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==Class 2 (Reviewed)==
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%"
! !! Theory Name !! Author !! Date !! Location !! Category !! Topic !! Score !! Review !! TopicList
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|72678525|WordsOdium, of Brandon (compiled)Desolations, xand 2Gavilar}} || RSharaSavanorn || 2820 MarchMay 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || HoidDesolation || 4224.3544 || Location, || {'CosmereOdium': 630, 'SprenDesolation': 1131, 'ShallanGavilar': 427, 'InvestitureRadiant': 411, 'HoidSpeculation': 12, 'Mistborn': 4, 'Stormlight': 7, 'Shard': 9, 'Shadesmar': 7, 'Szeth': 511}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|85258029|Odium, Desolations,and Gavilar.his A Related Series of Speculations.puppets}} || SavanornFirstSelector || 2012 May 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || DesolationOdium || 2420.4413 || || {'OdiumRecreance': 309, 'Desolation': 31, 'Gavilar': 27, 'Radiant': 11, 'SpeculationOdium': 1122}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|8029|Odium and his puppets}} || FirstSelector || 12 May 2014 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 16.83 || || {'Recreance': 9, 'Odium': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7905|Roshar Origins}} || Maffu17 || 03 May 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 11.61 || Topic, || {'Roshar': 11, 'Spren': 11, 'Origin': 10, 'Shinovar': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7696|Hemalurgy and Fabrials}} || Moogle || 20 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Fabrial || 23.02 || || {'Hemalurgy': 16, 'Gemstone': 11, 'Fabrial': 24, 'Spren': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|76957668|RosharianThe Investiturenature andof themoving Essence ofthrough BloodShadesmar}} || skaaZenith || 2018 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || EssenceShadesmar || 3115.7045 || Location, || {'Roshar': 10, 'Parshendi': 7, 'Cosmere': 4, 'Lightweaving': 9, 'Shallan': 8, 'Investiture': 11, 'Emotion': 4, 'Essence': 12, 'VinShadesmar': 828}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7690|The Desolations Nine}} || Tempus || 19 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 44.62 || || {'Desolation': 53}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7668|The nature of moving through Shadesmar (Major WoR Spoilers)}} || Zenith || 18 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shadesmar || 15.45 || || {'Shadesmar': 28, 'Vin': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7647|Spren Splinters / Old Style Fabrials}} || Moogle || 17 April 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Spren || 49.91 || || {'Fabrial': 38, 'Spren': 58}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|76347647|AwakenerSpren SzethSplinters -/ OrOld JustStyle Character Perception? (Warbreaker Spoilers Maybe)Fabrials}} || DelightfulMoogle || 1617 April 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || SzethFabrial || 1449.7191 || Location, || {'Darkness': 12, 'Breath': 7, 'Adolin': 11, 'Nightblood': 8, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Worldhopping': 7, 'Assassin in White': 7, 'VasherFabrial': 938, 'SzethSpren': 2058}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|75317634|NalanAwakener and Ishar, the dynamic duo. (Spoilers galore!)Szeth}} || EMTrevorDelightful || 1116 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || DarknessSzeth || 4112.1171 || Location, || {'IsharDarkness': 1912, 'DarknessBreath': 7, 'Adolin': 11, 'Nightblood': 8, 'Nalthis': 7, 'Worldhopping': 7, 'Assassin in White': 267, 'DesolationVasher': 9, 'HeraldSzeth': 1020}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|75107531|SomethingNalan Iand Noticed inIshar, the Surgesdynamic Chartduo}} || cris34bEMTrevor || 1011 April 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || SurgeDarkness || 641.3911 || || {'ShallanIshar': 619, 'SurgeDarkness': 1826, 'DalinarDesolation': 79, 'RenarinHerald': 6, 'Kaladin': 610}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7472|The Origin and Nature of the Stormfather and Nightwatcher}} || Confused || 08 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Stormfather || 28.52 || || {'Cultivation': 19, 'Nightwatcher': 32, 'Stormfather': 45, 'Spren': 24, 'Honor': 24, 'Stormlight': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7436|Knight Radiant Ideals}} || Kobold King || 06 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Ideal || 14.43 || || {'Ideal': 26, 'Radiant': 17, 'Speculation': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7421|Jezrien is Nohadon!}} || grinachu || 05 April 2014 || Roshar || Character || Jezrien || 2014.18 || || {'Jezrien': 17, 'Nohadon': 15}
