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For Rosharans, the term "spren" has broad application. Entities such as [[Shard]]s, [[Cognitive Shadow]]s and other beings from beyond the [[Physical Realm]] would be considered spren by the Rosharans.{{book ref|sa3|4}}{{book ref|sa3|38}} Among those are Cognitive aspects of objects. Those Cognitive aspects are based on how the objects are viewed by the surrounding entities and how long they've been the way they currently are.{{book ref|sa1|37}} These "spren" can be spoken to in the Cognitive Realm and bribed with [[Stormlight]], which forms the basis of [[Soulcasting]].{{book ref|sa1|48}} In [[Shadesmar]], they usually take the form of small beads, akin to [[sphere]]s that serve as Roshar's currency. A skilled person can "manifest" a bead, making it take the form of its Physical counterpart.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
In the strictest sense, however, spren are [[splinter]]s of one of more Shards, with a single spren being composed of one or more types of [[Investiture]]. Most spren are [[splinter]]ssplinters of [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]], or a mixture of both that leans towards either one [[Shard]] or the other.{{wob ref|11949}} There are said to be thousands of different kinds of spren, each named for a different type of phenomenon.{{book ref|sa1|49}} They vary vastly in size, with the smallest being the size of a thumbnail, while the largest can dwarf buildings.{{file ref|Rosharan Wines.jpg|Rosharan Wines}}{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
=== Creation ===
=== Unique Spren ===
{{for|#Known unique spren|a list of unique spren}}
There is a small number of spren that are one of a kind, with no other like them in the world. Those include the native spren of Roshar, such as the [[Nightwatcher]], the [[Stormfather]], [[Cusicesh]] and the [[Sibling]], as well as the nine great spren of Odium called the [[Unmade]]. Each of them appears to have a unique power or ability -- for example, Nightwatcher can grant boons and banes, [[Moelach]] can induce [[Death Rattle]]s, and the Stormfather commands the [[highstorm]]s. The intelligence of unique spren varies greatly -- while some have almost humanlike minds, others are animalistic and act more as forces than they do as people.{{epigraph ref|sa3|104}} The former are capable of communicating with humans, and picking who can and cannot hear them.{{book ref|sa3|83}}
At least some unique spren can be bonded. [[Bondsmiths]] gain their powers from such bonds, with the Stormfather being one of the three great Bondsmith spren.{{book ref|sa2|89}}{{epigraph ref|sa2|44}} Some Unmade also bond with people -- [[Yelig-Nar]] grants the use of all ten [[Surge]]s to whoever swallows a gem containing him, and [[Re-Shephir]] attempts to displace a Nahel Bond.{{epigraph ref|sa3|95}}{{book ref|sa3|30}} Whether an Unmade can become a Bondsmith spren is unknown at this point in time.
[[Bondsmiths]] powers are granted by some of the unique spren, including the [[Stormfather]].{{book ref|sa2|89}} The names of spren of the orders of [[Stonewards]] and [[Truthwatchers]] are not known at this point, although the spren themselves have been seen. A Truthwatcher spren appears as a patch of light, as if reflected from a mirror, while in the Physical Realm;{{book ref|sa2.5|20}} a Stoneward spren looks like a humanoid figure with skin of cracked stone and molten light glowing from within while in Shadesmar.{{book ref|sa3|102}}
==== Notable Radiant spren ====
* Unnamed Highspren of [[Nale]]
* Unnamed Highspren of [[Warren]]
* Unnamed [[Truthwatcher]] spren of [[Stump]]
* Unnamed [[Truthwatcher]] spren of [[Ym]]
== Known Subtypes ==
=== Alespren ===
Axies theorized their existence, but was only able to observe them once, leading him to doubt whether they're real. As there are other stories of people seeing them, their existence is likely.{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
=== Angerspren ===
| Vamah was watching them stand there, and his expression was as thunderous as a highstorm, angerspren boiling up from the ground around him like small pools of bubbling blood.
