
Capitals or not

not capitalized

  • inception ceremony
  • chamber of inception
  • the office


  • Line of ...
  • Professor (if used as honorific)
  • Knight-Senator (if used as honorific)

Random notes

Adam Making
  • literature
  • Author
  • personal astronomer and scientist of King Gregory III
  • page 284, Chapter 20

If His Majesty hadn't been carrying one of Master Freudland's new-style pocket watches, perhaps none of this would hafe ever occurred, and man might have fallen to the wild chalklings.

—quote from Adam Making's journal (page 284)
Master Freudland
  • made "new-style pocket watches at the time of King Gregory III
  • page 284
King Gregory III
  • exiled from Britannia (?) during the expansion of the JoSeun Empire (?)
  • was taken in by the American Isles "despite earlier tensions"
  • came to great religious power
  • discovered Rithmatics
Glyph of Rending
  • A glyph that makes chalklings attack and hurt humans and presumably push on things.
The Melee
  • Kind of a big duel where all the Rithmatic professors send up to twelve students to fight.
inception ceremony
  • religious ceremony on every fourth of July
  • each child that had its eighth birthday was involved
  • special preparations (i.e. a robe)
  • child left in a room for inception
  • when the child comes out it draws a line and either is a Rithmatist or not
  • Rithmatists don't talk about what happens in this chamber
Theoretical Postulations on Developmental Rithmatics, Revised Edition
  • with a Foreword by Attin Balazmed
  • literature
  • book
  • one of the books, Nalizar looked at at the library
Postulations on the Possibility of New and Undiscovered Rithmatic Lines
  • literature
  • book
  • Author: Gerald Taffington
Trent Saxon
  • Joel's father
  • died eight years ago from a springrail accident
  • that accident happened on third of July; he died on fourth of July
  • profession: chalkmaker
  • obsession: finding new Rithmatic lines
Lilly Whithing
  • Rithmatist student at Armedius Academy
  • first victim
Herman Libel
  • Rithmatist student at Armedius Academy
  • second victim
  • son of Margaret and Leland Libel
  • age 16
Charles Calloway
  • Rithmatist student at Armedius Academy
  • Son of Didrich Calloway, knight-senator of East Carolina
  • the third victim
  • left a picture made of charcoal and notes

The United Isles of America

  1. Vancouver
  2. Jasper
  3. Albert (Calgarius Academy)
  4. Rupert
  5. Manitoba
  6. Keewatin
  7. Hudson
  8. Canadia (Académie de Montréal)
  9. Green Mountain
  10. Acadia
  11. Newfoundland
  12. Maineford (Maineford Academy)
  13. Plymouth
  14. New Holland
  15. Cascadia
  16. Idaho
  17. Yellowstone
  18. Montana
  19. Dakote
  20. Minnesota
  21. Marquette
  22. Wisconsin
  23. Milwauk
  24. Huron
  25. Decatur
  26. Michigan
  27. Ontaria
  28. Erie
  29. Rhodes
  30. Baltimore
  31. New Guernsey
  32. Pitt
  33. Wyoming
  34. Carson
  35. Bonneville
  36. Denver (Denver Academy)
  37. Nebrask with The Tower of Nebrask
  38. Sioux
  39. Saint Louis
  40. Kokomo (Our Lady of the Circle Academy)
  41. Cincinnatus
  42. New Brittania (Armedius Academy)
  43. Zona Arida
  44. Santa Fe
  45. Rocky Mountain
  46. Texas
  47. Tulsa
  48. Ozark
  49. Tennessee
  50. Crockett
  51. New France
  52. Georgiabama
  53. West Carolina
  54. East Carolina
  55. The Floridian Atolls
  56. Coronado
  57. Viscay
  58. Mexica
  59. New Espania (Academia de la Rueda Divina)
  60. California (The Californian Archipelago) (Valendar Academy)