| || {{17s|7411|Incarcerationspren}} || AonarFaileas || 04 April 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 7.47 || || {'Kaladin': 7, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Spren': 18, 'Axies': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7401|[WoR Spoiler] Identity of the Broken One}} || Quiver || 04 April 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticPlot || RosharOdium || 2118.00 || Topic, Disproven || {'Cultivation': 4, 'Roshar': 11, 'Stormfather': 4, 'Spren': 4, 'Identity': 11, 'Odium': 6, 'Honor': 6, 'Shard': 7}
| || {{17s|7350|Champions of Honor and Odium}} || Patrick Star || 01 April 2014 || Roshar || CharacterPlot || OdiumChampion || 9.12 || || {'Honor': 19, 'Champion': 18, 'Odium': 20, 'Speculation': 10}
| || {{17s|7304|What Shattered the Shattered Plains (Probably some spoilers)}} || thejopen27 || 29 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Shattered Plain || 8.88 || || {'Shattered Plain': 19, 'Ym': 9, 'Splinter': 11, 'Odium': 8, 'Cymatic': 9, 'Honor': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7298|The Shin are actually descendants of the Stonewards, not Skybreakers.}} || lichie || 29 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || StonewardShinovar || 118.39 || || {'Stoneward': 21, 'SkybreakerShinovar': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7288|The Visions, Alethkar, and The Way of Kings [minor spoilers]}} || Senor Feesh || 29 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Way of Kings || 108.18 || Topic, || {'Alethkar': 12, 'Stormfather': 4, 'Dalinar': 5, 'Way of Kings': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7259|Nalan's Motivation for Using Szeth (Spoilers)}} || Confused || 28 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterPlot || Darkness || 14.52 || || {'Darkness': 28, 'Skybreaker': 20, 'Szeth': 22, 'Stone Shaman': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7248|Evil Shards vs Good Shards?}} || lookingglass || 27 March 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Shard || 9.67 || || {'Shard': 27}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7236|Jasnah and the Highspren}} || EMTrevor || 27 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || SprenJasnah || 21.86 || || {'Jasnah': 24, 'Spren': 27, 'Skybreaker': 9}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7230|Who's a Herald (or whyWhy Brandon is careful about Taln)?}} || FirstSelector || 27 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldCharacter || HeraldTaln || 1618.29 || || {'Taln': 27, 'Herald': 29}
| || {{17s|7210|Dalinar and the Nightwatcher}} || Anonymous || 26 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || NightwatcherDalinar || 5.05 || Topic, || {'Nightwatcher': 17, 'Dalinar': 17, 'Old Magic': 6}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7197|Syl: "But I've helped men kill before."}} || aheerema || 26 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Syl || 43.07 || || {'Syl': 36, 'Spren': 28}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|7196|Odium is Responsible for Sensationspren?}} || Moogle || 26 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 17.86 || || {'Spren': 41}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|7094|HonorBlades Grant Each Herald All Ten Surges}} || Confused || 22 March 2014 || Roshar || World || HeraldHonorblade || 24.51 || || {'Surge': 23, 'Herald': 34, 'Honorblade': 30}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7078|Spren tie to Surges, not Orders}} || twelfthrootoftwo || 21 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Spren || 1020.38 || || {'Spren': 15, 'Surge': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|7036|Did Hierocracy heavily editedited Truthwatchers?