Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tindwyl»

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In her time spent in [[Luthadel]], she works on helping [[Elend]] improve his public image due to her specialty being in the history of great men.{{book ref|mb2|14}} She aids [[Sazed]] in studying the rubbing of the metal inscription and cross-referencing it with other works found in their copperminds.{{book ref|mb2|}}
During the [[Siege of Luthadel]] she is placed in charge of [[Luthadel|Tin Gate]] as a back-up commander by [[Dockson]], who does not trust the young commanders placed in charge to stand their ground.{{book ref|mb2|51}}. She is killed by [[kolossKoloss]] during the [[siege of Luthadel]]battle.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
SheDespite mostSazed's likelylimitation, hadthey afall romanticin relationshiplove withwhile Sazedstudying the inscription. He was devastated when she was killed.
== Notes ==
Editors, Keepers
