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Brandon has said that it is not important to know about the cosmere to enjoy his books, and that they can be enjoyed separately.{{qa ref|1044|6|The first, most important thing to say to the person who's being sent there is to enjoy the story you're in.|date=Mar 24th, 2014}} Elements of the cosmere slowly be added into the books, such as in the [[Dragonsteel]] books, and the final Mistborn books.
The underlying mythology of the cosmere, so far, revolves around [[Adonalsium]], the power of creation, which was broken into sixteen pieces called [[Shard]]s. The Shards are effectively gods, and almost all magic is derived from themtheir power.
==Properties and Forces==
The structure and physics of the cosmere are the same as our own, but the main story of the cosmere occurs on a compact dwarf galaxy, meaning it has many fewer stars and systems than our universe.{{17s ref|post|42426}} Time flows the same on the cosmere (except under special magical effects, such as [[Allomancy|Allomantic]] [[cadmium]] and [[bendalloy]]).{{ref|name=yalive}}
There are ten primary worlds in the cosmere, called [[Shardworld]]s, as the [[Shard|Shards of Adonalsium]] play major roles there.{{qa ref|718|8}} There are also minor worlds, where Shards have little influence, but may have lesser powers, like [[Splinter]]s on them. Magic on these planets are called [[Investiture]], or manifestations of Investiture,{{book ref|mb4|part=ars}} and all magic we've seen has been derived from the Shard's (or Adonalsium's) power.{{qa ref|979|160|Are there any magic systems in the cosmere that aren't shard based?|date=Apr 15th 2013}}
The physical universe of the cosmere only tells one part of the story. In fact, there are [[Realmatic Theory|three Realms]] of existence:{{book ref|tes|day|12}} the Physical Realm, the Cognitive Realm, and the Spiritual Realm that all coexist simultaneously, and everything has aspects in each of these Realms.{{book ref|tes|day|12}} Even planets themselves have souls.{{qa ref|979|17|Do cosmere planets have a soul?|date=Apr 15th, 2013}} Investiture transcends all three of these Realms.{{qa ref|1069|3|What is the Realmatic composition of Investiture?|date=Mar 11th 2014}} There is also something beyond the Three Realms, where people "pass on," which Shards can potentially touch,{{qa ref|428|10|Where Tindwyl exists is beyond space and time, in a place Sazed hasn't learned to touch yet. He might yet|date=July 2009}} but Brandon does not wish to reveal anything about it.{{qa ref|727|87|Well... I don't want to speak too much about the great beyond in the books, as in my opinion that level of cosmology is influenced by your own beliefs in the hereafter and in deity|date=Oct 19th, 2008}}
There are also other forces outside of things derived from Adonalsium. One is a force that opposes Adonalsium, which still exists{{qa ref|979|85|Before Adonalsium shattered, was it consciously opposed by something, be it people or another cosmic force? Is whatever opposed it still around?|date=Apr 15, 2013}}, and some say there are "subtle forces" being manifest, separate from Adonalsium.{{qa ref|836|44|There are those who would say there are other subtle forces being manifest|date=Sep 22nd, 2012}}{{17s ref|post|274433|There is belief in a God who is not one of the Shards|date=June 5th, 2015}}
Little is known of the extremely distant past of the cosmere: the time before the Shattering of Adonalsium and the Shards. It is not even clear who or what Adonalsium exactly is. Is it a god, the God? Is it a force, or person? Regardless, it is sometimes described as the power of creation,{{qa ref|727|45|The powers of Ruin and Preservation are Shards of Adonalsium, pieces of the power of creation itself.|date=Oct 16, 2008}}, possibly a thing with incredible amounts of Investiture, and a power which does not vanish.{{qa ref|977|196|Why does Preservation fueling Allomancy not weaken Preservation compared to Ruin?|date=Sep 2012}}{{qa ref|1116|3|Investiture can not be created or destroyed|date=Mar 25th, 2015}}
