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For Rosharans, the term "spren" has broad application. Entities such as [[Shard]]s, [[Cognitive Shadow]]s and other beings from beyond the [[Physical Realm]] would be considered spren by the Rosharans.{{book ref|sa3|4}}{{book ref|sa3|38}} Among those are Cognitive aspects of objects. Those Cognitive aspects are based on how the objects are viewed by the surrounding entities and how long they've been the way they currently are.{{book ref|sa1|37}} These "spren" can be spoken to in the Cognitive Realm and bribed with [[Stormlight]], which forms the basis of [[Soulcasting]].{{book ref|sa1|48}} In [[Shadesmar]], they usually take the form of small beads, akin to [[sphere]]s that serve as Roshar's currency. A skilled person can "manifest" a bead, making it take the form of its Physical counterpart.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
In the strictest sense, however, spren are [[splinter]]s of one of more Shards, with a single spren being composed of one or more types of [[Investiture]]. Most spren are splinters of [[Honor]] and [[Cultivation]], or a mixture of both that leans towards either one [[Shard]] or the other.{{wob ref|11949}} There are said to be thousands of different kinds of spren, each named for a different type of phenomenon.{{book ref|sa1|49}} They vary vastly in size, with the smallest being the size of a thumbnail, while the largest can dwarf buildings.{{file ref|Rosharan Wines.jpg|Rosharan Wines}}{{book ref|sa1|i|5}}
=== Creation ===
Spren are generally personification of certain cognitive ideals and concepts;{{wob ref|4135}} as such, they come into being in the realm of thought, the [[Cognitive Realm]]. There, loose [[Investiture]] left behind by the [[Shard]]sShards comes alive, shaped and given cognizance by the ideas and concepts of the collective experience of sentient creatures. Over time, those ideas and concepts, imprinted upon scraps of Investiture, become personified as an external entity, becoming spren.
Some spren predate the arrival of Honor and Cultivation to Roshar, and perhaps even the [[Shattering]]. These are [[Splinter]]sSplinters of [[Adonalsium]] itself that it left behind intentionally and that have attained sentience on their own since then.{{wob ref|10563}} This tendency towards sentience, which can be seen both in Shard-derived spren and Adonalsium-derived spren, is a result of [[cosmere]]-wise phenomenon of Investiture attaining sentience when left on its own.{{wob ref|1473}} However, while comparable entities exist on other worlds -- most notably, [[seon]]sseons and [[skaze]] -- the sheer amount of spren created is unique to Roshar.
The cognitive ideals that create spren are similar to those that determine the appearances of the [[Returned]] on [[Nalthis]] and the plausibility of [[Forgery| Forgeries]] on Sel, and are based off of human perception.{{wob ref|4110}}{{wob ref|4048}}
{{for|Deadeye|more information about spren death}}
Spren do not need to sleep,{{book ref|sa1|14}} but they can die.{{wob ref|96}} Spren with a [[Nahel Bond]] can die if their bonded [[Surgebinder]] breaks their Oaths to an untenable degree. However, there are stages to spren death, and it's not necessarily one-way. If the Radiant who broke their Oaths is not yet at the point where they would acquire a [[Shardblade]], the spren simply seems to disappear.{{book ref|sa2|69}} Such a spren can be brought back to life if the Radiant returns to abiding by the Oaths, and re-swears them. It's possible that swearing the next level of the Ideals is a necessary part of the process.{{book ref|sa2|84}}
By contrast, a spren that has been killed after the Third Oath leaves behind a dead [[Shardblade]], while in the Shadesmar, they take the form of a [[deadeye]].{{book ref|sa2|87}}{{book ref|sa3|101}} A deadeye is a zombie-like figure with scratched-out eyes, constantly striving to mindlessly reach the location of its Blade.{{book ref|sa3|101}} Whether it can be brought back to life is uncertain, although it has never happened before.{{book ref|sa3|28}}
Vast majority of all spren is non-sapient; those are called the lesser spren, or subspren.{{book ref|sa3|4}} Although some can speak, talking with them is generally an exercise in futility, which leads to people ignoring them a lot of the time.{{book ref|sa1|2}} Spren of the same sub-type are essentially the same individual, with no differences between any two entities.{{book ref|sa1|17}} They are capable of forming a bond with humans, though it is different from the Nahel bond of true spren.{{wob ref|4783}} As creatures of nature, spren are not particularly concerned with good and evil.{{wob ref|9780}}
Lesser spren vary in how much they appear in the [[Physical Realm]]. Some, like windspren, exist almost entirely in the Physical, having next to no imprint on Shadesmar. By contrast, others exist mostly in Shadesmar, with only parts of them, like tongues or drool, visible in the Physical.{{book ref|sa3|95}} There are also spren like [[mandra]]s (luckspren), who will often and easily switch between existing in the Cognitive and the Physical. In Shadesmar, this phenomenon is called "dropping", as the spren appears to drop out of existence, and then drop back in.{{book ref|sa3|99}}
==== Nature and emotion spren ====
