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The exact timeline of what the Shards did after the Shattering is not clear. Shards settled on specific planets, but could have gone to other places before residing upon the worlds they now stay.
Endowment was the one Shard who traveled to [[Nalthis]].{{qa ref|428|59|The Voice is, indeed, one of the Shards of Adonalsium|date=Jul, 2009}}{{qa ref|689|25|There's just the one system in Warbreaker, and it's also a world with only one Shard on it|date=Nov 8th, 2011}} At some point during the history of Nalthis, Endowment began intentionally splitting its power, creating what are called Splinters, that turned into [[divine Breath]], which made the [[Returned]].{{citeqa ref|428|59}}
Bavadin was the only Shard to travel to [[Taldain]].{{qa ref|622|78|Will we see Bavadin sometime?|date=2011-08-31}}{{qa ref|1076|18|He is the only shard on the planet|date=Mar 6th, 2014}}
{{quote|One need only look at the aftermath of his brief visit to Sel to see proof of what I say. In case you have turned a blind eye to that disaster, know that Aona and Skai are both dead, and that which they held has been Splintered. Presumably to prevent anyone from rising up to challenge Rayse.|Hoid in the first [[Letter]]{{epigraph ref|sa1|22}}{{epigraph ref|sa1|23}}}}
Honor and Cultivation went to [[Roshar]] together.{{citeqa ref|985|6|Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?|date=May 22nd, 2013}} Later, Odium went to the [[Greater Roshar]] system,{{qa ref|836|49|Is Odium native to Roshar?|date=Sep 22nd, 2012}} ending up particularlyon [[Braize]].{{citeqa ref|1041|4|Odium's presence is felt on Roshar, but he is on Braize, the 3rd planet in the system|date=Aug 8th, 2013}} Devastating wars called the [[Desolation]]s were fought over Roshar, between Odium's [[Voidbringer]]s and Honor's [[Herald]]s and [[Knights Radiant]].{{book refcite}} Cultivation's role in the Desolations is not clear, but Honor and Cultivation were a romantic item.{{citeqa ref|985|6|Were Cultivation and Honor romantically involved?|date=May 22nd, 2013}}
{{sidequote|He bears the weight of God's own divine hatred, separated from the virtues that gave it context. He is what we made him to be, old friend. And that is what he, unfortunately, wished to become.|The Second Letter|right|300px}}
Odium wanted to become the strongest being in the cosmere.{{qa ref|1011|7|Odium wants to be the only Shard|date=Mar 16th, 2012}}{{qa ref|675|12|His goal is to destroy them all and be the only one left at his power level|date=Dec 15th, 2011}} He realized that if he ever took up another Shard, that Shard would change him, and Odium preferred his own.{{citeqa ref|944|8|Rayse knows this, and prefers to leave behind destroyed rivals as opposed to taking their power and potentially being overwhelmed by it|date=March 2013}} So, in his quest to become god of the cosmere, instead of absorbing all the other fifteen Shards, he decided to destroy the other Shards.{{citeqa ref|1011|7}}. He developed a way to Splinter a Shard's power, and in the process, killing its holder.{{bookepigraph ref|sa1|22}}
Odium briefly traveled to Sel to attack Devotion and Dominion, and Odium Splintered them.{{bookepigraph ref|sa1|22}} This left a lot of energy on Sel, with nowhere to travel outwards, and so this is why Shadesmar is incredibly hazardous on Sel.{{cite}} The Dor was created, and Selish magic itself changed.{{cite}} Odium left Sel after this event, and theredid isnot no other knownInvest evidenceany of his timepower on the planet.{{cite}}qa Thisref|944|7|Odium isdid perhaps because if he were tonot leave ahis lastingpower impactbehind, heone wouldshould havenote|date=March needed2013}} to Invest a part of himself there.
Odium also killed Honor using this same method.{{citebook ref|sa1|75}} However, Honor was crafty, and even though Honor perished, Odium was then trapped on the Greater Rosharan System.{{citeepigraph ref|sa2|69}} Cultivation survived Odium, and is still alive.{{qa ref|985|5|Is Cultivation's holder still alive?|date=May 22nd, 2013}} Odium killed another Shard in addition to Devotion, Dominion, and Honor.{{qa ref|1091|3|Odium has killed at least one more Shard than the ones we know about|date=Nov 29th, 2014}}
There is aalso [[Survival Shard|Shard who just wants to survive]], presumably against Odium's onslaught.{{cite17s ref|topic|2652|Give us the name of a Shard's intent we have not seen before|date=09 December 2012}}
===Hoid and the Seventeenth Shard ===
{{quote|For I have never been dedicated to a more important purpose, and the very pillars of the sky will shake with the results of our war here. I ask again. Support me. Do not stand aside and let disaster consume more lives.|[[Hoid]] on [[Odium]]'s war{{epigraph ref|sa1|28}}}}
Hoid was deeply concerned about Odium's involvement on Sel, and thought that his war would lead to devastate the whole cosmere.{{epigraph ref|sa1|28}} He sent a letter{{cite}} to a [[The Recipient|person]] (possibly a dragon{{epigraph ref|sa1|19}}) to call off his "friends of the [[Seventeenth Shard]]" and help join Hoid.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}} The recipient of Hoid's original letter did not see things as Hoid, and said that the reason these events have occurred is because of their involvement.{{epigraph ref|sa2|66}} As such, he advocated nonintervention,{{epigraph ref|sa2|74}} where Hoid meddled a great deal, on all main worlds.
The Seventeenth Shard are a group of [[Worldhoppers]] moving between planets using various magics, and are perhaps led by the Recipient.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}} Their members are from many worlds, including Scadrial, Taldain, and Sel. They searched for Hoid on Roshar shortly before the [[Everstorm]] was summoned.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}} They may also be nonintervenionists, due to their possible relationship with the Recipient.{{epigraph ref|sa1|26}}
There is also [[Khriss]], probably a memberWorldhopper ofwho is the Seventeenthmost Shardknowledgeable person in the cosmere, by far.{{cite}},qa whoref|1069|16|Khriss hasis beenthe tomost manyaware planetsby anda long shot|date=Mar 11th, 2014}} She writes the Ars Arcanums,{{cite} and as wellsuch, asis hera member of the Seventeenth Shard. She has an associateemployee, [[Nazrilof|Nazh]]., Theirwho, motivationsamong areother notthings, clear.draws However,and thereannotates ismaps.{{cite}} anTheir endmotivations--and goalexact ofrelationship with the Seventeenth Shard--are not clear.{{cite}}
However, there is an end goal of the Seventeenth Shard.{{qa ref|1075|2|The Seventeenth Shard has a specific purpose|date=Mar 5th, 2014}} In the immediate future, they fear what Hoid can do, and so they hunt him down.{{cite}}
===The Ascension of Harmony===