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A type of spren mentioned in [[Navani's notebook]]. They can be captured in gems of a certain cut and used in fabrial machines.{{file ref|Navani1.jpg|First page of Navani's notebook}}
{{quote|Concentrationspren rippled in the air like waves overhead.|Oathbringer: Chapter 53{{book ref|sa3|53}}}}
A type of spren that looks like ripples in the air.{{book ref|sa3|104}} They are rare in [[Alethkar]], but common in [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|53}}
The [[ardent]] [[Geranid]] was studying flamespren when she discovered that if she measured them in someway the spren seemed to be "stuck" by that measurement.{{book ref|sa1|i|8}} This is similar to the physical process of [[wikipedia: wave-function collapse|wave-function collapse]] in [[wikipedia: Quantum mechanics|quantum mechanics]].
{{quote|Long, grey, like a tattered streamer of cloth in the wind. It wound around him, fluttering.| Oathbringer: Chapter Five{{book ref|sa3|5}}}}
A rare type of spren that looks like a grey streamer. [[Syl]]'s aunt hunts them.{{book ref|sa3|5}}
A type of spren that flies around [[skyeel]]s. They have the appearance of tiny, blue, arrowhead-like fish that dart around the skyeel in the general direction of its travel. It is commonly believed by Rosharans that they aid the skyeel to fly in some manner, but the accuracy of this belief is not known.<ref name=luckspren /> They are referred to as "luckspren" by sailors, but it may not be their true name.{{file ref|Skyeel.jpg|Shallan's Sketchbook: Skyeels}}
A type of sentient spren. They work on the [[honorspren]] ships.{{book ref|sa3|108}}
=== Shamespren ===
They appear as floating red and white flower petals.{{book ref|sa3|9}} Corrupted versions look like pieces of broken glass.{{book ref|sa3|62}}
A rare type of spren that appears as pale yellow triangles breaking and reforming.{{book ref|sa3|6}}{{book ref|sa3|19}}