In Shadesmar, they have an unspecified appearance but make a loud screeching noise similar to sheets of steel grinding against each other when attracted.{{book ref|sa3|93}} Angerspren are said to be "nasty" and very dangerous even to other spren. The pools of boiling blood seen in the Physical Realm are actually saliva drooling from their mouths.{{book ref|sa3|95}}
=== Anticipationspren ===
| A few anticipationspren—like red streamers, growing from the ground and whipping in the wind—began to sprout from the rock and wave among the soldiers.
The streamer that appears in the Physical Realm is the tongue of the anticipationspren. The spren itself has a round bulbous body and is about the size of a human toddler. It will open its mouth and stick its tongue in the air when near feelings of anticipation.{{book ref|sa3|97}}
=== Ashspren ===
They seem to be fond of destroying the things around them.{{book ref|sa3|27}}
=== Awespren ===
| A single awespren, like a ring of blue smoke, burst out above him, spreading like the ripple from a stone dropped in a pond. Shallan had seen such a spren only a handful of times in her life.
A very rare type of spren that appear around people who are very awestruck. They take the form of a ripple of blue smoke spreading slowly outwards.{{book ref|sa2|78}} They usually appear above and around the awed person's head, like a halo.{{book ref|sa2.5|13}}{{book ref|sa3|4}} Most of the time, only a single one can be seen at once, though a whole group of people can attract several.{{book ref|sa3|24}}
=== Bindspren ===
| He thought he could faintly make out tiny spren, dark blue and shaped like little splashes of ink, clustering around the place where the rock met the wall.
It's possible that rather than being attracted to the state of being imprisoned, captivityspren are attracted to the feelings of being trapped. This would explain why Axies, who sees being in prison as an opportunity, never witnesses any, while Kaladin's degrading mental state in prison summons several.
=== Coldspren ===
A type of spren mentioned in [[Navani's notebook]]. They can be captured in gems of a certain cut and used in fabrial machines.{{file ref|Navani1.jpg|First page of Navani's notebook}} They look like spikes growing around the affected person's feet.{{book ref|sa3|8}}
[[Urithiru]] is covered in hundreds of coldspren.{{book ref|sa3|12}} It's unclear whether they're attracted to low temperatures or the sensation of being cold.
=== Concentrationspren ===
|Concentrationspren rippled in the air like waves overhead.
A type of spren that looks like ripples in the air, similar to a drop in the pond, although without the pond.{{book ref|sa3|104}}{{book ref|sa2.5|13}} They are rare in [[Alethkar]], but can be found in [[Urithiru]] and [[Tashikk]].{{book ref|sa3|53}}{{book ref|sa2.5|13}} They most commonly appear around people who are deeply focused on their task.
=== Creationspren ===
| Her drawing gathered about a half-dozen of them, pulling them by her act of creation just as a bright fire would draw flamespren.
When drawing, the more skilled one is, the more likely creationspren are to appear.{{book ref|sa1|7}}
=== Cryptics ===
[[File:Pattern Animation.gif|thumb|200px|Drawings of [[Pattern]] ]]
In the [[Cognitive Realm]], they have the appearance of figures in robes that hang stiffly, as if made of glass rather than fabric. Instead of heads, they have a floating symbol full of impossible angles and geometries.{{book ref|sa1|29}} In the [[Physical Realm]], Cryptics take the shape of a complex and constantly shifting geometric pattern slightly raised off a surface or object.{{book ref|sa2|3}} They can also manifest as a floating three-dimensional mass of twisting lines.{{book ref|sa2|42}}
=== Cultivationspren ===
Cultivationspren are ruled by a group of them called the [[Ring]], which, among others, dictates which spren are to bond who.{{book ref|sa2.5|1}} They also have the capacity to let their kinsmen travel into the Physical Realm without the usual accompanying loss of mental functions.{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}
=== Deathspren ===
[[File:Deathspren by Marianne Eie.jpg|thumb|right|200px|<center><small>by {{a|Marianne Eie}}</small></center>Deathspren]]
It's possible that deathspren have a more direct effect on the dying than simply being attracted to them, as [[Syl]] strives to protect Kaladin from them when he's close to death.{{book ref|sa1|38}}
=== Decayspren ===
| I didn't know men got this old. You sure he's not decayspren wearing a man's skin?