}} || kari-no-sugata || 20 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Hierocracy || 9.52 || || {'Hierocracy': 23, 'Truthwatcher': 22}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|70186991|"INaming toldThe you so!" - WoR Results (spoilers)Unmade}} || hoserbanestar || 2019 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SprenUnmade || 2533.9784 || || {'Spren': 10, 'Radiant': 6, 'Honor': 4, 'Words of Radiance': 6, 'Shard': 4, 'KaladinUnmade': 453}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|69916983|NamingCultivation Theis Unmademorally (spoilers)neutral and is working with Odium}} || banestarTrevalion || 19 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldPlot || UnmadeCultivation || 338.8460 || || {'UnmadeCultivation': 16, 'Odium': 15, 'Shard': 5312}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|69836914|CultivationThe isParshendi morally neutral and is working with OdiumGods}} || TrevalionArgent || 1917 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || CultivationParshendi || 820.6023 || || {'CultivationParshendi': 1619, 'Unmade': 14, 'Spren': 11, 'Odium': 158, 'ShardGavilar': 127}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|69146912|TheHidden ParshendiThings Godsin Map of Roshar}} || ArrrGentRShara || 1716 March 2014 || Roshar || World || ParshendiCartography || 2056.2391 || || {'Parshendi': 19, 'Unmade': 14, 'Spren': 11, 'Odium': 8, 'GavilarCartography': 735}
| {{TheoryTag|StarBronze}} || {{17s|69126905|HiddenAnalysis Thingsof inKnights MapRadiant of Roshar?Graph}} || RSharaSeloun || 16 March 2014 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || RosharRadiant || 5615.9108 || || {'RosharRadiant': 17, 'Surge': 359}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6905|Analysis of Knights Radiant Graph}} || Seloun || 16 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Radiant || 14.08 || || {'Radiant': 17, 'Surge': 9, 'Ym': 6}
| || {{17s|6855|Adolin's Spren}} || Gyth || 14 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Adolin || 7.97 || Category, || {'Adolin': 21, 'Spren': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6828|Restares adand the riots in Alethkar}} || adbf || 14 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Alethkar || 22.62 || Location, || {'Hierocracy': 8, 'Alethkar': 14, 'Taravangian': 5, 'Vin': 5, 'Ardent': 13, 'Sel': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6721|[Full Book Spoilers] Parshendi/The Vengeance Pact}} || Moogle || 11 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 33.06 || || {'Parshendi': 26, 'Gavilar': 15, 'Unmade': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6670|Fighting Stances in WoR [SPOILERS]}} || Ailessar || 10 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Stance || 83.02 || || {'Stance': 102}
| || {{17s|6636|What about the Voidspren and Renarin}} || Mileswasbestcharacter || 09 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Renarin || 5.99 || || {'Precognition': 8, 'Spren': 13, 'Moelach': 9, 'Renarin': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6626|Physical, Cognitive and Spiritual Manifestation of Surges (WoR spoilers)}} || zehguga || 09 March 2014 || CosmereRoshar || Realmatic || Surge || 14.18 || || {'Cognitive': 16, 'Surge': 30, 'Spiritual': 17, 'Physic': 16}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|6611|Two Pupils of the Double Eye}} || TomR || 09 March 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Spren || 10.35 || || {'Cultivation': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'Spren': 12, 'Radiant': 8}
| || {{17s|6581|Urithiru is a stormlight-sink (Minor spoilers)}} || Josiah Bills || 08 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || StormlightUrithiru || 6.10 || || {'Urithiru': 15, 'Stormlight': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|65746565|HonorsprenYm VSInterlude: Iriali and the CrypticsLong (SPOILERS)Trail}} || NeruThe Question || 08 March 2014 || Roshar || World || SprenIriali || 813.6832 || Topic, || {'HonorYm': 1413, 'SprenIriali': 1412}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|65656513|YmThe Interlude:Bondsmiths Iriali and the Long Trail (WoR Spoilers)Three}} || TheGreen Hoodie QuestionMistborn || 0806 March 2014 || Roshar || CharacterRealmatic || YmBondsmith || 1318.3293 || || {'YmBondsmith': 1324, 'IrialiSpren': 1211}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeStar}} || {{17s|65616335|BondsmithWhat SprenDoes Odium Gain by the Desolations and the Everstorm}} || MorskConfused || 0801 March 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || BondsmithOdium || 1237.1721 || || {'BondsmithCultivation': 15, 'Roshar': 15, 'Desolation': 18, 'Odium': 40, 'Everstorm': 1719, 'SprenHonor': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|65136206|How Shallan Acquired Her Blade: the BondsmithsGhostblood 3Conspiracy}} || Green Hoodie MistbornConfused || 0622 MarchFebruary 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || BondsmithShallan || 1821.9328 || Disproven || {'BondsmithShallan': 2441, 'SprenGhostblood': 1120, 'Liss': 18}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6401|My thoughts on new info from WoR}} || skaa || 04 March 2014 || Roshar || World || Truthless || 21.90 || || {'Darkness': 3, 'Spren': 8, 'Odium': 4, 'Truthless': 9, 'Surge': 5, 'Szeth': 5}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6335|Speculation: What Does Odium Gain by the Desolations and the Everstorm?