Humans existed on worlds before this time,{{qa ref|1115|5|Were any of the central cosmere worlds inhabited by humans?|date=Jan 17th, 2015}} though how many is unknown. At the very least, therethe werefirst humans were on [[Yolen]],.{{qa asref|977|198|Where did humanity originate in the cosmere?|date=Sep 2012}} [[Hoid]] isin almostparticular assuredlyis from there,Yolen.{{qa ref|622|135|He is a primary viewpoint protagonist of '''Dragonsteel'', but that happens before all of the other books|date=Aug 31st, 2011|interview=Reddit AMA 2011|asker=Eric}}.{{qa ref|1086|11|Would that be Hoid?|date=Mar 4th, 2014}} Magic ([[Investiture]]) also existed prior to the Shattering, though its form was different.{{qa ref|977|51|Before Adonalsium was shattered, was there magic in the Cosmere and what form did it take?|date=Sept 2012}} The technology level of this society prior to the Shattering was less than present day Earth's.{{qa ref|988|20|What is the technology level of the singular society that existed when Adonalsium Shattered?|date=Dec 6th, 2012}}
There was a force that opposes Adonalsium{{qa ref|979|85}} which created a weapon,{{qa ref|1103|1|There was a weapon created by the opposition of Adonalsium|date=Mar 4th, 2014}} but important specifics, such as if it is still around, or if it had played a role in Adonalsium's Shattering, are unknown. There was once a plot to destroy Adonalsium, which had failed.{{qa ref|1104|1|Long ago there was a plot to destroy Adonalsium. It failed|date=Jan 6th, 2015}}
Hoid was deeply concerned about Odium's involvement on Sel, and thought that his war would lead to devastate the whole cosmere.{{epigraph ref|sa1|28}} He sent a letter{{epigraph ref|sa1|23}}{{qa ref|944|8|Though you may have read that Hoid has specific beef with Rayse|date=March 2013}} to a [[The Recipient|person]] (possibly a dragon{{epigraph ref|sa1|19}}) to call off his "friends of the [[Seventeenth Shard]]" and help join Hoid.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}} The recipient of Hoid's original letter did not see things as Hoid, and said that the reason these events have occurred is because of their involvement.{{epigraph ref|sa2|66}} As such, he advocated nonintervention,{{epigraph ref|sa2|74}} where Hoid meddled a great deal, on all main worlds.
The Seventeenth Shard are a group of [[Worldhoppers]] moving between planets using various magics, and are perhaps led by the Recipient.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}} Their members are from many worlds,{{qa ref|987|31|I want to know if the Seventeenth Shard members come from all of the planets, not just Sel|date=Nov 6th, 2012}} including [[Scadrial]], [[Taldain]], and [[Sel]]. They searched for Hoid on Roshar shortly before the [[Everstorm]] was summoned.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}} They may also be nonintervenionists, due to their possible relationship with the Recipient.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}}
There is also [[Khriss]], a Worldhopper who is the most knowledgeable person in the cosmere, by far.{{qa ref|1069|16|Khriss is the most aware by a long shot|date=Mar 11th, 2014}} She writes the Ars Arcanums,{{17s ref|topic|23181|He is kind of like a cosmere special agent, who gathers things for the person who is writing the Ars Arcanum|date=Feb 7th, 2015}} and as such, is a member of the Seventeenth Shard.{{qa ref|632|4|It's either Hoid or a member of the 17th Shard|date=Nov 11th, 2011}} She has an employee, [[Nazrilof|Nazh]], who, among other things, draws and annotates maps, and collects other things for Khriss.{{17s ref|post|167585|Khriss is Nazh's employer.|date=Aug 8th, 2014}}{{17s ref|topic|23181|He is kind of like a cosmere special agent, who gathers things for the person who is writing the Ars Arcanum|date=Feb 7th, 2015}} Their motivations--and exact relationship with the Seventeenth Shard--are not clear.
However, there is an end goal of the Seventeenth Shard.{{qa ref|1075|2|The Seventeenth Shard has a specific purpose|date=Mar 5th, 2014}} In the immediate future, they fear Hoid's purpose will not align with theirs, and so they hunt him down.{{qa ref|1052|77|So they have a task, they have goals, and they are worried that he is going to be at cross purposes to them, so they are trying to hunt him down|date=Mar 21st, 2014}}
There is not a universal language for all cosmere worlds that these worldhoppers speak.{{qa ref|977|71|Is there one universal language?|date=Sep 2012}}
===The Ascension of Harmony===