A type of spren referenced by [[Sylphrena]].{{book ref|sa1|17}} It appears that they are attracted to things that have been abandoned or neglected, as well as rotting food.{{book ref|sa3|25}}{{book ref|sa3|78}} They look like barnacles, and usually appear in large numbers, huddling close together.{{book ref|sa3|25}}
=== Exhaustionspren ===
| She noticed something sweeping through the air above her. She cringed, looking up to find large, birdlike creatures circling around her in Shadesmar. They were a dark grey and seemed to have no specific shape, their forms blurry.
A type of spren that appear around exhausted people. In the Physical Realm, they appear as brown-colored jets of dust shooting up in the air.{{book ref|sa3|38}}{{book ref|sa3|49}} In Shadesmar, they seem indistinct yet also large and birdlike.{{book ref|sa2|11}}
=== Fearspren ===
| Fearspren—wiggling and violet—sprang up through the wood and wriggled in the air.
Among the [[listener]]s, fearspren look like long purple worms.{{book ref|sa2|i|4}}. This is probably because they can see the entire antenna and not just the tip which humans see.
=== Fermentationspren ===
A type of spren related to fermentation.{{wob ref|12904}}
=== Flamespren ===
| ...instead watching a pair of flamespren dance along one of the logs. These seemed vaguely human, with ever-shifting figures.
The [[ardent]] [[Geranid]] was studying flamespren when she discovered that if she measured them, the spren seemed to be "stuck" by that measurement.{{book ref|sa1|i|8}} This is similar to the physical process of [[wikipedia: wave-function collapse|wave-function collapse]] in [[wikipedia: Quantum mechanics|quantum mechanics]].
=== Gloomspren ===
|Long, grey, like a tattered streamer of cloth in the wind. It wound around him, fluttering.
A rare type of spren that looks like a grey streamer, seemingly attracted to the feeling of resignation or deep sadness. [[Syl]]'s aunt hunts them in a manner similar to a greatshell hunt.{{book ref|sa3|5}}
=== Gloryspren ===
| Below, his men cheered, sending up calls that rose above the Parshendi war chant. Gloryspren sprouted around him.
A type of spren that appear around people when they experience pride in their accomplishments. In the Physical, they look like as golden orbs of translucent light,{{book ref|sa1|12}} while in the Cognitive, they take the form of avian-like creatures with bulbous bodies, long wings, and flowing tails, with a golden ball for a head.{{book ref|sa3|91}}
=== Gravityspren ===
A type of spren mentioned in [[Navani's notebook]]. They can be captured in gems of a certain cut and used in fabrial machines.{{file ref|Navani1.jpg|First page of Navani's notebook}} They are possibly another name for groundspren or luckspren.
=== Greatshell Spren ===
A type of spren that has a symbiotic relationship with [[greatshell]]s, enabling them to grow to such large sizes.{{wob ref|1227}} They look like tiny tongues of smoke, such as those from snuffed candles, but can only be seen when they leave a greatshell's corpse after it has been killed.{{book ref|sa1|15}}
The [[Tai-na]] of the [[Reshi Sea]] have an extraordinary variant of spren, referred to as the "soul" of the greatshell by the [[Reshi]]. It allows them to grow to far more gargantuan sizes. These "souls" will sometimes show themselves to people. They seem to have some measure of control over the [[Surge]] of Gravitation, letting them slow a person's fall.{{book ref|sa2|i|3}}
=== Groundspren ===
A type of spren to which Rosharans attribute the pull of gravity.{{book ref|sa1|49}}
=== Heatspren ===
A type of spren mentioned in [[Navani's notebook]]. They can be captured in gems of a certain cut and used in fabrial machines.{{file ref|Navani1.jpg|First page of Navani's notebook}} It's uknown whether this is a scientific name for a flamespren, or a different creature entirely.
