}} || GaussianDaishi5 || 2911 JanuaryFebruary 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || SprenGavilar || 718.5962 || || {'SprenParshendi': 8, 'Elhokar': 14, 'Gavilar': 2016}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|56935888|SurgesSpren, Gemstones,Stormlight and FabrialsQuantum Mechanics}} || skaaDarkeye || 2802 JanuaryFebruary 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || FabrialStormlight || 4110.8918 || Topic, || {'Gemstone': 33, 'FabrialSpren': 3818, 'SurgeStormlight': 3418}
| || {{17s|5629|Crazy Theory about Spren and Shardblades}} || karaokeang || 24 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 5.04 || Proven || {'Spren': 23}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5603|Theory on Lift's boon and curse}} || Aleksiel || 23 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Lift || 17.65 || || {'Lift': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5595|Theory: Torture in Damnation "Recent"; caused by founding of KR}} || Bramble Thorn || 22 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 25.59 || || {'Desolation': 20, 'Herald': 7, 'Damnation': 13}
| || {{17s|55435159|Theory:Shardblades Shallan'sAre From The Cognitive FalshbacksRealm}} || ScrutinyDaishi5 || 2114 January 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || ShallanCognitive || 47.6602 || || {'ShallanSpren': 11, 'Cognitive': 1813}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeStar}} || {{17s|54185090|Theory: Hark! The HeraldsGavilar's AngelsStill WeepAlive}} || The RoosterMoogle || 2009 January 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || HeraldGavilar || 132.5432 || || {'HeraldGavilar': 27, 'Shalash': 119}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|51605089|Theory:Eyecolor Whoand wroteRadiants "Sixty-twoWho've days,Sworn Deaththe follows."Ideals}} || YmYmMoogle || 1409 January 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumRadiant || 49.2013 || || {'DalinarIdeal': 512, 'OdiumRadiant': 914, 'Colour': 12, 'Eyes': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|51595065|Theory:The ShardbladesDawnsingers are from the cognitiveRadiant realm.Bonding Spren}} || Daishi5WeiryWriter || 1408 January 2014 || CosmereRoshar || RealmaticWorld || CognitiveDawnsinger || 721.0276 || || {'RealmSpren': 1126, 'CognitiveRadiant': 13, 'Dawnsinger': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|50905025|Theory:Darkness Gavilar'shas Experienced StillOdious AliveCorruption}} || Mooglehoser || 0905 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || GavilarDarkness || 3211.3237 || || {'GavilarDarkness': 2725, 'ShalashOdium': 912}
| || {{17s|50895007|Theory: EyecolorHeralds and Radiants Who've Sworn the IdealsIntent}} || MoogleIsomere || 0902 January 2014 || Roshar || World || RadiantHerald || 97.1303 || || {'Ideal': 12, 'Radiant': 14, 'ColourIntent': 1216, 'StormlightHerald': 615}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|50654890|Theory:Unificated TheVoidbringer Dawnsingers are the Radiant Bonding SprenTheory}} || WeiryWriterNatans || 0818 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || Roshar || World || SprenVoidbringer || 2117.7690 || || {'SprenParshendi': 267, 'RadiantSpren': 1316, 'DawnsingerVoidbringer': 1921}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|50254719|Theory: Darkness hasPersonal ExperiencedIdentity Odiousand CorruptionClothing}} || hoserKurkistan || 0502 JanuaryDecember 20142013 || RosharCosmere || CharacterRealmatic || DarknessIdentity || 1118.3747 || || {'DarknessSoulcast': 11, 'Lift': 9, 'Identity': 2514, 'OdiumCognitive': 127}
| || {{17s|5007|Heralds and Intent}} || Isomere || 02 January 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Intent || 7.03 || || {'Intent': 16, 'Herald': 15}
| || {{17s|5004|Theory: The book that present the PoV of DEAD character....}} || IllNsickly || 01 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Vin || 5.65 || Topic, || {'Gavilar': 1, 'Dalinar': 1, 'Vin': 1}