}} || Confused || 01 March 2014 || Roshar || Character || Odium || 37.21 || || {'Cultivation': 15, 'Roshar': 15, 'Desolation': 18, 'Odium': 40, 'Everstorm': 19, 'Honor': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|6206|How Shallan Acquired Her Blade: the Ghostblood Conspiracy}} || Confused || 22 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Shallan || 25.28 || || {'Shallan': 41, 'Ghostblood': 20, 'Liss': 18}
| || {{17s|6042|Interaction with the Cognitive Realm}} || Sirscott13 || 12 February 2014 || Cosmere || Realmatic || Realm || 7.45 || Topic, || {'Realm': 13, 'Cognitive': 13}
| || {{17s|5969|Is Syl really the only honorspren on Roshar?}} || Chlehrma || 07 February 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 4.93 || || {'Roshar': 11, 'Honor': 18, 'Syl': 18, 'Spren': 20, 'Dalinar': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5915|Darkness caused the Recreance}} || vikorr || 03 February 2014 || Roshar || Character || Darkness || 25.69 || Location, || {'Darkness': 21, 'Parshendi': 10, 'Recreance': 12, 'Odium': 8, 'Radiant': 8, 'Vin': 9, 'Sel': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5910|Desolation Musings}} || Moogle || 03 February 2014 || Roshar || CharacterWorld || OdiumDesolation || 18.20 || Topic, Location, || {'Champion': 13, 'Desolation': 17, 'Honor': 6, 'Odium': 17, 'Sel': 8}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5613|The KR Orders Table and Bonding Spren}} || marianmi || 23 January 2014 || Roshar || World || SprenRadiant || 2315.33 || || {'Spren': 34, 'Radiant': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5585|Syl being the only Honorspren currently in the Physical Realm}} || TJK99 || 22 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 26.45 || || {'Realm': 13, 'Honor': 26, 'Syl': 18, 'Spren': 32, 'Physic': 12}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5544|The 'Conflict' between Honorspren and Cryptics}} || Macen || 21 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 2317.98 || || {'Spren': 35, 'Honor': 20}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|5541|Urithiru, the Castle... er, City in the Sky}} || Colby Jack || 21 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Urithiru || 11.43 || Disproven || {'Radiant': 10, 'Urithiru': 25}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5423|Stages in the Nahel Bond}} || AonarFaileas || 20 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Nahel || 18.80 || || {'Spren': 11, 'Radiant': 7, 'Nahel': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|5197|Jezrien, Shards, and the identity of the Broken One}} || FirstSelector || 17 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || Jezrien || 26.21 || || {'Odium': 10, 'Jezrien': 29, 'Honor': 20, 'Shard': 26, 'Identity': 10}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5192|Baseless speculation on the Parshendi/Recreance (WoR Spoilers)}} || chikinllama || 16 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Recreance || 17.92 || Location, || {'Parshendi': 15, 'Recreance': 18, 'Spren': 11, 'Speculation': 15, 'Sel': 13}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5186|Voidbinding and the Parshendi forms.}} || Moist_von_Lipwig || 16 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || ParshendiVoidbind || 15.70 || || {'Forms': 13, 'Parshendi': 24, 'Voidbind': 19}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5183|Was Ym's attacker speaking to Elhokar?