=== Highspren ===
A type of sapient spren that forms Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Skybreakers]], granting them their powers. Highspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Gravitation and Division.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}}
[[File:Syl Portrait by Marie Seeberger.jpg|200px|thumb|<center><small>by {{a|Marie Seeberger}}</small></center> [[Sylphrena]], an honorspren]]
=== Honorspren ===
A type of sapient spren that forms Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Windrunners]], granting them their powers. Honorspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Gravitation and Adhesion.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} They are said to be quite "discerning" in deciding who they would bond with.{{book ref|sa1|60}}
[[Sylphrena]] is an honorspren.{{book ref|sa1|67}}
=== Hungerspren ===
| As he spoke, he attracted a few hungerspren. They looked like brown flies that flitted around the man's head, almost too small to see.
A type of spren that appears around people experiencing extreme hunger. They appear as tiny brown flies that flit around the hungry person.{{book ref|sa1|2}}
=== Inkspren ===
A type of sapient spren that form Nahel Bonds with the Knights Radiant [[Order of Elsecallers]], granting them their powers. Inkspren grant the [[Surge]]s of Transformation and Transportation.{{file ref| TWoK Front Endsheet.jpg | Surgebinding Table}} They look like small, human-shaped figures with ink-black skin and clothing, coated in what seems to be oil, with a mother-of-pearl or prismatic quality to their look.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}} They are capable of blending into shadows.{{book ref|sa2|prologue}}{{book ref|sa2|3}}
=== Joyspren ===
| Joyspren rose around her, like blue leaves that started at her feet then moved up in a swirl before flaring out above her as if in a blast of wind.
A relatively rare type of spren, usually accompanied to intense feelings of happiness or accomplishment.{{book ref|sa3|37}} They take form of a blue leaves or petals that rise around a person in a flutter, circling them or trailing behind as the person moves.{{book ref|sa3|4}}{{book ref|sa3|122}}
=== Keenspren ===
A type of spren mentioned by [[Wyndle]], who considers 'growing a garden for keenspren' to be a comparison point for the weirdness of a conversation.{{book ref|sa2.5|6}}
=== Laughterspren ===
| A few laughterspren—minnow-like silver spirits that darted through the air in circular patterns—began to zip about them.
Another name for [[Cryptic]].{{book ref|sa2|3}}
=== Lifespren ===
| A few lifespren—tiny, glowing green specks—floated around the shalebark mounds. Some danced amid the rifts in the bark, others in the air like dust motes zigzagging up, only to fall again.
Rarely, lifespren may appear in particularly populated areas.{{book ref|sa2.5|4}}
=== Lightspren ===
Reachers are often guides in Shadesmar, as they like to travel to different places, trading and selling goods.{{book ref|sa3|93}} They have ships pulled by teams of [[mandra]]s, inlaid with lines of copper that may serve as a medium of communication.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
[[Timbre]], [[Ico]], and his [[Ico's father|father]] are lightspren.
=== Logicspren ===
| There were said to be logicspren—in the form of tiny stormclouds—who were attracted to great arguments...
[[File:Luckspren.png|thumb|right|Sketch of [[Luckspren]] ]]
=== Luckspren ===
In Shadesmar, luckspren are known as mandras. There, they are far larger, with long, sinuous bodies and arrow-shaped heads. They are often harnessed by various spren to pull ships through the seas of beads, as there is no wind to sail on. They have a habit of "dropping out", vanishing temporarily into the Physical Realm, and then reappearing in Shadesmar, necessiting any single ship to have several mandras hitched to it.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
=== Mistspren ===
A type of sapient spren, albeit one that is not affiliated with any order of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{wob ref|9539}} They have only been seen in Shadesmar, where they look like humanoid figures made out of swirling, indistinct fog. Their faces look like porceilain masks, and they wear gloves, trousers and vests that adhere to their bodies' shape despite their seeming incorporeality.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
They seem to be affiliated with [[honorspren]], working as common sailors on their ships.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
=== Musicspren ===
| Musicspren zipped through the air around [the drummers], the tiny spirits taking the form of spinning translucent ribbons.
A type of spren that appear around musical performances. They have the appearance of spinning, translucent ribbons that whirl around the playing instrument.{{book ref|sa1|prologue}} A single, pure note is enough to draw at least one musicspren, if only for a short time.{{book ref|sa1|33}} They also seem attracted to [[Ryshadium]]s, suggesting that they might be the spren the horses bond with.{{book ref|sa3|26}}
=== Painspren ===
| Painspren swarmed the ground, like small orange hands or bits of sinew, reaching up from the ground amid the blood of the fallen.
