Diferencia entre revisiones de «Trelagismo»

19 bytes añadidos ,  hace 5 años
→‎Followers: {{cite}}
(→‎Followers: {{cite}})
=== Followers ===
Before the Final Empire eradicated Trelagism, it was practiced primarily by a people known as the Nelazan. Little is known about the Nelazan themselves, but they were described by [[Sazed]] as being a "determined people", and that they mapped out the entire night sky. (Likely, it was only the northern sky and not the entire sky; see "Geography", below.) Since the stars were considered to be Trell's eyes, it is possible that the Nelazan did not name the stars in a manner that other cultures might, but rather gave stars — or constellations — names related to attributes associated with Trell.{{cite}}
=== Geography ===
