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Tindwyl cambió entonces el tema hacia Vin, concretamente, a por qué Elend no se había casado aún con ella. Los skaa, que valoran la monogamia, querían que el matrimonio fuera oficial. Elend admitió que aunque quería casarse con Vin, ella se había negado. Tindwyl sugirió que tal vez Vin no era el tipo de mujer adecuado para él, lo que atrajo inmediatamente su ira y saltó en su defensa. Tindwyl se alegró por ello, admitiendo que le había estado poniendo a prueba para ver si realmente amaba a Vin. Reconoció que su afecto por Vin podría causar problemas en el futuro, pero que no era una razón para renunciar a ella, sorprendiendo a Elend.
TheyComenzaron begana discussingdiscutir Elend'slas duelinglecciones lessonsde duelo de Elend, butpero werefueron interruptedinterrumpidos bypor Demoux, bearingque newstraía ofnoticias de la llegada de [[Allrianne]]'s arrival.{{book ref|mb2|20}}
==== Sazed'sEl Returnregreso se Sazed ====
WhenCuando Sazed arrivedllegó ata Luthadel bringingtrayendo newsnoticias ofdel ejército de [[Jastes Lekal]]'s armyno notmucho long afterdespués, Tindwyl waited forle himesperó inen hissus chambersaposentos sopara thatque theypudieran couldhablar speaken privatelyprivado. Sazed notedobservó thatque shehabía respondedrespondido toa hissu requestpetición tode aidayudar a Elend, andy sheella ina returnsu observedvez thatobservó heque hadél ignoredhabía herignorado ownsu requestpropia petición. AfterTras auna briefbreve discussiondiscusión ofsobre Elendel rey, sheexpresó expressedsu herdecepción disappointmentcon inél Sazedpor forhaber returningregresado to theal [[Dominio Central Dominance]] despitea thepesar instructionsde givenlas toinstrucciones himque byle thehabía Synoddado toel teachSínodo inde theenseñar en el [[EasternDominio DominanceOriental]]. Sazed,Sin howeverembargo, wasSazed adamantse aboutempeñó remainingen inpermanecer theen cityla asciudad heporque had atenía 'greateruna work'"obra tomayor" seeque throughver, muchpara toexasperación Tindwyl'sde exasperationTindwyl. SheElla se dio cuenta realisedde heque wasél stillseguía lookinginvestigando intosu histeoría theoryde thatque somethingalgo wasiba wrongmal withen thelas mistsbrumas, andy anse argumentprodujo ensueduna discusión: Tindwyl believingcreía heque hadhabía createdcreado anun issueproblema wheredonde thereno waslo nonehabía; Sazed maintainingmantenía hissu stancepostura onde returningregresar toa thela cityciudad. HeSeñaló pointed out that whileque, heaunque couldpodía beestar wrongequivocado, thela lastúltima timevez heque hadhabía disobeyeddesobedecido thelas Synod'sórdenes ordersdel itSínodo hadtodo endedhabía inacabado theen Collapseel Colapso. Tindwyl seemedparecía annoyedmolesta, byexpresando this,su expressingconfusión herpor confusionel athecho howde heque shouldél havedebería beenhaber asido leaderun amonglíder theentre Terrislos butterrisanos waspero insteaden acambio era un rebelrebelde. SheSe madedispuso toa leavemarcharse, butpero whenal shepasar passedjunto bya himél shele tooktomó hisla handmano inentre herslas suyas. TheySe lookedmiraron atdurante eachun othermomento, forantes ade moment,que beforeella shesacudiera shookla hercabeza heady andse leftmarchara.{{book ref|mb2|23}}
==== DressCompra Shoppingde vestidos ====
TheA followingla morningmañana siguiente, Tindwyl arrivedllegó ina Vin’slos rooms.aposentos de Vin. Ella, whoque hadhabía beensido warnedadvertida ofde anla intruder’sentrada entryde byun intruso por parte de [[TenSoon]] (thenentonces disguiseddisfrazado asde [[OreSeur]]), wasla waitingesperaba forcon herlos withcuchillos knives at the readypreparados. SheExigió demandedsaber toel knowpropósito thede purposela ofvisita Tindwyl’sde visitTindwyl, toa whichlo sheque respondedella thatrespondió sheque hadhabía comevenido toa takellevarla Vinde shopping —compras: Vin andy Elend werese meetingreunirían con Straff thela followingnoche night,siguiente andy sheella wouldnecesitaría needun a suitablevestido dressadecuado. WhenCuando Vin bristledse atirritó beingpor orderedrecibir aroundórdenes, Tindwyl reassuredle heraseguró thatque itera wasdecisión Vin’sde choice whether sheVin wantedsi toquería comeir oro notno. Vin deliberateddeliberó, butpero ultimatelyfinalmente agreedaceptó.
Tindwyl hadtambién alsohabía invitedinvitado a Allrianne, andy commandeeredcontrató thelos servicesservicios ofde [[SpookFantasma]] topara actque ashiciera packmande recadero. DuringDurante theel carriageviaje rideen oncarruaje theirde waycamino toa Kentonla Streetcalle Kenton, Tindwyl observedobservó Vinlas andinteracciones Allrianne’sde interactions.Vin Wheny Allrianne. askedCuando TindwylAllrianne ifle theypreguntó woulda beTindwyl safe,si sheestarían assureda salvo, herle thataseguró theyque wouldlo beestarían, lookingmirando ata Vin.
{{image|Vin, Tindwyl and Mare (cycloalkane).jpg|Vin, Tindwyl andy Mare|side=left|width=200px}}
Upon arriving at their destination, Tindwyl surveyed the area before leading them to a dressmaker’s shop. Allrianne and Spook went ahead, and Tindwyl remarked upon her eagerness to Vin, noting how she must not have had an opportunity to shop in weeks. Vin, unsympathetic, expressed her annoyance at this. Tindwyl chastised her, pointing out that judging Allrianne for her flippancy was akin to others judging Vin herself for her simplicity. Vin protested that she liked when people judged her, for then they didn’t expect anything from her. Tindwyl, ever-perceptive, gestured to the shop, where gowns and dresses were on display, and asked whether Vin didn’t miss it all in that case. As they went on into the shop, Tindwyl remarked that she had heard Vin enjoyed noble society, and dressing as a woman. She asked if her refusal to do so now meant she didn’t like it after all, to which Vin admitted that she had stopped wearing dresses because she had, on the contrary, liked them too much. Over the course of their conversation, Vin admitted to Tindwyl how she felt at odds with herself, unable to consolidate the person she had pretended to be as Valette with the other sides of herself. Tindwyl then brought up Elend, and why they had not yet married. Vin voiced her insecurities, confessing how she believed herself to be wrong for him, because he should marry someone who could be a queen and not just a bodyguard — someone like Allrianne. Tindwyl gently reassured her that Elend had fallen in love with Vin, and loved her as she was. When Vin protested that Elend had loved her fake persona, Tindwyl pointed out that after discovering her true self, he was still with her. She explained to Vin how people had more to them than was immediately apparent, encouraging her to see and accept herself as Elend did. Vin asked if Tindwyl was trying to turn her into a queen for Elend, to which she responded that she was simply trying to help Vin become herself, before pushing her to try on a few dresses.