A common type of spren that appear around those experiencing pain. They have the appearance of sinewy, orange hands.{{book ref|sa1|1}} They crawl out of the ground and swarm the pained, latching on to the wounded areas.{{book ref|sa1|16}}
=== Passionspren ===
| Passionspren, like tiny flakes of crystalline snow, floated down in the air around them.
A type of spren that appears around those experiencing passionate feelings. This includes both intense love and more violent passions, like the [[Thrill]].{{book ref|sa1|61}}{{book ref|sa3|26}} They look like small flakes of snow.{{book ref|sa1|61}}
=== Rainspren ===
| [Rainspren] were said to be the souls of raindrops...
A type of spren that appears most often during the [[Weeping]]. The have the appearance of glowing, ankle-height, blue candles that, despite seeming to melt, never grow shorter, with a single eye at the top of their body. They often stand in puddles.{{book ref|sa1|44}}
=== Rainbowspren ===
A type of spren related to rainbows.{{wob ref|13337}}
=== Riverspren ===
| [The Purelake] was filled with tiny fish, colorful cremlings, and eel-like riverspren.
A common type of spren that appear in bodies of water such as rivers or the [[Purelake]]. They are often described as being eel-like.{{book ref|sa1|i|1}} They are among the larger varieties of spren and have the ability to mimic faces and expressions, as well as voices, often choosing to torment people while doing so.{{book ref|sa1|2}}
=== Rotspren ===
| Rest... and keep that wound clean. We don't want to attract any rotspren. Let me know if you see any. They are small and red, like tiny insects.
Spren attracted to feelings of shame or embarrassment. They look like red and white flower petals floating down to the ground.{{book ref|sa3|9}}
=== Shockspren ===
A rare type of spren that appear around people experiencing fearful shock (as opposed to awespren, associated with pleasant surprises).{{book ref|sa3|19}} The look like pale yellow triangles breaking and reforming around the person who attracted them.{{book ref|sa3|6}}{{book ref|sa3|19}}
=== Starspren ===
| It was the time between moons, and so he was lit mostly by the firelight; there was a spray of stars in the sky above. Several of those moved about, the tiny pinpricks of light chasing after one another, zipping around like distant, glowing insects.
Listeners can bond stormspren to attain [[stormform]], granting them the ability to shoot red lightning.{{book ref|sa2|i|11}} They also cause the listener to be more callous and feel superior to others, and give access to Odium's Rhythms.{{book ref|sa2|i|8}}
=== Windspren ===
| Windspren were devious spirits who had a penchant for staying where they weren't wanted...
Windspren are closely related to [[honorspren]], such as Sylphrena.{{wob ref|4071}} This perhaps evidenced by their ability to stick things together{{book ref|sa1|2}}, making use of a rudimentary version of the [[Surge]] of Adhesion.{{wob ref|3260}} They generally use this ability to play pranks on people, doing things like sticking shoes to stone or sticking shoelaces together to cause someone to trip.{{book ref|sa3|77}}
== Corrupted Spren ==
[[File:Kholinar Spren.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Sketches of corrupted painspren and shamespren]]
=== Bondsmith spren ===
The singular nature of the [[Bondsmith]] spren has led to some speculation regarding which named spren could bestow a Bondsmith [[Nahel Bond]]. Candidates commonly put forth include:
* [[Nightwatcher]], whom Brandon has previously stated is on the same level as the Stormfather{{wob ref|174}}
* [[Cusicesh]], as it's a powerful spren that's worshipped by the people watching it{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
* The [[Sibling]], based on their connection to [[Urithiru]] and the Stormfather's comments about how humans had harmed them before{{book ref|sa3|111}}
There has also been some speculation regarding whether an [[Unmade]] can form a Bondsmith bond. The most common topic of such speculation is [[Sja-Anat]], who has previously shown interest in breaking ties with Odium.