| || {{17s|5003|A theory on Edgedancer Positioning [WoR spoilers]}} || ReaderAt2046 || 01 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Edgedancer || 6.85 || || {'Edgedancer': 17, 'Surge': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4894|A few theories}} || garlick || 18 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Words of Radiance || 9.62 || || {'Larkin': 2, 'Spren': 3, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Dalinar': 2, 'Vin': 2, 'Shard': 4}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4890|- Kind - Unificated Voidbringer Theory (spoiler)}} || Natans || 18 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Voidbringer || 17.90 || || {'Parshendi': 7, 'Spren': 16, 'Voidbringer': 21}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4803|Unknown Surge Theory}} || Romek || 11 December 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Surge || 14.03 || || {'Surge': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4719|Personal Identity and Clothing}} || Kurkistan || 02 December 2013 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Identity || 13.47 || || {'Soulcast': 11, 'Lift': 9, 'Identity': 14, 'Cognitive': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Crude}} || {{17s|4701|Crem Theory}} || bartbug || 30 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Crem || 4.23 || || {'Crem': 17, 'Spren': 12, 'Lift': 6}
| || {{17s|4646|Moash a lighteyes sonLighteyes Son? (Theory)}} || Natans || 20 November 2013 || Roshar || Character || Moash || 6.67 || || {'Moash': 11}
| || {{17s|4523|Theory : Santhid is Voidbinding Focus Animal}} || The Rooster || 05 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Voidbind || 6.58 || || {'Voidbind': 18, 'Steel': 6, 'Focus': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4504|Theory: The Nightwatcher and the Old Magic is the result of Cultivations bitterness and disillusionment}} || Shardlet || 03 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Cultivation || 16.80 || || {'Cultivation': 23, 'Nightwatcher': 20, 'Old Magic': 17}
| {{TheoryTag|CrudeBronze}} || {{17s|44514413|BasisThe Origin of Darkness = NalanSzeth's theory?Blade}} || masaruThe Count || 2924 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || DarknessSzeth || 19.2695 || Disproven || {'DarknessOrigin': 2410, 'Shinovar': 7, 'Szeth': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4413|Theory: The Origin of Szeth's Blade}} || The Count || 24 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 9.95 || || {'Origin': 10, 'Shinovar': 7, 'Szeth': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4411|An odd theory on the nature of a Desolation}} || Lerson || 24 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 15.48 || || {'Parshendi': 5, 'Desolation': 14, 'Spren': 14, 'Voidbind': 8, 'Odium': 15, 'Honor': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4406|IntroductionHonorblades andsend ayou convolutedto theorybe Tortured}} || Daishi5 || 24 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Szeth || 16.52 || || {'HonorHonorblade': 5, 'Herald': 10, 'Szeth': 11}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|43794283|TheoreticalThe ImpressionsSecret of Gavilar Murder - The Black Gem}} || KurkistanNatans || 2210 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || LiftGavilar || 1117.0519 || || {'LiftVoidbringer': 7, 'SteelSpren': 614, 'ShardGavilar': 315, 'Odium': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|42834124|TheoryCrazy -Parshendi Spoillersand (withChasmFiend capital S) - The Secret of Gavilar Murder - The Black GemTheory}} || NatansSerendipity || 1022 OctoberSeptember 2013 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || GavilarParshendi || 177.1928 || Disproven || {'Voidbringer': 7, 'Spren': 14, 'GavilarParshendi': 1522, 'OdiumChasmfiend': 620}
| || {{17s|41243955|Crazy Parshendi and ChasmFiend TheoryParshmen}} || SerendipityGalavantes || 2214 SeptemberAugust 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 7.2852 || || {'Parshmen': 14, 'Parshendi': 2217, 'ChasmfiendSpren': 2011}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|39553918|ParshendiGavilar and Parshmenthe theory (WoR Spoilers)Parshendi}} || GalavantesWherethewindgoes || 1402 August 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 718.5289 || || {'Parshmen': 14, 'Parshendi': 1722, 'SprenGavilar': 1115}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|3918|Theory: Gavilar and the Parshendi}} || Wherethewindgoes || 02 August 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 18.89 || || {'Parshendi': 22, 'Gavilar': 15}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|3715|An incomplete Theory. Includes spoilers.}} || Looter || 20 June 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 11.76 || || {'Parshendi': 8, 'Spren': 10, 'Radiant': 4, 'Chasmfiend': 5}
==Class 2==
