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/* Hide ns-wide notices at the top of the page (like the RoW spoiler warning) */
#top-notice-ns {

/* Highlight disambig links in green so that they stand out */
.mw-disambig {
    background-color: #90EE90

/* Multinotice adjustments */
.multinotice .hide-for-multinotice {

.multinotice .notice-main-text {
    display: list-item;
    font-weight: normal !important;
    width: 100% !important;

.multinotice .notice {
    background-color: transparent !important;
    padding-bottom: 0;

/* Would allow multiple series indicators on a page */
div[id*='mw-indicator-series'] {
    float: left;

/* Fix to allow quotes from the Stormfather (and all other span elements) in {{t|quote}} in Pivot, but still remove the purple quote marks. To implement, add:
to the span elements around the quote marks in {{t|quote}} and replace:
    blockquote span { display: none; }
in MediaWiki:Pivot.css with:
    blockquote span.quote-mark { display:none; }