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== Beliefs ==
Trelagism was a [http[Wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dualism Dualism|dualist]] religion named after the god '''Trell'''. Trell's opposite was '''Nalt''', and the two were believed to be brothers. Trelagists believed that night was beautiful and daylight was profane. During the night, Trelagists were able to see the "Thousand Eyes of Trell" (the stars) watching over them. Jealous of the worship given to his brother, Nalt would shine his single eye (the sun) on the land during the day, blocking Trelagists from seeing Trell's eyes. Despite Nalt's attempts to outshine his brother, the Trelagists believed that Trell continued to watch over them during the day.{{book ref|mb1|9}}
Their beliefs concerning the afterlife are described by [[Sazed]] as "almost whimsical," and their doctrine in general was left intentionally ambiguous on many issues in order to allow followers to "discover truth for themselves." Adherents were encouraged to pray to Trell, and believed that their god would respond to petitions.{{book ref|mb3|46}}
== History ==
=== Classical Scadrial ===
Before the Final Empire eradicated Trelagism, it was practiced primarily by a people known as the '''Nelazan'''. The Nelazan people lived in northern Scadrial, likely in close proximity to the planet's [http[Wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic_circle Arctic Circle| Arctic Circle]]. Sazed notes that their winters had few hours of daylight, and their summers had few hours of darkness.{{book ref|mb1|9}} These extreme day-night cycles evidently factored into their religious beliefs. Little is known about the Nelazan themselves. Sazed considers them to be a "determined" people, as evidenced by their accomplishment of counting and mapping every planet and major star in the night sky,{{book ref|mb1|9}}{{book ref|mb3|82}} and they apparently placed great value on the study of mathematics and astronomy--a trait which attracted Sazed to the religion personally.{{book ref|mb3|46}} Sazed doesn't consider them to be very advanced, however.{{book ref|mb1|9}}
=== The Final Empire ===