}} || smearedblackink || 15 January 2014 || Roshar || Character || YmDarkness || 16.95 || || {'YmDarkness': 21, 'Jasnah': 10, 'Elhokar': 19, 'Szeth': 7}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|51695107|Dustbringers'Wild speculation: Death Rattles are Messages Divisionfrom SurgeSpren}} || Cheese Ninjahoser || 1410 January 2014 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SurgeSpren || 512.8396 || Topic, Disproven || {'SurgeDeath Rattle': 20, 'Spren': 1124, 'StormlightGavilar': 49, 'DustbringerSpeculation': 1110}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeSilver}} || {{17s|51075082|WildBetrayal speculation:and Deaththe Rattlesdeath areof Messages from Sprenideas}} || hoserFirstSelector || 1008 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 1216.9671 || Proven || {'Death Rattle': 20, 'Spren': 24, 'Gavilar': 9, 'SpeculationRadiant': 1011}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|5082|Betrayal and the death of ideas}} || FirstSelector || 08 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 14.71 || || {'Spren': 24, 'Radiant': 11}
| || {{17s|5074|It's not a Voidbinding Chart}} || Aoibheann || 08 January 2014 || Roshar || Realmatic || Voidbind || 9.20 || || {'Cultivation': 9, 'Spren': 6, 'Voidbind': 15}
| || {{17s|5033|Regarding Radiants and Spren}} || Travis1984 || 06 January 2014 || Roshar || World || SprenRecreance || 7.39 || || {'Spren': 15, 'Radiant': 11, 'Recreance': 12}
| || {{17s|5015|Shardblades are created by a bond between Surgebinder and His/Her Spren}} || Macen || 03 January 2014 || Roshar || World || Spren || 6.79 || Disproven || {'Spren': 23, 'Shallan': 8, 'Szeth': 8, 'Shardblade': 20}
| || {{17s|4983|Parshendi gods}} || Numuhukumakiakiaialunamor || 29 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Parshendi || 4.66 || || {'Parshendi': 28}
| {{TheoryTag|Bronze}} || {{17s|4887|Darkness manipulated the Parshendi to kill Gavilar}} || marianmi || 18 December 2013 || Roshar || CharacterPlot || Darkness || 10.68 || || {'Darkness': 16, 'Parshendi': 12, 'Gavilar': 13}
| || {{17s|4866|Knights radiant and spren}} || Pinpoint || 16 December 2013 || Roshar || World || Spren || 8.45 || Category, || {'Spren': 19, 'Radiant': 14}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4567|The cause/driver of desolations}} || Daishi5 || 11 November 2013 || Roshar || World || Desolation || 21.04 || || {'Desolation': 41}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4548|Stormlight and fGold: Steelhunt Edition}} || Moogle || 07 November 2013 || Roshar || Realmatic || Stormlight || 157.61 || || {'Steel': 10, 'Gold': 14, 'Stormlight': 25}
| {{TheoryTag|Silver}} || {{17s|4529|Is there anything wrong with Shardplate?}} || Daishi5 || 05 November 2013 || Roshar || World || RecreanceShardplate || 17.01 || || {'Recreance': 7, 'Syl': 4, 'Radiant': 6, 'Dalinar': 4, 'Honor': 4, 'KaladinShardplate': 416}
| {{TheoryTag|BronzeStar}} || {{17s|44994492|NewWhere WoB:are the Oathgates/Transportationextra SurgeShardblades?}} || Aet-herScott || 0301 November 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticWorld || SurgeShardblade || 1028.5262 || Topic, || {'Surge': 17, 'OathgateShardblade': 1724}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|44924448|WhereKR areInternal Conflicts and Speculation on the extraFirst Shardblades?Ideal}} || Scottdionysus || 0129 NovemberOctober 2013 || Roshar || World || ShardIdeal || 2818.6270 || Topic, || {'Soulcast': 4, 'Darkness': 5, 'Shard': 8, 'Roshar': 4, 'Parshendi': 6, 'Shallan': 6, 'Ghostblood': 8, 'Highprince': 4, 'Alethi': 3, 'NumerologyIdeal': 527, 'VinSpeculation': 311}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|44484426|KRParshendi Internal& Conflicts and Speculation on the First IdealGemhearts}} || dionysusEthrien || 2928 October 2013 || Roshar || World || IdealParshendi || 1523.7031 || || {'IdealSoulcast': 13, 'Parshendi': 37, 'Gemheart': 2720, 'SpeculationLogistics': 1120}
| {{TheoryTag|StarSilver}} || {{17s|44264396|ParshendiDo Bondsmiths create Shardblades & GemheartsShardplate}} || EthrienKiManiak || 2823 October 2013 || Roshar || WorldRealmatic || ParshendiBondsmith || 2318.3150 || Disproven || {'SoulcastBondsmith': 27, 'Radiant': 12, 'Shardblade': 1316, 'ParshendiShardplate': 3716}
| {{TheoryTag|SilverStar}} || {{17s|43964346|DoThe BondsmithsFallen create Shardblades & ShardplateHeralds}} || KiManiakArgent || 2318 October 2013 || Roshar || RealmaticCharacter || BondsmithHerald || 1855.5039 || || {'BondsmithDarkness': 18, 'Herald': 2726, 'RadiantShalash': 1211}
| {{TheoryTag|Star}} || {{17s|4346|The Fallen Heralds}} || ArrrGent || 18 October 2013 || Roshar || Character || Herald || 55.39 || || {'Darkness': 18, 'Herald': 26, 'Shalash': 11, 'Vin': 10}
==Class 3==


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