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Axies theorized their existence but was only able to observe them once, leading him to doubt their existence. As there are other stories of people seeing them, their existence is likely.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
They Maymay also be called Winesprenwinespren.{{cite}}
[[File:Shadesmar_Spren.jpg|thumb|161px|GloryUpper Sprenleft: upper leftgloryspren, FearBottom sprenleft: bottom leftfearspren, AnticipationRight: spren rightanticipationspren, by [[Shallan Davar]]]]
{{quote| Below, his men cheered, sending up calls that rose above the Parshendi war chant. Gloryspren sprouted around him.| The Way of Kings: Chapter Sixty-Five{{book ref|sa1|65}}}}
A type of spren that appear around people when they experience pride in their accomplishments. They appear as golden orbs of translucent light.{{book ref|sa1|12}}
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