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*[[Cognitive Shadow]]: Noticed this on the urgent list and thought I'd put some work into it. Just wrote Examples section.
'''Cognitive Shadows Work'''
|A force of mind, holding his spirit together, preventing it from diffusing.
|[[Kelsier]]'s recollection of [[Preservation]]'s description of a Cognitive Shadow{{msh ref|2|1}}
'''Cognitive Shadow''' is term used by [[Brandon]] to refer to a spirit that has not yet moved into the afterlife.{{wob ref|8836}} While the manifestations of this kind of entity can vary depending on the [[Shardworld|world]] it occurs on, Cognitive Shadows can occur on any planet of the [[Cosmere]]. In general, they are similar to the concept of ghosts on Earth.
== Mechanics ==
Cognitive Shadows can be created by a variety of processes. Some of them are created when a person has sufficient attachment to something in the Physical Realm. When a [[Vessel]] that has held onto a [[Shard]] for a long time dies it becomes a Cognitive Shadow that can continue to act.{{wob ref|1391}} The Cognitive aspect of a recently deceased person can become a Cognitive Shadow by finding a source of Investiture to anchor themselves to the Cognitive Realm before passing on to the Beyond. The Investiture replaces the parts of the soul that connects it to the Three Realms, providing an anchor for it in the Cognitive Realm. {{wob ref|857}} Some [[Vessel]]s can prepare a Cognitive Shadow at or just prior to their death or [[Splinter|Splintering]], allowing a portion of their power to continue to function with a small amount of direction; the [[Stormfather]] is an example of this.{{wob ref|8439}}
Examples header
== Notes ==
<references />
Admiral '''Judy Ivans''' (Callsign: '''Ironsides''') is the leader of the [[DDF]].{{book ref|Skyward|5}} She is a [[First Citizen]], and fought in the [[Battle of Alta]]. She is notable for initially not allowing [[Spensa]] to train in the Battle School{{cite}}. She strongly believes that the brain condition that seems to cause [[Cytonics|Cytonic]] ability should prevent people from joining the DDF.{{cite}}
== Appearance and Personality ==
== NotesHistory ==
== Command of the DDF ==
== Notes ==