Diferencia entre revisiones de «Spren»

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=== Creation ===
Spren are generally personification of certain cognitive ideals and concepts;{{wob ref|4135}} as such, they come into being in the realm of thought, the [[Cognitive Realm]]. ThereIn the Cognitive Realm, loose Investiture left behind by the Shards comes alive, shaped and given cognizance by the ideas and concepts of the collective experience of sentient creatures. Over time, those ideas and concepts, imprinted upon scraps of Investiture, become personified as an external entity, becoming spren. All of them are based off of an "Ideal" in the Spiritual Realm; for example flamespren are all based on an "Ideal of Fire."{{wob ref|7425}}
Some spren predate the arrival of Honor and Cultivation to Roshar, and perhaps even the [[Shattering]]. These are Splinters of [[Adonalsium]] itself that it left behind intentionally and that have attained sentience on their own since then.{{wob ref|10563}} This tendency towards sentience, which can be seen both in Shard-derived spren and Adonalsium-derived spren, is a result of [[cosmere]]-wise phenomenon of Investiture attaining sentience when left on its own.{{wob ref|1473}} However, while comparable entities exist on other worlds -- most notably, seons and skaze -- the sheer amount of spren created is unique to Roshar.