Diferencia entre revisiones de «Sullik»

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He is aware of the [[Rem|murder]]s that occurred near the bar and is wary of authority figures looking into the incident out of fear that they would shut down the bar.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
He keeps [[Roshar#Other_beverages|Horneater white]] at the bar as a joke.{{book ref|sa3|18}} He does not know what the liquor is made from, however, knows that it works well as paint stripper.{{book ref|sa3|18}} He knows when to cut patrons off and has little tolerance for people who are likely to cause trouble in his bar.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
When [[Shallan]] questioned him about the murders that occurred, he refused to tell her details and instead pointed her in the direction of his hired thugs.{{book ref|sa3|18}}
